Anton Parks: A well of information about ancient human history - 2.díl series

19. 02. 2024
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

Anton Parks, is a French author - a self-taught man who described in the book in Le Secret des Étoiles Sombres (The Mysteries of Dark Stars) how humanity was created by extraterrestrial civilization.

Parks' book is difficult to classify because it provides basic information about what happened on Earth before man came. Is it science fiction, fantasy or non-fiction? It is the story of a man who had mental contact with a being living at the time.

Author Le Secret des Étoiles Sombres captures the reader with his epic narrative about the origin of human civilization. In this novel form, Parks just helped to restore old biblical information about genesis, when he explained in detail what old Sumerian texts contained.

I do not assume that, based on reading this book, any scientist would admit that we are only beings created by some more advanced civilization, which is, after all, responsible for all kinds of animals on Earth. We are just their zoo, which they have been researching and caring for for hundreds of thousands of years. Ancient, now extinct civilizations knew more about this, and much information can be found on clay tablets from Mesopotamia and on hieroglyphic inscriptions in Egypt. We just need to be able to read and translate it correctly. And this was exactly what Parks was given when he understood the ancient languages ​​of Babylon, Sumer and Akkad perfectly.

His book can also be read as a historical novel, written to learn about the ancient history of mankind. Parks got all his information from his visions, he says flasheswhich took place out of his control. They simply entered his consciousness from somewhere in the cosmic database (akasha?) And he later wrote them down according to his memories. It took him several years to organize and understand everything before he became fully acquainted with the Sumerian language. He came to the conclusion that this information was true only after he had the opportunity to compare it with records on clay tablets from museums and found that many people and events are also described here, but Parks's information was much more detailed and colorful.

Statue of Gina'abulThe creature Parks communicated with was called Sa´am and belonged to a species of reptile race (Reptilians), called Gina´abul (lizards) in Sumerian, which are the deities described on the Sumerian tablets. During their flashes Parks gradually understood the language Gods, which allowed him to interpret truthfully all received information he received in a way that could be called channeling. The transmitter and receiver were known, but the mode of transmission remained a secret. At first, the author did not know what literary form he should give his book to readers. He wrote his book in the end as Sa'am's narrative, which actually Parks during his flashes he stood.

It is especially noteworthy that the information came in the original language of Sa´am, but Parks understood him as if it were his native language. Obviously, this is possible only if Sa´am embodied in his consciousness, we would medically describe it as schizophrenia. Parks understood that this language expresses different meanings of words depending on how the word can be broken down into individual bases that represent sounds, with possible different pronunciations. For example, the Sumerian word Gina´abul can be decomposed as GINA-AB-UL in meaning a real shining predecessor.

Let's take the name Adamwhich comes from Hebrew in the sense of that Adama is either a dump of clay or adôm - red. Parks was aware that Sumerian A-DAM  means animals, herd of animals, or installation, colonization, all listed below cause.

   A word A-DAM thus identifying persons who were classified as animals and put into colonies. The idea of ​​enslaved beings, completely subordinate gods, is reinforced by the equivalent term A-DAM in Akkadian, which is Nammaššû, phonetically translated into Sumerian as nam-maš-šû, a partially living organism. Could it be better and unequivocally expressed?

Parks in his book proved according to this Sumerian-Akkadian syllabus break down all the words used and thus clarify their meaning. This method of decomposition into semantic bases can be applied to many words in other languages ​​as well - Chinese, Hebrew, Greek, Latin, as well as contemporary languages ​​and Native American dialects. However, if we can correctly determine the meaning of word bases.

The name Gina'abul Gina'abul were two-headed beings (some species in the universe are single-headed and multiplied by, for example, cloning), and the male and female parts even had their own languages. (This can also be observed today when women or men have fun only among themselves, the other sex usually can not understand what it is.)

The woman's language was called Emme (basic language), men and women used to use the language of the Emenita. During the space war, the men captured the women and humiliated them, so the imprisoned women created various hermetic rites and the language of Emme, which they used for secret communication with each other. Its use was forbidden to men, so they communicated in Emenita, from which the Sumerian language evolved.

The Sumerian and Akkadian languages ​​have become the basis of most contemporary earthly languages. As for the written record, it is clear that cuneiform and clay writing is not an invention of the Gods (their method will be discussed later, their technique was similar to the one currently used), but it was the method used by the locals at the time. It seems that its durability was almost equal to a font carved in stone, thus surpassing later records on papyrus, parchment, etc.

In Sumer, only one language was originally spoken, later Babylonian the confusion of languages, the creation of many other languages, deliberately caused Enki to make it more difficult for the local monarch, Enlil, to control the population, as can be found at a table in the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford. (We will talk about the disputes between Enki and Enlil later.) Enki's name is Sumerian in Sumerian, and as the decomposition of this word MUŠ-DA tells us, it was a powerful reptile. This creature was responsible for cloning humanity, and the creation of tongues on earth was none other than the biblical serpent, which thwarted Yahweh's plans in Eden according to the Bible. The Old Testament is therefore only a work based on ancient Mesopotamian and Egyptian traditions, of which its authors were well aware, but they have been hiding it from us for 2000 years.


Part One - Anton Parks: A Well of Information on the Ancient History of Mankind

Part Three - Anton Parks: Coding the First Languages ​​of Mankind

Anton Parks: Student of information on the ancient history of mankind

More parts from the series