10 000 years old prehistoric mask found in Florida

23. 04. 2019
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

An ancient mask, probably made of an alien and very precious metal, has been discovered in Florida.

It is estimated that the mask is part of a huge lost treasure worth 5,5 billion dollars. The age of this funeral mask is estimated to be between 10 000 and 12 000 BC. It is made of a very rare alien metal - from Iridium. This metal was acquired by ancient craftsmen tens of thousands of years ago. The mysterious mask is very complexly made of extremely precious metal and is thin as a sheet of paper. According to Fox Orlando, uncovering and searching for buried treasure, this is proof that an 5,5 billion-dollar prehistoric treasure is found in Melbourne beach.

Inca god Virakoče

This mask probably belongs to the ancient pre-Inca culture and served to religious rituals. The mask most likely depicts the Inca god Virakoca. This ancient deity is one of the most important gods of South America. Virakoče is, according to South American mythology in the Andes region, God the Creator and belongs to the pre-Inca and Inca periods. According to legend, this god emerged from Lake Titikaka and brought light into the darkness of the world (according to the records of Juan Betanzos). Further, it is believed that the god Verakocha created the sun, the moon, and the stars, and created his breath with man made of stone. However, the first creatures created by Virakoča were helpless giants who disappointed him. That is why he destroyed them with a huge flood and created new and better beings from smaller stones.

Experts believe that the found mask was stolen by Spanish conquerors and grave robbers in the distant past and was one of the vast expense of valuables transported to Spain. However, stolen treasures never traveled to Spain and the Conception ship sank in the storm of 1715. Underwater treasure hunters have long been looking for a sunken galleon, and the washed-out mask is probably proof that the treasure and the ship are somewhere near the coast.

The mask is made of Iridium

Dr. Michael Torres using a metal search engine and claiming to have been stolen from Machu Picchu. The mask has been analyzed and experts say it has been covered with gold and copper in the past. X-ray analysis further revealed that this artifact is made primarily of Iridium, probably of meteoric origin. Dr. Torres argues that this is the earliest example of the human ability to process Iridium. Which is a complete change in the way we perceive the early Peruvian period and culture so far.

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