Evidence of life on Mars

3 16. 08. 2022
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

A press conference was held on 08.05.2001 in the presence of journalists and distinguished guests. The conference was held at Hotel New Yorker in Crystal Room. There was also NASA astronaut Brian O'Leary, who belonged to the crew of the intended Mars mission with human crew. The main lecturer was the former head of the US Naval Observatory astronomical observatory, Tom Van Flandern, Ph.D.



TVFlandern, PhD. He lived in the years 26.06.1940 to 09.01.2009. He was an American astronomer and specialized in celestial mechanics. He was a professional scientist, but he was also known to promote and support ideas beyond the mainstream, namely in the field of astronomy, physics and extraterrestrial life. He published his own newsletter Meta Research.
At this point, as I speak to you, the Mars Global Surveyor is in orbit around Mars. This probe brought us the following pictures, which will be presented to you this afternoon.

You can check everything we show here on the official NASA website, JPL website and Mail in Space Science systems. So really any of you can go to the original site and verify the authenticity of these images.

I can assure you that no special adjustments have been made to the images. We have only made detailed cut-outs of each case [photos] and in all cases we will show you the original photos.

So let's get to the first case.

T shape and something like craters

All these pictures are in the main category. When we first saw them here on Earth, we came to the conclusion that some activity of humanoids or organisms of large proportions must have taken place on Mars compared to what is on Earth.

There are clear arguments why these artifacts are not a normal product of nature. There is no such thing in nature on any of the other moons, planets or solar systems from which we have obtained images so far.

The object in the left photo is in the shape of the letter T. You can see the symmetry of triangles and right angles, something that does not normally occur in nature.

Craters on the right photo - I say craters, because it looks like this at first glance, but in fact, it does not even find on the Moon or on any other planet the craters that would have been created by the excavation.

Glass tubes

Under normal circumstances, craters are created by the explosion of energy from an impact at an extremely high speed. However, the crater is not symmetrical with a clearly uniform edge. That won't happen after the explosion. You can get at most an ellipse, but nothing that has such a clearly symmetrical shape.

Another image falls into another category. It is a glass tube. The glass tubes have been seen in several thousand places, so we will show you at least one case from the surface of Mars in high resolution.

These tubes are connected to the network. They cannot be dispelled by the explanation that they are just some domes or lava flows. We have verified that this is not an optical illusion. It's really something in the shape of a tube. In some places they are clearly transparent. Elsewhere, we see flashes caused by sunlight, which leads us to believe that the surface must be as shiny as metal - something that does not normally occur in nature.

Crowns of trees hundreds of meters high

Another image contains an object that we also found in multiple areas. If we were on Earth, we would automatically say that it is a tree we see from above.

They resemble earth poplars

High trees on Mars

Mars appears to be a living planet. We see branches on many sides in many levels. You can also see bright shadows, so it is obvious that there is nothing on earth; that it is above the surface.

This is one of those images that Arthur C. Clark said is 95% proof that there is widespread life on Mars. This is one of the many examples we show you here that can be interpreted as vegetation.

Another example (photo) falls into the category infrastructure. There is only one example out of many. Triangular objects (see photo only) need special explanation, and here we have a whole series. In addition, they are all the same. And while objects shatter the shadow, we have a huge amount of monoliths of the same size and shape before us.

Face on Mars

Another image is in high resolution and was taken in 1998. The face on Mars was photographed again.

When JPL published a photo of the face on Mars for the media, it looked like this. I'm sure you'll agree with me that it looks very natural - like a pile of rocks, and that comparing something like that to a face was just a mistake. But there is a problem. What he shows us does not look like any picture from the past. And there is another much bigger problem for scientists. It certainly doesn't look like data coming to us from space (from a space probe) in any case, and that's very serious.

At the JPL website [Unfortunately, the quoted link does not exist] you will find this picture and the current picture from which the first one came, and you can clearly see how they made one from the other. They took the original image and passed it through a high-pass filter and then a low-pass filter. You have the result here. They explained this by saying that they just wanted to remove the dirt that the CCD chip had created in the photo.

This is not definitely a scientifically legitimate way to eliminate it impurities, because at the same time they removed all the details from the new image.

NASA JPL deliberately degraded face photos

For example, looking into the Photoshop manual, you can read what a high-pass filter does:

Keeps edge details where there are sharp color transitions and suppresses the rest of the image. The filter removes low-level details from the image. It is very useful for extracting contours and large black and white areas of a scan image.

When we return to the original image of the face on Mars, we see that it was taken at a very sharp angle in less favorable lighting conditions. But since we have the original images from the past, which were taken at different angles, we can try to reproduce the light from any angle using computer analysis (which is at a very good level today).

So what you see here is not an artistic concept, but a computer reconstruction of contours and light, adding shading to the right places and a complete reconstruction of the preview from this side. Let's turn it around now. This is how the object should actually look, at least as we can say at this point.

Other scientific arguments and a new look on our face certainly have our attention. Especially with regard to the fact that the object was artificially created.

But there is more. It is certainly a surprise for all, including the scientists involved in this analysis, that we can see the nostrils at the end of the nose and the iris inside the eye. We can see the eyebrow over the arch through the vault. We can see the mouth with his lips. All these (computer) predictions (the picture being a compilation of several original images) describe the object that was artificially built. And moreover, and even more interesting, because we have no other connection here - things of a kind that we could choose so that it fits into our predatory vision of the face.

If we come up with scientific principles beforehand a a posteriori, then the probability that you will find something like this in nature created naturally is 1000000000000 billion billion to one. So there is no doubt that Cydonia is of artificial origin.

The face of a woman on Mars

Another image shows another face located about one-fourth of the planet from Cydnonia.

Until a ground-based survey is carried out that reveals the origin or reason for the demise of the hypothetical civilization that was here, we can say nothing more about it. We now know, and this is accepted by all geologists, that Mars has gone through a cataclysmic catastrophe. The specific type of cataclysm is unknown. But personally, I think Mars was once the moon of a much larger planet that exploded for a reason sometime a billion years ago. This planet was probably where we have a belt of meteorites today, between present-day Mars and Earth.




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