Dan Millman: Peaceful Warrior School

24. 12. 2020
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

Everybody sometimes finds ourselves in a situation where we do not know what to do. And yet we rarely notice the signs that come to us. Sometimes it is a person, a situation that mirrors the problem we are dealing with. Sometimes a TV show or movie that snaps to the right note. Previously, I too had ignored these signs, the manifestations of my body, the emotions, the hints, and the indications sent to me. This ignorance has caused many problems, broken relationships, hours and days without joy.

At a time when I wasn't happy in my life, and literally raced for the ideal of a partner, mother, mistress, and a woman who makes great money, the internet offered me a movie Peaceful warrior. Chance? Hardly. When I watched this film, I stood with my mouth open and a deep feeling inside me. Dan Millman and his thoughts about humor, balance, presence and the need to adapt to change have left deep traces in me.

They didn't make me immediately change everything in their lives. But I dare say that they brought me more inner peace. This warm calm that helps us realize the beauty of nature, our breath, our partner's smile, and other things that we take for granted. And also listen more to yourself, there inside. Then I read the book Peaceful Warrior School, I decided to share a few thoughts.

The book School of Peaceful Warrior focuses not only on sport, as you will learn in the book description (by the way, there are great warm-ups in the book!), But also work with both conscious and unconscious. Because who does not control himself has no chance to put everything into a sports performance, let alone life. Below you will find extracts from the book that really impressed me.

Procedure and order

“Progress is a matter of time and effort. You can spend less time and more effort, or more time and less effort. If you train too much, you will probably make progress faster and maybe even experience a short period of fame, but in the end you will experience the taste of burnout. ”

A sentence that should be read by so many people who are chasing after an ideal and sacrificing all their time and energy. Everything has its natural order and procedure. If our mind is in harmony with action, we act deliberately and patiently in the negotiations, there is less risk of burning out, and vice versa, the result of our efforts can be much more perfect and lasting.

Limited idea of ​​yourself

“Your life tends to evolve to your liking. If you expect to do something miserable, you will have less motivation and interest, devote less time and energy to the thing, and thus you will not do it as well, thus reaffirming your beliefs. Therefore, in sport and in life, the level of success is a reflection of what you have in mind. ”

Do you remember the last time you said one of the sentences, "This is not good for me. This is a higher league, I won't. I can't paint. I don't know much about cooking / dancing / singing. ”- Everything is just a reflection of our thinking about myself.

However, specific problems also arise when a person has been taught to do anything to deserve praise since childhood. Such children will grow into people who expect success from themselves and feel that everyone expects them to do so. They try not to disappoint the world. These people are great students, top athletes - and suicides. So carefully. Live your life for yourself, not for the expectations of others.

Example from the book: The shop assistant had the idea of ​​selling goods for about 10 a month. When he succeeded, the boss was enthusiastic and doubled the size of the store and offer. But the seller still sold goods for only 10 thousand. The boss was disappointed and the shop shrunk to its original size. Salesman again sold goods for 10 thousand crowns. He had the idea that this was his maximum, regardless of the possibilities.

“The notion of self is no more real than the shadow of the shadow. It is an illusion that you have been deceived long ago. Therefore, let us believe in ourselves and our dreams, let us fulfill them slowly and at our pace, perhaps we may be surprised at what we can do! ”

Breath and feeling

“In the end, we get to rule the emotions by mastering the body. A good starting point is observing and controlling your own breath. ”

In the oldest teachings you will find masters for whom working with breath is the foundation. So try to stop occasionally during the day, put your hand on your stomach and just perceive the natural rhythm of our breath. Who wants to, there are a variety of applications and books that are devoted to breath.

Expand your awareness

Testimony is a learned skill that consists of two parts. One recognizes old patterns and gets rid of them. So if you notice anger, you acknowledge its existence and accept it. It seems that the basis of optimum health is to recognize the emotional obstacle "I'm afraid" or "climbs with anger." But if we are obsessed with our fear of dramatizing it and trying hard to remove it, this emotional impediment will become even stronger and take root.

“Fear, anger and grief are part of life. You cannot remove them from it simply by desire. Emotions alternate like clouds chasing the sky. And you always have a choice, you can always decide how you react. You may feel worried, yet not be scared. As one famous boxer trainer once said: Heroes and cowards feel exactly the same fear - heroes just behave differently. ”

In the book you will find lots and lots of great ideas that can help you stop and wonder if you really live the life you want to live. Who wants to live that hidden soul inside you. So I recommend Dan Millman's School of Peaceful Warrior to everyone.

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Dan Millman: Peaceful Warrior School (you buy the book <a href="https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/1932/8043/files/200721_ODSTOUPENI_BEZ_UDANI_DUVODU__EN.pdf?v=1595428404" data-gt-href-en="https://en.notsofunnyany.com/">here</a>)

Peaceful Warrior School

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