7 spiritual symbols from antiquity - who is close to you?

13. 11. 2020
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

Not surprisingly, that we are surrounded by symbols. Our world and society generally revolve around symbols. Whether they are on TV, on consumer goods or on the Internet. There are symbols all around us. Symbols have become a mundane phenomenon telling the story of a thousand words through emblems.

However, the existence of symbols can be traced thousands of years back, even before written history, even before religion. In ancient times, symbols were of great importance for cultures around the world, therefore, cultures on every continent on Earth have created various miscellaneous symbols.

It was not long before the symbols became sacred. They became a form through which people could express themselves. In this article we show 7 most important ancient symbols in history.

Flower of Life

One of my favorite symbols. Many are considered to be symbol of the king of geometry. Through the Flower of Life they are all the patterns of creation are represented. It is one of the oldest symbols and was used by the ancient Sumerians who inhabited Mesopotamia.

The symbol is made up of countless overlapping circles that form a flower-shaped sign.

Flower of Life

The Flower of Life has spread across many ancient cultures, there is evidence of the Flower of Life in Egypt, Rome, Greece, and even Celtic and Christian cultures.

In Egypt, for example, we find the Flower of Life "engraved" in a temple in Abydos. It is also found in Israel in the ancient synagogues of Galilee and Mesada.


"Man, this syllable is all this world ..."

Man or Aum symbol je sacred image in Hindi religion. Many authors consider it to be the mother of all mantras and the original sound that the universe was created for. For example, in Hinduism it is Om one of the the most important spiritual signs.


The Sound of Man is also a sacred spiritual spell performed before and during the recitation of ancient spiritual texts, private prayers and important ceremonies.

Eye of Horus

The eye of Horus is an ancient symbol, which originated in ancient Egypt. It is also referred to as Ra, Wadjet or Udjat eye. It is symbol and protection amulet and is associated with the goddess Wadjet.

Eye of Horus

In ancient times it was believed that the amulet Horus's eye has protective and healing powers. Horus 'eye, or Udyat, was first used as a magical amulet when Horus used it to restore Osiris' life.


The ancient Swastika is considered to be one of the oldest symbols on Earth. The name of the Swastika comes from Sanskrit and refers to "helping benefit and favor".

According to experts, the Swastika symbol came from India to America and other parts of the world several thousand years ago.


Swastika is deeply associated with the Nazis today, but contrary to popular belief, it is Swastika symbolizes peace and continuity. The symbol of the true Swastika dates back 11 years and is believed to date from the Harrap period and the culture of the Indus Valley Indian civilization.

Symbol Ankh

Some authors claim that Ankh is as old as Egypt itself. While this symbol can represent many things, its most widespread meaning is Life.

The sacral symbol can be traced back to the very beginning of the ancient Egyptian Empire. Ankh is commonly used with other symbols such as Djed and Was.

Symbol Ankh

Ankh is a symbol of fertility, spirituality, life, and posthumous life.

Yin Yang

Yin Yang is an ancient symbol of Taoism that represents the duality that this philosophy attributes to all that exists in the universe. Self the symbol refers to two opposing, yet complementary, forces found in all things.

Yin Yang

Yin je female principle, earth, darkness, passivity and absorption. Yang je male principle, sky, light, etc.


Mandala is symbolic spiritual and ritual depictions of macrocosm and microcosmwhich are used in both Buddhism and Hinduism.

The term Mandala can be traced back to ancient Sanskrit. Among the various oriental relaxation techniques is painting and drawing Mandala by one of these techniques.

Mandals often exhibit a radial balance. Furthermore, in many spiritual traditions, mandalas are used to focus the attention of practitioners and adepts like tools of spiritual guidance that help them create sacred space. It is also a tool for meditation and trans.

Tip from Sueneé Universe

OM pendant with necklace

Necklace with a pendant in the shape of a mandala and the symbol of OM. A beautiful Christmas present!

OM pendant with necklace

Amazonite bracelet with syllable OM

Wear yours OM still with him. Encourage peace and quiet in your body. We recommend!

Amazonite bracelet with syllable OM

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