CIA: Revealing MKUltra Project for Mind Control

16. 10. 2018
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

Project MKUltra is the code name for a CIA project with several goals, most of which have explored methods of psychological manipulation of humans. These included:

  • influencing drug use
  • hypnosis
  • isolation and sensory deprivation
  • verbal and sexual abuse
  • different forms of torture
  • development of substances capable of manipulating human brain and consciousness

What is MKUltra

The research was very extensive - led by 80 institutions, including 44 universities, as well as hospitals, prisons and pharmaceutical companies. It was operated between 1953 - 1973. CIA research in these institutions was dominated by organizations acting as a shield for this program, however, some individuals in the management of these facilities about the fact that CIA research was conducted, they knew.

Under the supervision of Alan Dulles, he was in charge of Sidney Gotlieb. The project carried out research on unsuspecting people in the USA and Canada, in which, among other things, drugs were administered, such as LSD.

The program was secret and for many reasons unconstitutional and illegal. After the information came to the surface, the public was outraged.

Missing documents

4358 Unpublished Missing Project Documents MKUltra could soon come to light. This is the part where conspiracy theories become reality.

MKUltra experimented on humans to develop drugs and specific procedures that would help weaken an individual during interrogation and push him to confess. The project was led by the Office of Scientific Intelligence (CIA) in collaboration with the US Army Biological Warfare Laboratories.

John Greenwald, The founder of the well - known Black Vault web portal, which specializes in obtaining and publishing declassified government documents under the Freedom of Informatin Act, published thousands of pages about the project on his website as early as 2004.

Explained on Black Vault

The scale of the project was very extensive. The development took place in 80 institutions, including 44 universities, as well as in hospitals, prisons and pharmaceutical companies. The CIA did not operate openly in these institutions, although some top officials were aware of the involvement of a secret government agency.

The Supreme Court of the United States then mentioned the program:

"He was engaged in research and development of chemical, biological and radiological material that would be suitable for use in covert operations to manipulate human behavior. The program included some 149 sub-projects by which the agency contracted universities, research laboratories and similar institutions. At least 80 institutions and 185 private researchers participated in the MKUltra program. As the CIA funded the project indirectly, many participants were unaware of the involvement of the secret government. "

A campaign to track missing documents

The content that Greenwald received was very extensive. Only the index itself contained 85 pages. In reality, however, in 2016, Oscar Diggs, a Black Vault user, discovered inconsistencies in documents sent by the CIA to Greenwald at his request. And so Diggs created a list of pages that, according to the index, were missing from the overall content. At the time, the CIA refused to release the missing pages, explaining: this section of the document dealt with a "modification of behavior" and what was required were documents related to mind control - obviously for the CIA there is a difference in these two things.

Now, however, after two years of fighting, the CIA has authorized it, and Greenwald has launched a crowdfunding campaign to obtain the required fee to issue the missing documents. In previous months, $ 500 was collected and the August 2018 application began to be processed.

Gronewald said:

"We should not be afraid to ask questions. If he rules lying, no documents. "

The goal was to make a robot from the individual

MKUltra was not only focused on investigating the procedures for the enemy's interrogation. Among his priority goals were experiments of the mind and exploring the potential of extrasensory perception, as well as gaining full control over the individual and making him a kind of "robot"., which could perform certain tasks. Both psychological methods of experimentation and pharmaceutical use were used. Drugs used were, for example, amphetamine, ecstasy, scopolamine, cannabis, sage divorce, sodium thiopental, psilocybin sponges, and LSD.

The program contained roughly 150 projects. What we all experiment with is not entirely certain. But it is certain that it was not legal or humane, and should not be repeated.

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