Edgar Cayce: The Spiritual Way (16.): Love means we respect the free will of others

25. 04. 2017
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality


My dear, I was really looking forward to today's episode, I read Edgar's article and my heart jumped. We live in a beautiful time, in a beautiful country. We can afford what is not yet possible on half the planet. Men can be knights and women can be free. Welcome to the next part of the interpretations of the principles of happiness. Luck for Mrs. Daniel smiled from my draw today, congratulations and I look forward to meeting you at craniosacral biodynamics in Radotín.

Principle No.16: "Love means we respect the free will of others."

One proverb says, "If you like something, give it up. If it does not come back, it never did. "

For the sake of love, we people are able to do a lot of good. Under the motto: "I want the best for you", one can abuse love and make it a bond. How is that even possible? Let's examine three factors that can answer this question: strength, control, and free will.

Power is the energy needed to do certain things.

Control means exercising power over someone or something. We were all probably in a situation where we were checked or checked.

Free will distinguishes us from animals and plants, its use is governed either by the head, ie by Ego, or by the heart, ie in accordance with the current. Thanks to free will, we can enjoy our power and take responsibility. During one of his lectures on telepathy, Edgar Cayace shared with the audience the story of his young years. At that time, he was already giving interpretations and was fascinated by the abilities of human consciousness. He said to his secretary, "I can force a man to come to me." The woman did not believe it. "I can do it for you. Your brother will come to my office around noon tomorrow and ask me for something. ”The woman knew that her brother was not a fan of Edgar.

The next morning, Edgar sat down in a chair and focused his mind on the girl's brother. Within half an hour, the man walked down the street where Cayce's office was and turned toward her door. He entered and then went out into the street again. After a while, however, he did enter the house and went to Edgar Cayce, where his sister was. My brother stomped nervously for a moment, then said, "I don't even know why I'm here, but I have some problems and I remembered what my sister said about you, so I wondered if you could help me." The woman almost fainted at that moment. Cayce then demonstrated the same power to another person the next day. After these two attempts, he decided not to do another, because the manipulation of other people's free will falls into the realm of black magic, and anyone who tries to impose free will on another is a tyrant.

 Remedy without tyranization

Edgar Cayce was often approached in the interpretations by the parents of children they could not cope with. Almost all the answers to these questions were the same: First, make order in your life, establish order and rules within yourself, and the children will adapt quickly without any change in their upbringing. He also recommended dealing with other relationship problems, with loved ones and acquaintances.  

Power and restraint

There were times when women were considered less powerful because they were physically weaker than men. In some states, men still treat women more as property. In the twelfth century, however, a new view of women's qualities was born, with the desire to protect the weak and fight evil come to the fore. The Order of Knights was established, love relationships began to be appreciated, and women were restored decision-making rights over themselves and their surroundings. This new consciousness beautifully reflects the legend of King Arthur and his knights:

The story begins with King Arthur fighting a criminal to protect a woman who is in danger. However, the criminal uses a ruse and the king is weakened. He gets a choice from the criminal - either he dies right away or he has a year of life to answer one question. King Arthur decides on the second variant. The criminal wants to know within a year: What do women want?

The king walks the earth and nowhere can he find the right answer, there are jewels, rich lands, beautiful and noble men, but none of this comes to him right. Finally, after a year without an answer, he heads to the criminal. He walks through a dense forest when an ugly witch goes against him. She is so repulsive that she would rather step aside. "I'm so disgusting to you that you don't even want to say hello to me, lad," says the witch. "But I know the answer to your question."

Arthur wonders what the witch will tell him. "I will only tell you if you promise to marry me to one of your knights." Arthur finally agrees after much thought. The answer is:

Women most want to be able to promote their will.

 The answer is correct. When King Arthur returns home alive, in the midst of cries of joy, he is suddenly sad. He presents his knights with a witch's request and asks which of them will marry her. Everyone lowers their eyes, only one, Gawain, sacrifices himself out of love for the king. There is a wedding in the church, and when the couple goes to bed in the evening, the witch turns into a beautiful woman the world has never seen before. "Who are you?" Asks the knight.

"I'm your bride. By not refusing me, my curse disappeared in half. From now on, I will be a beautiful day and a half a day for a witch. Which half-day would you prefer me to be beautiful? "

The knight thinks and then tells the truth that at night to be such for him. However, the girl asks if she would rather be beautiful during the day, when she would be in contact with the rest of the staff of the royal court. Gawain replies, "My wife, be according to your will." The bride is happy to tell him that by giving her free choice, the whole curse is lifted and she will now be beautiful both during the day and during the night. This charming story ends with the words: "And Gawain kissed this lovely girl and swore that not even the sweetest honey is as sweet as she is."

Real love does not seek to own, control, and manipulate. Instead it is honest and liberates. Above all to love is to leave this person, whether it is a child, a parent, a friend or a partner, the right to use a divine gift of free will.

Analyze one of your personal relationships:

  • Which people do you love the most? What are your feelings and attitudes towards them?
  • Do you know someone you sympathize with, but they don't behave exactly according to your principles? Do you try to advise or even control him?
  • Your intentions may be good, but try to find another solution.
  • Try to approach this person differently for a few days, give him space to solve him.
  • Even if you disagree with everything he has decided or has decided to do, try to respect it with love.

I look forward to sharing you as always. Answer the form below the article. I wish beautiful spring days.

Edita Polenová - Craniosacral Biodynamics

Your Edita

    Edgar Cayce: The Way Towards Yourself

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