The numbers that define the universe - do you know them?

1 06. 09. 2018
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

Universe or cosmos (from the Greek world, adornment, jewelery, but later also all arranged, proper, universe) is a collective sign of all matter, energy and time-space. It includes stars, planets, galaxies, intergalactic space, dark matter, and more. In the narrower sense, the universe is also sometimes used as a denomination for space, a part of the universe outside of Earth. - wikipedia

Let's imagine numbers that will help us to "orient ourselves" a bit in space

0 - total energy

The total energy that makes microbes, plants, oceans, planets, stars and galaxies - in other words, our entire universe - is probably ... zero. This is because the negative energy in the universe most likely disturbs the positive energy. Physicists regard light, matter and antimatter as positive energy, while all of the gravitational energy between the particles is negatively charged. So everything is settling. The ball at rest on the table has no energy, but if the ball falls off the table, it gets a positive energy that is precisely canceled by the negative gravitational energy.

500 000 - pieces of space waste

According to NASA, there is more than half a million pieces of space waste that revolves around Earth (large pieces calculated). Millions of others are too small to watch. This computer-generated image represents space waste in the geosynchronous area or at an altitude of 35 785 kilometers above the Earth's equator. 95% of objects in this image consist of orbital fragments (discarded man-made objects or pieces of objects such as non-functioning satellites). most of them are concentrated in the 2 000 km of the Earth's surface, NASA claims.

1 000 000 planets informed:

"A supermassive black hole may have orbited one million life-capable planets in the past."

8 trillions of plastic waste

Every year, 8 trillion kilograms of plastic waste is shipped into the ocean, according to National Geographic. All these plastics damage marine life. Plastics prevent turtles from moving, whales and seabirds starve because their stomachs are full of plastic, preventing them from eating and absorbing food. Approximately 40% of all plastics in the world are produced as "packaging" for raw materials, and more than 80% of used plastics are not subsequently recycled.

500 sperm trillion

The average male produces approximately 525 sperm during lifetime. During one ejaculation, males release millions of 40 and 1,2 billion sperm. Women are born with approximately 2 million egg follicles, but only release 450 ripe mature eggs for their own life. Why are such differences between men and women? Because men have a biological need to fertilize the woman and the more sperm, the higher the chance of fertilization.

3 trillions of trees

The world is so far! more than 3 trillions of trees. But it is only an estimate, the actual number may vary. In addition, the number changes as a result of human activity. Every year, 15 replicates trillions of trees, but 5 trills. The number of trees is therefore changed every year. Every year a person removes But it's just an estimate and the real number can change. And every year, one can eliminate billions of trees around 15 and plan only 5 billion. From the last time, the icy people have slaughtered approximately 3 trillions of trees.

Quadrilion of diamonds

The Earth's crust can be up to a quadrilion of diamonds that are unattainable. They are in the range of 145 to 240 km below the ground. A group of scientists has found that seismic waves that run under the Earth's surface and vary according to the composition of the rocks tend to accelerating while moving over kratonic roots.

Kvintilion grain of sand

Did you ever calculate the grains of sand on the beach? Researchers estimate that on all beaches in the world, according to the NPR data, about 7 sand quintiles are combined. Now it's a question of whether someone wants to recalculate all grains ...

Sextilion of steps

Mankind has already lost about 24 sextilions in its existence, according to scientists. This calculation was performed on the assumption that the average person passes 10 000 steps daily and lives up to the age of 65 years.

Septilion stars in space

This calculation was based on the fact that there were 10 trillion galaxies in the universe, all multiplied by 100 trillion Milky Way stars. But even this giant number could be underestimated. In fact, we have no idea how big the universe is.

Oktilion microbes

Steven D'Hondt, a professor of oceanography at the University of Rhode Island, said that there are approximately 920 to 3170 octyls of microbes on the planet. This figure shows the type of methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). As the name suggests, these bacteria have become resistant to first-line antibiotics.


Milky path weights would correspond to 160 estimates of the nonilion pyramid in Giza.


The mass of the observable universe is about 30 sexdecilions kg (30 x 10 ^ 51kg), which corresponds to about 25 trillions of Milky Way galaxies. This information was published by astronomer Jagadheep D. Pandian.


The planet is about 100 kvinviginilion atoms. Weight can be divided - 75% of the universe is hydrogen and 25% helium.


If you fill the entire observable universe with fine dust particles of the 1,5 micrometer size, the total number of combinations in which these particles can be arranged equals one googolplexu. Such a description is provided by astronomer and astrophysicist Carl Sagan.

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