16 mysterious symbols in the Chinese Desert

22. 05. 2018
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

They say that true is out there. It is true too in the Chinese desert?

The surface of our planet is flooded with mysterious ancient structures that date back thousands - and some even tens of thousands of years ago. They are evidence of incredibly complex ancient societies that build fascinating structures without the use of modern technology.

Line Nazca in Peru, for example, they are a collection of hundreds of mysterious symbols and animal figures on the arid land of the Nazca Desert. No one knows for sure what they mean.

In the second half of the world we find similar characters in Kazakhstan. And while these ancient miracles were created thousands of years back, satellite imagery revealed modern counterparts located around the world. This time we look at remote desert in China and will we think about what these mysterious structures and signs represent?

Some UFO experts and UFO hunters claim that mysterious characters are in fact traces of secret foreign bases and secret extraterrestrial symbols on the ground.

Characters in the Chinese Desert

People on Reddit recently discussed about 16 strange satellite images obtained from Google Maps. People have plunged on a topic that deals with what they represent on Earth mysterious alien-looking characters in the middle of China. The images sparked a heated debate, with several users speculating whether the Chinese government, along with other world powers, could communicate with extraterrestrial entities or even use non-Earth technologies.

The theme on Reddit has accumulated a number of comments:

"There is no doubt that governments know about this if it is so easy to find ... but damn, if it is not peculiarly interesting."

"Whatever happens behind the scenes, mostly just the masses held in the dark, major governments and players (especially in high military circles and intelligence agencies - perhaps some political players) all know what's going on."

"At the moment, I have a little doubt that we have ever had contact with ET. The IMO simply made some crazy discovery in quantum mechanics after World War II and kept it secret. Or maybe the Nazis knew how to make UFOs and then made them for us when we got their scientists. "

"I would say that if contact with aliens and their technology was collected and redesigned, then it is likely that all major players (US, Russia, China, maybe Germany, France, Great Britain ...) and probably various smaller players , have access to those technologies and have contact with ET. "

"I would say that if the contact with the aliens and their technology was collected and redesigned, then it is likely that all the major players (US, Russia, China, maybe Germany, France, Great Britain ...) and probably various smaller players, have access to those technologies and have contact with ET. Whatever happens behind the scenes, mostly the masses that are kept in the dark, major governments and major players (especially in high military circles and intelligence agencies - perhaps also some political players) all know what's going on. "

Most commentators on Reddit agreed that something was going on behind the scenes. Something society doesn't know about. Something that is not only present in China, but also in other parts of the world.

Mysterious patterns in the Chinese Desert

so what do you think?? Are these mysterious symbols some extraterrestrial codes? Are these satellite imagery evidence of secret bases? Perhaps secret extraterrestrial bases? Or are we just looking at another military assembly built in a remote place to hide from curious eyes?

Some Reddit users believe that the unusual "extraterrestrial" characters are nothing more than the designation for the control and testing of spy satellites. It seems like a likely explanation of what you mean?

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