The Mayan documentary was intended to show "evidence" of contact with extraterrestrials

21. 02. 2020
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

Guatemala and Mexico reportedly revealed in 2012 the documents and artifacts for Revelations of the Mayans 2012 and Beyond.

The ancient Maya had contacts with extraterrestrial visitors who, according to the creators of the Mexican documentary, left behind evidence of their existence. The film Revelations of the Mayans 2012 and Beyond by the winner of the Sundance Film Festival, Juan Carlos Rulf, was to be released in 2012, at the end of the Mayan calendar. Producer Raul Julia-Levy said the creators of the documentary worked with the Mexican government for, as he says, "the good of humanity." He told the media that the order to cooperate came directly from the country's then president, Alvaro Colom Caballeros.

"Mexico will release codes, artifacts and important documents with evidence of Maya and extraterrestrial contact, with the authenticity of all these sources being confirmed by archaeologists," Julio-Levy said. "The Mexican government is not making up anything - we are going to back up everything we say."

It was striking that Caballeros himself was not present by Julius-Levy. Meanwhile, the highest-ranking government official confirming the revelation of extraterrestrial life seems to be Campeche's Mexican Minister of Tourism, Luis Augusto García Rosado, and is not afraid to show his position. In his statement, Rosado spoke of the contact "between the Maya and the extraterrestrials, evidenced by translations of certain codes that the government kept secret for some time in an underground hiding place.‟ In a telephone interview with Wrap, he also talked about old. ‟

This document was believed to focus on an unexplored part of the Mayan site of Calakmul in Mexico, along with other sites in Guatemala, whose representatives also supported the filmmakers. "Guatemala, like Mexico, home to an ancient but advanced Mayan civilization, has kept some provocative archaeological finds a secret and now believes it is time to present this information in a new document," said Guatemalan Tourism Minister Guillermo Novielli Quezada. The Mayan calendar ending December 21, 2012 was used by many proponents of conspiracy theories to predict the coming end of the world. However, according to Mayan experts, there is no evidence that the Maya themselves expected a global catastrophe at the end of their calendar. It is much more likely that it only marked the beginning of another 5125 years cycle.

Translator's note: In the end, Revelations of the Mayans 2012 and Beyond was never released in theaters because, in April 2012, Julia-Levy stopped production, fired the film crew and terminated the contract with a post-production company, according to an article by The question remains as to what led Julia-Levy to this step.

Was it the fear of revealing that the evidence was false, or was it something else?


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