Edgar Cayce: A Spiritual Way (13.): It's all about for some reason - your life makes sense

03. 04. 2017
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

It would be naive to think that in this article you will discover the meaning of your life, especially those who do not believe that such a thing exists. But together with Edgar, you can look at your journey from a different angle and see if you are really well where you are. So I welcome you all to the 13th part of the series on the spiritual path. Before I begin, I want to congratulate Suenee because, despite his busy schedule, he got involved in sharing, and los gratis treatment craniosacral biodynamics in Radotin he fell on him.

I believe that we will soon talk in the Shamanka tea house not only about cranium, but also about your experiences with Edgar. In the age of technology, social networks and mobile phones, people's meetings are in the background. Let's try to do something about it.

Principle 13: "Everything happens for a reason: Your life has meaning."

This morning I woke up with the slogan I was sure to bring: "Do what you love and love what you do."

He was followed by words and sentences, mixed with feelings, I could write this article without Edgar, if I had a recording device in my head. But I don't have that, so I realized that I'm not as far as Edgar to produce articles and books on his behalf, so I humbly open a book How to live properly and I read the thirteenth chapter. What kind of people came to Edgar for an explanation? Mostly those who were in a difficult life situation, either due to a physical illness or the second group of people who had a sick soul. They asked for an interpretation to understand the meaning of their lives. This kind of interpretation has become known because it contains a number of fascinating perspectives on past lives. Cayce was not interested in entertaining people, his job was to give them the meaning of their pain, illness and suffering. Because as the human body needs water, food, and air, the human soul demands meaning, a sense of existence. It is proven that the prisoners in the concentration camp, who had a reason to live, survived even the most terrible conditions. For most of them, relationships were the meaning of life.

From Cayce's interpretations, it is felt that the spiritual element within us is the key to the meaning of life. He often encouraged individuals to find themselves a sense of life greater than they themselvesand then trying to fill it up: "Stop asking what I expect from LIFE, and instead ask what life awaits us."

(Like the advice of JFKennedy: "Do not ask what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.")

What does life expect from us? What is the meaning of our existence? What is the mission of our lives? The answers to these questions provide great hope. Every life counts and everyone is assigned a role. We come into the world with a mission that can significantly benefit the world. We are sufficiently equipped for our specific goal and its achievement. Life expects us to fulfill our mission.

Everything happens for a reason

How can we find our own way in a world that seems like a mix of random events to fulfill our spiritual mission? Is not that a pure matter of chance? Even though the events appear to be random, there are in fact hidden powers that affect our lives. During one of his lectures on the functioning of karma, Rudolf Steiner called on his listeners to try the following experiment. His goal was to recognize the meaning of any event, especially those less pleasant, seemingly meaningless, those we ask, "Why did it have to happen to me?

  • Focus on a recent unpleasant event.
  • Imagine that another self lives within you, but it is far wiser than you. This higher self is able to create life situations and lead you to them. These situations are a lesson for you.
  • Try to be the higher self in your imagination. Recall some recent event that you would call misfortune in your life.
  • Why did it happen? What lessons and benefits did you learn from it?

Sometimes this exercise is not easy. Ordinary selves have many arguments: I have no responsibility for this. ”However, Steiner recommended continuing this exercise, because life situations occur for certain reasons and everything has its deeper and concealed meaning.

 Personality and individuality

 Personality, that is, our ordinary self, is what we know most. It is composed of our opinions, prejudices, habits, routine ways of thinking. It is an essential part of everyday life, activities such as driving a car. It arises for the most part by imitation from early childhood. The problem arises when your habits begin to control everything, or when you begin to fully identify with your personality and forget about individuality.

Individualityit is real in the sense that it is eternal and continues from one incarnation to another. She is capable of true creativity, while personality is rooted in habits and is seldom subject to will. The mission that the soul has chosen for a given life resides in individuality. Only from this higher aspect of our selves are we able to recognize our mission, and only it is able to make available the resources we need to realize. We begin to fulfill our mission only when we allow our individuality to begin to use them for the benefit of others.

Finding the meaning of your life

Let us realize that life is meaningful and all events occur for some reason. Cayce even said that something happens to us every day that leads us to our true mission. However, most of us ignore these hints of truth or even consider them inconvenience. Our ordinary selves see danger in them.

Trust yourself. Each of us is an extraordinary person, just as each snowflake is unique in its shape. Human souls are in the same situation, full of unique talents. Many of us are worried about our own size. Even though we hear the inner impulse of growth inside, we try to ignore it. We would call it fear "To become what we are able to see in our most precious moments."

 Is the overcoming of karma the sense of our life?

There are two aspects of life under this question:

  1. Developing talent for next generation.
  2. Overcoming our karma from the past.

We are all reincarnating with other features of selfishness and need to be removed. This activity is different from that which contributes to the good of others, but overcoming karmic debts is often a condition for us to become of benefit to others.

The reason we reincarnate

These aspects are based on Cayace's philosophy:

  1. There are targets aimed at the needs of others.
  2. There are targets for the lives that are yet to come.
  3. And there are tasks that aim to correct the mistakes we have made in the past.

Given that we are working on these goals at the same time, then it is no wonder that our lives are so busy.


There are two basic perspectives on life: From the perspective of our personality and from the perspective of our individuality. In the second case, we are able to recognize the meaningfulness of even the most unpleasant situations.

  • Practice a "thought exercise" during which you assess events from the perspective of your individuality.
  • At the end of the day, think about one situation that upset you and it seemed to make no sense.
  • Then imagine that within you there is another, wiser self that cares for your spiritual growth. Try to tune in to your other one.
  • Then ask yourself: Why did we create this situation? What is its meaning?
  • May the answer help you understand the good that can come from this situation.

I look forward to your sharing. Have beautiful spring days.

Edita Polenová - Craniosacral Biodynamics

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    Edgar Cayce: The Way Towards Yourself

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