The Egyptian inscription provides a detailed map of the underworld

15. 10. 2019
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

A few years ago a coffin was discovered in the Egyptian burial chamber on which the map and the text of the Egyptian underworld were shown. This is an important archaeological find. A new study by Harc Willems published in The Journal of Egyptian Archeology states that this text (map) is the oldest known copy of the book Two Ways, whose origin dates back to around 4000 years back. In the inscription mentions Djehutynakhta I. Previously people thought that the coffin therefore contains the remains of Djehutynakhta I., which was not confirmed. The coffin, on the other hand, kept the body of a woman named Ankh.

Book of two ways

What exactly is the book Two Ways? The title refers to the two paths the soul can take when entering the afterlife, the realm of Osiris. Osiris was the Egyptian ruler of the underworld and the ultimate judge of all human souls. The Book of Two Journeys is also part of a much larger collection of ancient Egyptian mythology - Coffin's texts - and is referred to as the forerunner of the Amduat and Gateway Books.

The oldest book of two ways is engraved on a wooden board

The Book of the Dead

All these books are part of the much more well-known Book of the Dead, in which a large number of spells and rituals are hidden to help find their way in the afterlife and find their way in the next life. In total, the book should contain 1185 spells and rituals.

Map of souls

In a sense, the Book of Two Paths is a map of the soul. We can view the drawing as an ordinary map, but in fact it should be a psychological map. Such psychological therapy to find our way, as we would use today.

Outer casket depicting Osiris, Isis and Nephthys

The book of two journeys could be a crutch and a consolation for those who were about to face death. After reading the book, they could feel more comfortable and accept the fact that they would die.


Tip for a book from the Sueneé Universe

Lost pyramid builder technology

Ancient Egyptian builders using complex manufacturing tools; and technology for the construction of its monuments, which have survived to this day. The author deals with the research of various monuments whose manufacturing accuracy is absolutely stunning. The reader has the opportunity to get a new perspective on the possible technological processes of production ve Ancient Egypt.

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