DNA is capable of absorbing and transmitting light

6 20. 03. 2023
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

Dr. During a study of the underlying causes of cancer, Fritz-Albert Popp discovered in the 70s that DNA collects and stores photons. Popp concluded that all possible life forms absorb photons into their DNA. This also applies to bacteria, plants, insects and fish. In some cases, he observed that there was even an exchange of light between organisms.

When Popp opened the DNA molecule with a chemical known as ethidium bromide, thousands of photons rolled out of it. Each DNA molecule turned out to be like a tiny optical cable. Photons in DNA oscillate at all times at the speed of light as long as the body needs them.

Popp found that these photons are closely related to our level of physical health. In parts of the body that are diseased, the concentration of light is much lower or non-existent.

Another fascinating finding is that if we are experiencing stress, DNA will increasingly conceal its light and sweat. It is generally known that intense stress has the same toxic effects as smoking cigarettes. When our body is sick, our DNA starts to release the accumulated light in order to penetrate the affected areas and thus repair the damage.

Dr. Glen Rein found that we could directly control how much light is stored in another person's DNA. Loving invigorating thoughts evoke healing reactions and increase the number of photons in DNA. While outbursts of rage and aggression suck light out of the DNA molecule.

Our prayers and desires are therefore the initiator of the transmission of light through our DNA. So let's look at what we think - what light we send to the world. :)

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