Was the Sphinx the original entrance to the pyramid in Giza?

2 06. 09. 2022
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

From historical records, we know that Herodotus has left us a message that Egyptian priests have told him about a long tradition: formation of underground dwellings, which originated from the original builders of Memphis. According to the oldest surviving records (inscriptions), there is a system of special chambers in the underground, located just below the pyramid and the Sphinx.

Herodotus' reports were confirmed when an in-depth seismograph survey was conducted in 1993. The results were published thanks to the document Sphinx Mystery, which was broadcast for more than 30 million viewers on NBC TV station later that year.

It is a long-known fact that there are chambers under the Sphinx. Egyptian authorities confirmed that another survey was conducted in 1994. It was even written about in newspapers, where the headlines read: "Mysterious Tunnel in Sfinza: Workers carrying out the reconstruction of the damaged Sphinx found an ancient passage that goes deep into the mystery of the mysterious monument. "

Chief of Egyptian Monuments, Dr. Zahi Hawass, said there was no doubt that the downstream tunnel was very old. But the mystery remained, who made that passage?

Why? And where does it all go ...? Dr. Zahi Hawass said he currently does not plan removing stones that block entry. The secret tunnel is writhing to the northern side of the Sphinx and about half way between the extended paws and the tail.

The popular assumption that the Sphinx is the real original gateway to the pyramids survives with surprising perseverance. This assumption is based on hundred-year-old plans drawn up by Masons and Rosicrucians. They depict the Sphinx, which covered the hall from which the underground passages to all the pyramids led. These plans were compiled from information obtained by the alleged founder of the Rosicrucian Order, Christian Rosenkreuz. He allegedly penetrated into secret underground chamber and found a library of mysterious books there.

Christian Rosenkreuz received information for his plans from the archivist schools of mysteries even before the removal of sand deposits in 1925, when hidden doors to long-forgotten halls, small temples and other underground spaces were discovered.

Knowledge acquired from schools of mysteries were reinforced by a number of discoveries from 1935. These proved another series of corridors and chambers, which are located under the pyramids. Subsequent surveys in the 90s also showed that there is an extensive network of corridors under the Gízka plateau, which are partly flooded and partly flooded. Even from what is still passable, it is clear that this is a very large project, in which everything was connected into one monumental whole.

Unfortunately, as always, no one can say for sure when and how it was all built and especially what was it for?

Source: Facebook



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