A million-year-old gigantic footprint

11 08. 07. 2023
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

The scientific community has different views on the theme of giants. The existence of a man of gigantic proportions is something that must still be confirmed by the science of the mainstream. On the other hand, there are countless written records, books and studies made by people who consider the existence of giants as a scientific fact rather than a fiction. Some believe that the evidence to support this claim has fallen victim to repression because it would contradict the conventional evolutionary story.

According to many authors and reports, giant skeletons were found all over the world, but unfortunately they were quickly concealed in front of the public. If that's true, why are they drowning?

Fortunately for us, not all evidence lies beneath the dust in museum cellars or government warehouses.

One such example is the giant footprint in South Africa, located near the town of Mpaluzi. This more than a meter long footprint printed in the rock raised many questions among believers and skeptics. The trail certainly looks real and relatively old. And even more surprising is the age of the geological formation that the trail contains: sometimes between 200 million and 3 billion years.

According to fossil evidence, Adelobasileus, the first primitive mammal, ran through the forest of the triass before about 225 millions of years ago. Recent discoveries of modern hominids and the existence of South African giant traces certainly prove controversy because they do not fit into the conventional timeline.

The video is Michael Tellinger.

prohibits archeology

prohibits 2 archeology

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