Time as a measurable unit, or what it would be like to use 100% brain capacity

2 16. 08. 2019
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

I have commented on this topic several times. Like almost every one of us. Charles Darwin's findings are fascinating. A man marked by the great revolutionary journey of man, also evolutionary theory. The man who changed the world. His theories were very controversial at the time and yet they have been the basis of science for more than 160 years. I would like to use a quote from Lucy's film, especially the role of Freeman Morgan as Professor Norman and the best expert on the human brain, who explains Darwin's theory in practice.

Billions of years ago we were given life. Jif we disposed of it?

Time period from the development point of view:

1) 1% brain capacity

If life began about a billion years ago to develop the first nerve cells, we have to wait another 400 000 years. This begins the life we ​​know today.

The brain is made up of only a few milligrams and no signs of intelligence can be detected. It works more like a reflex.

  • 1 neutron - you're alive
  • 2 neutrons - you move

And with the movement interesting things start to happen. Let's say animal life lasts millions of years, yet most of these creatures use 3 to 5% brain capacity, and so it was before we reached the top of the animal chain by humans. It was at this very moment that these creatures began to use more of their brain capacity.

2) 10% brain capacity

10% seems little, but if you take what we've done, that's enough. Making fire, inventing flying, we controlled the money and disrupted our health. They started trading on the stock market, or invented robots, printed money, and flew into space. They let a nuclear bomb explode, learn to dance and understand mythology, or invent a washing machine and electricity. They were born in many cultures, art, spirituality, replaced food with artificial substitutes, and built cities.

3) 20% brain capacityy

Now we will describe one special case ... The only creature that can use its brain better than humans is Dolphin.

It is estimated that this amazing animal uses up to 20% of its brain capacity. Above all, it allows him to have his own Echolocation system which works far better than any sonar invented by humans. The only difference was that the dolphins did not invent this sonar, it evolved naturally. And this is the most important theme of all contemporary philosophical considerations.

“We probably agree that people worry a lot more about it HAVE than BE"

It seems that the life of primitive creatures like us has only one goal to gain TIME. However, on the other hand, it also seems that the only purpose of every cell in every body is aging. And To achieve this goal, the masses of cells made up of both worms and human beings have only two options:


What does this mean for a cell?

If the environment is not sufficiently favorable or appropriate / eg. disasters, earthquake, flood, drought, storm, tornadoes, volcanic activity / cell chooses immortality. In other words, he chooses self-sufficiency and independence. Otherwise, if the environment is favorable, it will decide for reproduction. That is, before he dies, he passes on more information to another cell, which passes it on to the next cell and the next, and so on. Thus, in this way, knowledge and experience are constantly transferred. So let's imagine for a moment what our life would look like if we used, say, 20% of our brain capacity.

In the first stage. we should be able to control our own body perfectly. However, it is not scientifically proven, at the moment it is only a hypothesis. When you think about it, it's really hard to admit that the Greeks, Egyptians and Indians knew about cells for centuries before the invention of the first microscope. And here again we rely on Darwin, who came up with his theory of evolution. At this point, the brain opens and expands and does not perceive any obstacles. It's colonizing.


Did they think he was a fool at that time?

“Our task is to push boundaries and laws and get away from EVOLUTION k REVOLUCI. "

So let's say there are 100 billion neurons per person, of which only 15% are activated. So you will find more neural connections in the human body than there are in the galaxy of stars. We literally own a gigantic network of information to which we have almost no access.

4) 40% brain capacity

Control is most likely to occur sebe, others, mass, electromagnetic waves. The body does not feel pain, fear, desire. The things that make us human disappear. There is an explosion of all knowledge at the level of quantum physics, applied mathematics, the infinite capacity of the cell nucleus. At the moment, the essence of life, from the very beginning of the development of the first cell, has occurred and has been divided into other cells, so the basic purpose is survive a to transmit knowledge. There is no more sense in that. But by this we are entering the realm SCIENCE FICTION.

5) 100% brain capacity

Control by electrical impulses and thus full connection to everything. Each cell knows the others and talks to each other. They exchange 1000b / s. Cell groups form a huge communication network, which can be formed in various ways. The cells join, deform, take the same shape without differences. Mankind is considered unique and has built its existential theory on this uniqueness. We claim that one is a unit of measurement, but it is not. The whole social system is a mere outline that 1 and 1 are 2. We have not learned more. However, according to this theory, 1 and 1 are not equal to 2. There are essentially no numbers or letters.

We coded our existence to be comprehensible to human "smallness" and created scales to forget the cosmic scale. So let's say that the unit of measure is not people and life is not governed by automatic laws, so what or who governs them? It is therefore proof of existence TIME. Thus, time is the only true unit to measure because it is evidence of existence for matter. Without time theoretically we do not exist.

Time = unit

To reach 100% brain capacity, it is necessary to force the cells to give up to the last atom, because for survival they will defend themselves and fight for their integrity, until the end. For all this knowledge, humanity is not yet ready. We are still fascinated by power and profit. With these qualities, using more brain capacity could bring instability and chaos, but ignorance brings chaos, so you need to have as much knowledge as possible.

Billions of years ago we were given life. Now you know how to handle it.


Lucy uses the substance / drug name CPH4.

It is a substance produced by women in 6 week of pregnancy. Only a small amount. For a child, however, it is a source of atomic bomb power. Due to this energy necessary for the fetus, all bones in the body are formed.

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