Was man created in a seabed laboratory ?!

13. 04. 2018
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

Where was man created? Have we been made on land? Or on the seabed? And when, how and by whom? These are questions that humanity has been troublesome since ancient times.

To the main pillars AAS hypotheses (archeology, astronautics and the SETI hypothesis) still include the astonishing knowledge of the West African tribe Dogons about the system Sirius.

If you ask the Dogons, from where they know exactly about the orbit and the gravitational relationships of the distant world, they refer to Nommo - Amphibious godswho came in ancient prehistoric times from the depths of space on Earth and taught about their heavenly homeland. We are grateful to linguist Robert Temple for the exact research that is one of the best proofs for our AAS society. Knowing the Dogons themselves is more than amazing!

How is it possible that the innumerable details of the Sirius system have been known to the simple "natural nation", which can only be proven to be quite correct thanks to the latest 20 research methods. and 21. century? And yet, the knowledge of the Dogons is not only hundreds, but as the shrine proves, thousands of years old! Walter - Jörg Langbein.

So did thousands of aliens from Syria on Earth come to Earth? Were they amphibious cosmic gods?

If so, shouldn't these amphibious alien gods from ancient times leave their traces in other cultures as well? I tried to capture their trail…

Hobby for water .... Southern Ocean

There is no doubt: the visitors from the universe had an amazing affinity for the water. Think of the fantastic island world of Micronesia. Near Pohnpei (Ponape), in ancient times, huge buildings of huge stone pillars were built on about a hundred man-made islands. Venice's main transport system was the countless canals in Venice. But there were also underground tunnels on individual islands, which first converged under the seabed and ended somewhere on the seabed.

It was the celestial visitors who arrived on Earth in flying ships and decided exactly where the artificial islands were to be created. Were they amphibious gods from space? The otherworldly, divine founders of Nan Madol they lived, as was known from ancient traditions, in the sea. Masao Hadley, the respected guard of Nan Madol, "Before the people of Pohnpei came here, there was a city of gods!" On the seabed! ”These dwellings far below the surface of the sea should be found today: directly at“ Nan Mwoluhsei ”, which means“ where the road ends ”. The locals are still convinced of it today. As it seems to the eternity built wall is still 860 meters long. It was designed to survive the earthquake. What was the way here? Gods from space?

"Gods" Dogons

Courageous divers have penetrated these areas and have seen ruins. No one has ever dared to explore these remnants of ancient culture. It has a divine curse on them and kills anyone who approaches the former quarters of heavenly beings. David Hatcher Childress has not let himself be discouraged by this fear of chilling diving with some local friends. At depths from twenty to thirty-five meters below sea level, they repeatedly encountered perpendicular monoliths. Often they were in pairs, and almost always were overgrown corals.

Childress: "Some of these stones have engravings such as crosses, squares, rectangles, squares and quadrilaterals open on one side. I have seen similar signs on unusual ruins in the mountains of Bolivia, a few kilometers from Tiahuanaca, near Puma Punk. Is there a connection?"

Were they the first links to the city of the gods? Childress and his colleagues found that the seabed fell further down the columns, probably fifty to sixty feet. They dared not go into these deeper areas.

Biblical gods and their dwellings in the sea

Mwari, a prehistoric African god, is described as an amphibian being. Such an idea may seem strange to Christian Europeans. Nevertheless, we must not contemptuously contemplate the exotic - mysterious and impressive divine concepts. For a careful study of the sources of the Hebrew texts, which is part of the foundation of Christianity, documents: our present picture of God rests on mystical and mysterious images of similar Mwari.

At least in the Old Testament there is clear evidence that prehistoric gods created the first people in the sea bed lab. This is described in a text known to theologians as the "dwelling of the gods"! Christianity, along with Judaism and Islam, is one of the three great ones monotheistic religions, which focuses on a single, omnipotent God. Earlier texts from ancient Israel testify that the ancient Jews in no way had only one God. It was only strictly required that all other deities should not be worshiped.

This regulation has no doubt about the existence of other powerful beings. The other gods were still as real as their main god. Quite comprehensively, the Encyclopedia of Ancient Cultures states in this context that "the existence of other gods was not questioned, but (only) their cult was forbidden. "

Amphibious gods lived in the sea

This is very clear in the Bible, which is considered to be strictly monotheistic, for example in Isaiah. Here (chapter 41, verse 29), we read about alien deities: "Behold, all are vanity, their work is for nothing; the wind and the dignity are their idols."It is more than interesting how precisely Moses defines the prohibition of the creation of images of deities. Because this command was to be emphasized in its basic meaning, it was twice included in the Pentateuch.

We read in the second book of Moses (chapter 20, 4, verse) and 5. the Book of Moses (chapter 5, verse 8): "You do not make sculptures or the image of a thing that is up in the sky, down on the ground or in the waters underneath. "

It is in the water, that is, in the sea, according to the ancient tradition, that it was "the dwelling of the gods." As we read in Ezekiel (chapter 28, verse 2), "I am God, I sit on the throne of God in the heart of the sea. ". This is the literal translation of the Hebrew verse that I have worked on. The two words that are particularly important in this context are the Hebrew "Moschaw Elohim". The Elohim is clearly plural. Moschaw can be translated as "place", "seat", "residence" and "residence", "dwelling".

Because we have an extremely important statement about the past gods, which is not known to many Bible experts, I have used a considerable number of different Bible editions to compare. It would be more than daring if the author wanted to say he was the only one who offered the correct translation of this important passage. Many translators had difficulty with the term "Moschaw Elohim".

Martin Luther were gods (plural!) suspect. He did not understand what "residence" or "location" at sea meant. He therefore translated as follows - I quote, while retaining Luther's notation from the 1545 edition: "Thus saith the Lord GOD, I sit in the throne of God in the midst of the sea. "

Even Martin Buber, whose Germanization of the Old Testament is very close to Hebrew original texts, apparently has problems with the gods (plural): "I am God, my own divine throne in the heart of the sea. "

Very similar content probably belonged to the religious community in Mesopotamia thousands of years before the creation of the Old Testament! In a mythical work from Mesopotamia, we read that Marduk, the mighty god, created the basis for the heavenly gods in "sea ​​green spot“, That is, under the sea.

For what purpose? In order for the people to be created in a "test laboratory"! The people were to serve the gods for slavery.

Testing laboratory on the seabed - was a man really created here?

Let's recall the elliptical "city of gods" of Zimbabwe in Africa. Professor archaeologist Hans Schindler-Bellamy pointed out that, according to ancient traditions, God Mwari was in contact with Zimbabwe. Mwari was supposed to create the intelligent creature that lived "Underwater" - Amphibious Creation?

Biblical creation also took place underwater: on the seabed, in the "seat", "residence" or "living" of the gods. What seems like science fiction speculation is nothing but a literal translation of the most famous Bible text. However, a garbled translation fails the true meaning of the message.

"In the beginning, God created heaven and earth"This sentence is known to almost everyone. In fact, it is probably the most mistakenly translated Bible text ever! It starts with "At the beginning". To be more precise, it has to be translated: "From what was at the beginning ...".

This only makes the real meaning understandable. So it is not a question of God doing anything out of nothing. Rather, he had already found something, from which he created something. Nor is it a question of "God" in the singular, but of Elohim in the plural: of those beings who, according to Ezekiel, had a "residence", a "place" or a "seat" in the sea.

Gods first built dome on the seabed. Louis Ginzberg points out that in ancient Jewish literature, texts unfortunately not included in the canon of the Bible, concrete evidence of this "vault" can be found. It was transparent and only "three fingers strong". To endure the enormous weight of the water resting on it was claimed by "the power of fire".

After the dome stood on the seabed, the water from the vault was exhausted. Then plants and trees were planted into the miniature world on the seabed. In the artificial sky there were light bodies, "share day and night." Be signs, mark times, days and years. "

Why did the gods create such a station on the seabed? It was a kind of testing lab. Just as today scientists play on "God" and create genetically modified animals that were not so planned by nature, so in the same way the gods created people. The fact that these were gods (plural) who were very active is also evident from all the translations today (Genesis 1, verse 26): "Let's make a man look like ours"

Here is a clear talk about the gods! Later theologians interpreted that it means God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. However, the Christian doctrine of the Trinity was completely unknown at the time of the Old Testament. At that time there was also no so-called "Pluralis Majestatis", the plural form of emperors and kings of the Middle Ages.

If we take literally a "Creation Report," it describes the creation of an intelligent person as a result of a scientific experiment in a "research laboratory" on the seabed. In this small miniature world they could aliens, in their own minds, manipulate external circumstances and the living conditions of their "experiments".

They experimented on genes. Eve, it is said in Moses, (Genesis 1, chapter 2, verse 21) was created by the gods from Adam's rib. The Sumerian cuneiform for "rib" is called "ti" - and it also means "life force" and it has its place in the cell. So was Eva born as an artificial creation based on Adam's genes? Another interesting piece of evidence that only comes to light when we read the text in the original Hebrew: Cain kills Abel. Eva gets another baby. In Moses we read (Genesis 1: 25: 4) - “Adam also knew his wife, and she conceived a son whom she called Set, saying, God has replaced me with another descendant of Abel, whom Kain has murdered. "

In the usual translation of this verse, it appears to contain british information, but in a literal translation: "And she called it Schet, because the gods gave me special seeds for Abel, whom Kain killed. "Seth or" Saplings "was the product of artificial insemination of gods!

Over time, the experimental gods were satisfied. They have decided to remove the best and most substandard specimens from the test laboratory and place them on the Earth's surface. It was important to transfer a limited number of creatures from the miniature world under the dome on the seabed to the real world. However, less successful pieces were to be destroyed. This approach speaks of heartless experimentation with living beings for whom the gods had no mercy. They were manipulated and experimented with. Unsuccessful pieces are killed, successful ones survive.

This cruel process is described in the Old Testament. In the book of Moses he appeared in the "flood report". Archa is built (Genesis 1, chapter 6, verse 14): "Make yourselves a ship, and thou shalt keep it inside and out of the air.“Animals and people who are allowed to survive are on board. Then the gods open the "cupola locks" (Genesis 1, chapter 7, verse 11!) "In that day all the wells of the great pit were broken, and the heavens of the heaven were opened. Water flows into the underwater dome. It's flooded. The water masses are rolling through from above. When the dome is finally full, the ark becomes a temporary "submarine". A moment later he floats at sea. "

Divine astronauts have achieved their real purpose with their attempts. They deliberately manipulated the creatures created in the underwater lab and designed them to their liking. Now they can settle the "real" world! Whoever survived and who had to die, it was determined by visitors from the universe according to criteria, whatever they were.

To those who survived, they are also legendary Noe. As we know from so-called "Lamech's Speech," it is from an old-law apocryphal text that was not recorded in the canon of the Old Testament, Noah was a human being like you and me, but he was artificially created "The Rangers of Heaven."

The gods of Mahabalipuram

Cosmic contacts are also displayed on probably the oldest and largest stone relief in the world. After all, it is nine feet tall and 25 meters wide. We find him in Mahabalpuram, in a dreamed fishing village right by the sea. His fairy-tale-like symbol is instantly revealed to the attentive spectator as he remembers ancient ancient cosmic doctrines: The universe was perceived as a giant "ocean." Planets were considered as islands.

In the middle of the relief, a deity is descended, descending from the sky in the "space river". This divinity is amphibian, as are the souls of the South Seas, South America, and Africa. This is clearly visible!

The gods of Mahabalpuram

Beyond, also cleanly carved into a rocky rock: some of the graceful and almost weightless bodies floating in space. Only a few meters from the huge relief invites us a stone temple to enter. It is not built of stones, but rather carved by experienced builders of solid stone. Not far from the entrance we encounter a precisely illustrated relief of the "Creation" of Indian gods - half human and half animal. In nature, such a creature is not at all. Is it the result of a flowery fantasy?

The fact is that similar chimeras were created thousands of years ago as the creations of the gods of Egypt! These beings were immortalized in sculpture and relief, but historians were also described as realities! Critics argue: What Langbein suggests as "pre-astronautic" is in fact caused only by the poor skills of a stonemason! This supposedly reasonable explanation is obviously wrong! For the one who made a huge relief was a master of realistic art!

In addition to the fantastic representation of the amphibian god and animal beings, there are masterly illustrations of elephants that are so realistic that one would think that these elephants with big ears and strong legs are going to march at any moment. Not far from the cosmic scenario carved into stone, right on the beach: five divine wagons called Rathas, carved from a single stone. They are designed entirely differently. One of these divine vehicles resembles a simple stone "cottage". The second vehicle is decorated with magnificent sculptures.

Each of them is lovingly equipped to the last detail. The third is inhabited by a divine being. Is he a pilot? Or the passenger? The fourth is more complex than its "colleagues" and several-story. On the other hand, the fifth looks modest again. All five temples, which are enchantingly beautiful in the evening light of the setting sun, are stony flying wagons of the cosmic gods of India.

Water gods - do we understand literally or symbolically?

More than thirty years ago, the first novel appeared Ericha von Dänikena "Memories of the future". This book was characterized by innumerable specific questions that asked the world of science. Couldn't the traditional image of man's history be mistaken? Should potential visitors from space not be included in the number?

Paleo-Seti research refutes only traditional explanations and offers alternative answers. Where science dogmatically claims to be in possession of the only correct answer, Paleo-Seti offers new answers. So if, for example, the Dogon is talking about amphibious gods from space, are they really meant amphibian beings?

Viracocha was Zeus South America. Like his Greek colleague, he was equipped with terrible weapons. His name is inspiring. It is translated as "air-sea". Thousands of years ago, the people of the Southern Ocean, but also in ancient India, were convinced that the universe was infinitely as large as a huge ocean. Just as there are terrestrial islands in the sea, so the vastness of the universe is interrupted by other "islands."

Earth's islands in the sea corresponded to distant planets in space. The fact that other "humanities" existed in these other worlds was a firm conviction both in the southern seas and in ancient India. A similar idea reflects the name Viracocha. The universe was considered sea, like the sea high above us. Here were the inhabited planets, the islands in the "air sea". Viracocha was a being from space, from the "air sea". His name came from his ancestry.

Speaking of amphibians - could it not be meant figuratively? If the universe refers to the sea, if distant planetary systems are described as islands in that sea… was the term “amphibious gods” also meant in this figurative sense? Are they "gods of the ocean - the universe" - and not "amphibians"?

First King Easter Island he came from the universe. We owe this knowledge to the current research work of a German scientist who first translates some of the ancient Easter Island tables, which many scholars have previously considered to be untranslatable.

Egbert Richter Ushanas brings light through his work to the mysterious past of a small island that has become world famous for its huge stone statues. This genuinely talented man translates the short text of the Easter Islands as follows:

"HotuMatua came down through the sky from the distant land to this land, and settled in the heavenly navel."

According to ancient oral submissions, the Easter Islands once visited beings from outer space. How should these cosmic guests imagine? Texts that have been translated so far are as little as oral narratives. The Easter Islands are not only stone giants ... but also engraved stones in the stone, some of them in considerable size.

This rock art probably occurred all over the island. Most of these works of art have been destroyed over the centuries by bad weather and the tendency of tourists to intentionally or unintentionally cause damage. Today, at the beginning of the third millennium AD, even "well-preserved" stone drawings are usually difficult to recognize. Photographic reproductions reveal little or nothing. Only a careful drawing of the works of art allows a clear view of what is shown. Undoubtedly, amphibian beings are among the most interesting pictorial representations.

Stone giant on the Easter Islands

"The Supreme God" of the Easter Islands was flying MakeMake, who once brought the first people out of their way to the spoiled home of Easter Island. MakeMake is the god most often depicted by artists. Often only his head is shown. Much more rare are "full body images". They clearly show that it is an amphibian being.

But what remains unanswered is whether MakeMake really looked like an amphibian ... or whether the image engraved in stone is to be understood symbolically.

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