Robert Miller: I tested a flying plate in Area 51

1 19. 06. 2019
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

My name is Robert Miller and the reason I shoot this video is that I want to get it off myself (it bothers me). What I'm about to say is something I didn't even tell my closest relatives. My mom suspected something, but she never asked me directly.

When I finish this video, I will probably be hunted by the game from our government (USA). They will chase me and try to get me. That's why I decided to tell you everything in this video. I'm already older and the public needs to know the truth. These are some of the most amazing discoveries and achievements of mankind that are hidden from you.

Robert Miller's Story

My story begins in my childhood. I grew up in a small town in Southern Nevada. My dad was an aviation engineer. I remember he always worked late into the night and he was never allowed to tell us what he was doing at work. My mom always told me not to ask him about it.

He taught me to fly at my early age, so I got a pilot license in 15 years. And when I had the right age, I was recruited as a pilot for marines. One thing followed the other and I became one of the best pilots at Marines. And when I was 28 years old, I told myself to leave them and find a job at my home and start a family. This all happened before he came to me that letter.

Robert Miller at the Navy

Robert Miller at the Navy

I remember that the cover was marked "eyes only" (only for a person) and the only name I mentioned was Robert Miller. So I opened the letter aside in private. It was said that I was selected for a TOP SECRET position as a test pilot at the Groom Lake test base (part of Area 51).

I thought, that's great! It was also said there on 03 on Friday: 00 would pick up a plane at a Las Vegas airport and take me there. LA Airport has a civilian and military area from where regular 51 Area flights start. So we flew tam In the middle of the night, two men in black escorted me to an underground building. The building was built from one mountain and yes, Men in Black are absolutely real! Believe me, they are true.

I remember walking down the long corridors where there were plenty of doors on both sides. We went down a few steps downstairs - it must have been somewhere underground, where they led me to a small room with one table and one bed. There they told me that this is where I will live the next two months. There really was only a small bed and one (night?) Table. Nothing more. Apparently some kind of exercise?

Men in black and their work

Before they even gave me the chance to tell them, "No", the two men left and locked the door behind them. There's no reason to blame those people. You have to do whatever you say, whatever it is. (Way of Ruthlessness.)

I looked into one of the drawers on my desk and there I found a brochure with a title, something in the sense of "Work at Groom Lake." I sat down on the bed and started to read. It was said there were other roughly 1200 people working on the base, working on a TOP SECRET secret base, and that the public did not know about it at all. This base is also known as Area 51 (51 Area).

It is said that the only way to get a job in Area 51 is to be invited by someone from inside (they choose you). I supposed to be the one who invited me in, he was my father, and that was exactly where he worked when I was a kid. My father had long since retired when they invited me and I wasn't sure what they were doing for me.

About an hour later, men in black came for me. I recall large halls with long tubes and faint light. We went up the stairs again and brought me to another room. They told me to sit across from them at the table and begin to explain why I'm here.

Test pilot - I was chosen

They told me I was chosen as a test pilot for the new technology. The technology that people didn't create - they told me. They told me that they got the remnants of the vessel in 1947… do you see what I come across? And they made it work using reverse engineering. I should have become one of the first test pilots. And of course, they have also repeatedly threatened me if I tell anyone, even someone from my family, it will have disastrous consequences for everyone - for me and my loved ones.

I asked what the true origin of the vessel they found was, and I originally thought it meant that it was only from another country (it was not only from the USA). They told me that it does not come from this world (from Earth), and that the creatures that created it were from another dimension (aliens). They told me that these beings are still alive and kept in a secret place of an unnamed base.

My first test flight was scheduled for the next morning. I woke up the next day early in the morning and waited for further instructions. A man came to me to take me to a big buffet where I had breakfast with other test pilots. I met some other people from the base. Each section of the base was strictly separated. You had a chance to meet only people who did a job like you.

They took me to the room where they measured me, weighed them-they took measures on the aviation suit, did a lot of tests, and left me there for an hour or two alone-two. There were no hours, so I guess. I put on my suit and escorted me into the big warehouse where I am to he saw. There was a large circular disk in the middle of the warehouse. Its average would be estimated at 15 meters. On top of it was a transparent dome. I supposed it would be the place to pilot.

The speed of light

Local engineers have explained my knowledge of the craft and told me how it works. It was powered by antimatter reactor. One engineer told me that the reactor was producing dense energy discharges, which had the power to create black holes to allow travel at speeds close to the speed of light. Then they explained that my test flight would be postponed to the next day because I must first explain everything I needed to pilot this thing.

Some of my memories are starting to lose. There were a lot of specifics, rules and things ... so the older I am, the harder it is to recall. I tell you what I can do. I remember how they took me inside that craft. There was only room for one pilot in that craft. I looked around the cockpit and saw a single seat, no joystick, no bats, steering wheel, no controls, special indicators, but no controls. But there was a helmet that they put on my head and told me that the vessel was telepathically controlled. The Helmet measured my brain activity and allowed me to control the vessel with a mere thought.

After a hard night when I could not sleep when I thought about it all, it came in the morning. It is time to sit down and try the first test flight. They pulled out the rule and ordered everyone at the base to get into the buildings. They wanted an absolute minimum of people to know about this unknown technology. In addition to the test team, there were only a few scientists and engineers and flight dispatchers on the tower.

I was wearing the suit they gave me, and after everyone was in my place, they took the boat out and told me it was the right time. There were a lot of cameras that were on the boat. This time I went up on the ladder and climbed into the cockpit if you wanted to call it. I put my helmet on my head, got a start permit. The time of the start came. I was told to imagine that the vessel is being thrown away from the ground. But as you can imagine, it did not work so easily. Instead, I had to learn to be the vessel itself, as part of it - to learn to think as if it belonged inseparably to me.


As soon as she got off the ground, I felt the vibration from the antimatter reactor that was under me as it started to warm up. During about 10 seconds, I got away from Earth and I flew. I looked around through the dome and I saw people on the ground filming their historical events. I was told to fly up to 300 meters and get back to the ground. I kept track of all the settings, all the gauges. I saw that I was at an altitude of 150 meters from the ground. Then I felt the vibration of the engine stopped (stopped). I looked at the speedometer and found myself quickly losing height. There was no ejection button or lever. So I felt pretty helpless. I tried to imagine the vessel again flying, but it did not help, and I was still on the ground. At the last moment, I lost consciousness. Another thing I remember was that I was in bed in the hospital. My two feet were in the cast. Apparently, I was still at the base of the medical department.

The Man in Black came to me to explain to me what had happened. He told me that just before the craft hit the ground, nothing had disappeared. No one on earth was sure what had happened. Everyone gradually returned to the base and it took about a day. Then, in the middle of the night, they heard a huge noise as if something had crashed. They were going out to see what had happened. They saw that the craft was crashing at the spot where it was to hit the day earlier. They found me in the cockpit seat. I was unconscious. I had both legs broken. Scientists have speculated that the vessel has made a time jump to the future a few hours later.

The public should know about this

They told me that they would soon be home with my injuries because they had broken knees. They gave me a confidentiality agreement, by the way, it was the third since the first meeting with them, which said I was not allowed to tell anyone about how long I would live - until I did. Surely you understand I am against this NDA, because I feel that the public should know about it. Think about me. This technology was available in 50. years, so think about what technologies they will have today.

If something happens in the next few days, I suppose you can imagine why ... True is more important at this point than my own security. Please take this information and do what you think fit. I just wanted this story to get out because I lived a long-lived life in a lie. My sincere wish is for this story to be heard by as many people as possible in the world.

Maybe many of you will think I'm a liar. I do not intend to entertain such people at all. I say this especially for people who are willing to listen to me. I want to thank Apex TV, who helped me make this video.

Live broadcast on YouTube Sueneé Universe

We invite you to live on YouTube today at 19.6.2019 19: 00.

Area 51, or 51 is one of the most controversial places in the world that is much talked about, but in fact very little known. It is now an iconic concept in the world of exopolitics. Both feature and documentary films are filmed. Various stories and more or less credible stories are told… Today's broadcasts are dedicated to history and stories first hand. Let's collect as many pieces as possible and at least partially imagine the nature of this place. What is behind the imaginary walls of a military test base known as AREA 51? Are the alien artifacts really stored here? Are antigravity technologies really being tested here? Are there any credible witnesses who could confirm that this is happening?

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