Anton Parks: Coding of the First Languages ​​of Humankind - 3. part of the series

1 20. 02. 2024
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

Parks claims that the nations on planet Earth have expressed themselves through the languages ​​of the Emenita and Emme, which were the basis of Sumerian, since the beginning of the settlement. The original Gina´abul beings who flew to this planet had numerous differences. Their factions formed various terms, which they used only among themselves. It is reminiscent of today's slang concepts. The ungrateful task for Sa´am's faction was to create new names to replace those used by their enemies. This led to the creation of new dialects, which disoriented the Anunna groups living on the planet. (Biblical Confusion of Languages)

Other immigrants used the language Emegir (princely language), others Emean (heavenly language), which was formed from word bases to which various suffixes and prefixes were added. Such word bases form the code of all ancient languages ​​on Earth.

Parks has achieved considerable proficiency in decoding these ancient languages. In Gina´abul, the context in which the word is used is important. (Note - we encounter the same problem, for example, when translating from English to Czech, when the original word has several possible meanings.)

The complexity of the Sumerian language lies in different homonyms, that is, when the meaning is determined by the different length and accent of a given syllable. It is now used to distinguish numerous homophonic expressions in cuneiform on tables Sumerian Dictionary logograms, compiled by John Halloran.

As an example, we will discuss the possibilities of decomposing words from the Old Testament (Bible) where ISH means the first man and ISHSHA the first woman. According to Genesis, Ishsha was created from part of Ish Gina'abul(Adam's ribs), indicating that the man was the ancestor of the woman. Parks' books show that men and women were created from an original being - a hermaphrodite (bisexual) who lived on Earth before the arrival of Gina´abul. This is true of many other traditions of the ancient nations. The Jewish rabbis also discovered this in Mesopotamian traditions and decided to masculinize this being for the purposes of the Bible, and thus the first man Adam was born. They also invented the Creator of Yahvé - Elohim, who was responsible for this. In reality, however, bisexual beings were created by genetic manipulation planners of life.

In his books, Parks reveals the true truth about the origin of humanity on Earth, which, of course, will not be to the taste of church circles, for 2000 years, deceiving humanity with their imaginary orders. Much of history is recorded in cuneiform on clay tablets, many of which ended up in the depositories of museums and institutes, precisely because of their content, which is incompatible with traditional church teaching and scientific ideas. The history of mankind has been deliberately distorted not only by these institutions, but it seems that it has long been purposefully organized by extraterrestrial entities that have been operating on Earth with breaks for hundreds of thousands of years. They created different religions for a single purpose - to disorganize and divide humanity into different groups, long fighting in religious wars, for the promotion of their views! Religion allows killing in the name of God and now in the name of profit! Most people on Earth have been killed for ideological reasons, and the proportion of murders for any other reason is negligible.

A common interpretation of the word religion is that it is based on the Latin name religion, derived from a verb ligáre, which means bind. Religion therefore has to tie people together with one opinion. However, if we explain the term religion according to Sumerian syllabus, the decomposition of this word can be translated as a system for teaching sheep using tables! This way of interpreting the Latin word can also be used for many words from other languages, which will then take on a completely different meaning - the real one…

For example, another word used in ancient Egypt worm (sheep) is similar to a word undut (people). According to Sumerian syllabus, UN-DU is important hide-and-seek and UN-TU-UT as a population that casts glittering metal.


Part Two: Anton Parks: A Well of Information on the Ancient History of Mankind

Part Four - Anton Parks: Alien races who visited Earth

Anton Parks: Student of information on the ancient history of mankind

More parts from the series