What is hidden behind the walls of the Egyptian pyramids?

4 02. 09. 2022
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

The Pentagon is supporting the project to develop a technology that will allow you to see through the walls and roofs of buildings in urban areas. This technology is originally called STTW (sense or see through the wall), which could be translated as feel or see through the wall.

Let's use our imagination. What would it look like if we used a similar technology to survey the pyramids of Giza?

Recall that in the 90s, a group of Japanese scientists conducted an extensive survey of what is beneath the surface around the sphinx. As a result, speculation began to spread that there was a large complex of corridors underground. Some of them were officially introduced to the public at the beginning of the 21st century. But most are still said to not exist.

It is similar with the spaces in the Great Pyramid. At the turn of the century, a French group conducted a survey in the so-called Queen's Chamber, where they identified an unknown area behind one of the walls in a blind corridor. They were not officially allowed further research (exploratory drilling).

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