Aliens on the Moon: Truth Revealed

11 29. 01. 2023
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

Producer Robert Kiviat put together a new document: Aliens on the Moon: Truth Revealed. Kiviat is known for his documentaries Alien Autopsy Fact or Fiction or Best UFO CASE Ever Caught on Tape.

The new documentary premiered on the SyFy Channel, 20. July 2014. SyFy said the documentary features little-known photos from the official NASA archive. In these photos we can see large buildings that resemble factories, power stations, cooling towers, communication satellites, hangars, flying saucers, glazed dome, pyramids and others.

The documentary is richly commented on by astronauts such as Buzz Aldrin or Edgar Mitchell. Military analysts, geologists and image verification specialists also comment on the photographs.

If you download a document, you can also get it Czech subtitles.

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