ET and New Cosmology (1 Part): Existence of non-life forms

15. 08. 2018
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

Universe he lives with intelligent life. And that takes into account i cosmology. In fact, the universe itself is intelligent and alive. The multitude of diverse life in the universe is unique; there is diversity amazing, conscious unity.

Everything here exists in its true essence as a pure, undifferentiated eternal mind. And yet, from the realization of what is essentially relative, we discover the inner and outer worlds, the mind and body, good and evil, unity and separation. Truth is often born of contemplation of these paradoxes; both views are true, but depend on the level of observer's awareness.

New cosmology

Paradoxically, new cosmology admits the existence of advanced non-life forms, which brings other lessons. Perhaps we will understand some of the other secrets of the universe if we look at everything from the point of view of unity. The term cosmological confusion best describes what happens when people from 20. century faces the existence of advanced alien life forms. Not only are these beings human, they also have technologies that make us even more mystified. If they are capable of interstellar travel, they are unlikely to communicate with microwave signals and use fossil or nuclear fuel to drive.

A hologram or laser would look like magic 200 years ago. Likewise, a great deal of scientific and cosmological humility and patience will be needed today to begin to understand these civilizations, their technologies, and reality. Moreover, in our understanding of cosmology and the manifestations of advanced extraterrestrial civilizations, we must take into account the coexistence of the nonlinear, nonlocal, and transcendental universe with the so-called "physical universe."

Biological life forms (we and aliens) have mind and body. Each of us represents a reality that is physical and spiritual, linear, non-local, fixed in time and space, but at the same time without borders. What will science and technology find a way to communicate between the physical and the unifying state of mind? Offensive to the modern physicist and philosopher. The quantum leap in understanding the universe connects science and spirituality, mind and matter, body and spirit.

To all this, it is necessary to accept the existence of non-physical, perceptive, intelligent beings capable of a certain degree of interaction with biological beings (humans, aliens). In ordinary culture, such beings are related to primitive faith as a figment of one's own imagination, or accumulated as undifferentiated entities, whether human, extraterrestrial, or purely non-biological. The risk of deep cosmological confusion increases exponentially with the diversity of intelligent life forms.

A new cosmology is needed to understand the universe around us

There are many confusions in the UFO civilian community about the properties of objects and life forms that move in our time and space realities. We find indisputable physical manifestations such as crashed spacecraft, radar echoes, photographs and videotapes, metal samples, and biological material of extraterrestrial life forms. At the same time, we find multiple signs of non-linear manifestations of these objects and beings: telepathic communication, lucid dreams, interactions, distant observation, bilocation, levitation, and more. No one can objectively ignore these numerous and widespread manifestations. Yet accepting these manifestations requires changing our understanding of "reality."

Some advanced technologies and capabilities of extraterrestrial civilizations, especially those that connect with mind and thought, may appear as "astral" or spiritual beings. In fact, the speeches can be so similar that they introduce many to the fact that the original beings are the same, which is not true. Not everything that glitters is gold, and a similar manifestation does not mean the same origin. In addition, some more capable individuals can also control the abilities of a very similar extraterrestrial and "astral" being.

And on top of that, secret human military and paramilitary groups have developed both technology and natural mental abilities close to extraterrestrial or non-biological spiritual beings. The universe is large and complex, but it may not be too difficult to understand if we start with a few simple principles and concepts. Referring to old Sufi: "knowledge is the only point, but fools have multiplied it"!

Basic principles of new cosmology

  • Linear, relative reality and nonlocal, nonlinear reality exist as REALITY simultaneously. Their perception and understanding depend entirely on the level of the observer's consciousness. Even physical matter has a nonlocal, transcendental and conscious aspect.
  • Conscious, intelligent biological forms of life, whether on the earth or on another planet, have a physical and spiritual reality. Mind, or unrestrained consciousness, is natural to all these forms of life, is their highest common denominator, it shares it.
  • Beings that do not have biological bodies (so-called astral or spiritual beings) are also conscious, intelligent entities and as such can interact with other conscious forms of life, both biological and others. In rare cases, they may even appear physically. The highest common denominator connecting these beings with other forms of life is the unrestrained consciousness or the non-lingual mind.
  • The universe consists of linear and nonlinear or transcendent aspects, which paradoxically exist simultaneously in every moment of time / space and at the same time without time / space. From this point of view, every point in time and space exists in every other moment and space, across quality and nonlocality.
  • The concept of God or the universe of omniscient beings is strengthened and enlarged, not diminished by the recognition of the immense, infinite diversity and unlimited scope of life in the universe.

So how does intelligent life in space really manifest itself? With regard to the above concepts, we will explore the diversity of life and the way in which our inner and outer senses may perceive it.

Categories of intelligent life forms

Biological forms

  • People - an intelligent, higher form of life existing initially in the biological body and native to the earth.
  • Forms of extraterrestrial life - intelligent, higher forms of life that exist at first in a biological body and originate on different planets other than the Earth.
  • Planetary forms of life - a non-anthropomorphic intelligent being identified with a full-planetary body; such as Gaia. Other planetary, solar and galactic bodies are also considered as individual conscious organisms.
  • Other biological life forms - cetaceans on Earth are highly intelligent but nonhuman; theoretically on other planets there may be similar groups.

Manifestation and presentation
(how can be represented or perceived by the inner and outer senses of a biological intelligent form of life)

  • Physically - In physical form, with or without a spacecraft
  • Technologically - through radio, television and advanced ET technology incorporating the technological interface of mind / thought
  • Mentally - through telepathy, lucid dreams or other direct interfaces
  • Astral Projection - Presentation of human, ET or other biological form of life in its subtle, nonbiological component that another biological life form may perceive in a state of waking or dream.
  • Causal or thought presentation - the perception of another biological thought form in its subtlest aspect, the thought essence of the "body", which can be expressed without the biological or astral components of the body.
  • Mind / Unified Mind - The Supreme State of Unity. Any conscious form of life is a natural, non-limp, pure, unrestrained mind and can be perceived.

Types of experience and abilities of biological life forms

  • Physical senses - sight, hearing, smell, touch, taste
  • Physical capabilities - Movement with / without technology
  • Mental abilities (common) - ideas, ideas, creativity, visualization, memory, sensory perception and others.

Non-Mental Mental Abilities (Non-traditional) - Recognition and Use of Non-Alongual Aspects of Mind and Mass

  • Telepathy - the ability to send and receive thoughts from one being to another.
  • Predictability - The ability of any intelligent, higher form of life to realize the approach to likely events of the future that are not at the local level.
  • "Recognition" - the ability to perceive distant past events that a person has not experienced. The nonlocal mind can have access to past and future points in a linear time / space continuum.
  • Remote viewing (or remote perception) - Here is the ability to see the boundless mind of both local and remote reality in space, in real time, in the past or in the future.
  • Dreaming - the ability to experience dreamlike, backwardly recognizable and lucid dreams and remote monitoring in a dream state.
  • Divine perception - the ability to perceive aspects of physical objects.
  • Telekinesis - the ability to move the object to an observable space through the interface between the subtle, local mind and the corresponding aspect of the object.
  • Teleportace - the ability to move or manifest an object at a considerable distance from the non-lingual mind and the nonlocal aspect of matter that makes the linear aspect of the space impossible.
  • Transmutation (non-technological) - the ability to transform a material object into another object or element by means of a fine interface between the mind and the non-massive matter.
  • Bilocation - the ability to manifest a body or object at two or more points simultaneously in a time / space continuum. (Example - Viewing and perceiving in two or more places at once.) Related ability - time travel - the ability to appear in the same space in more than one moment.
  • Materialization / dematerialization (non-technological) - the ability of the life form to manifest or to manifest (to let go) a material object using the interface of mind and matter.
  • Extra-Mental Experience / Astral Projection - The ability to consciously create a fine astral or luminous body, in time and space outside the biological body.
  • Near-death experience - Transient detachment of the fine or astral body from the physical biological body as a result of bodily disease or injury. It may include the perception of the so-called other world or subtle aspects of the universe, usually astral, but advanced perceptions may include a causal or purely thought area.
  • And many others…

Note that all of the above abilities are inherent in human and alien forms of life. It is also important to realize that each of these abilities can be achieved by technological increase in innate mental capabilities or technological advancement.

Nebiological forms

Another intricacy of the universe is the existence of realities, dimensions and aspects of the universe, although completely non-linear and intangible according to the current definition, are in fact much more extensive and more complex than the universe of physical matter. No cosmology can be complete without trying their basic characteristics. Given that this aspect of the universe can interact with both humans and biological aliens, it is important to consider and assess the differences from the manifestations of the biological forms of life outlined above.

Astral or light beings

  • of earthly origin - dead, formerly biological people
  • of non-land origin
  • dead ET biological forms of life
  • life forms originating from a causal or astral sphere

Related or thought beings (existing primarily as "thought organisms")

  • of earthly origin (deceased biologists)
  • non-native (formerly biological ET's)
  • beings from causal or astral regions

Non-biological beings of all of the above types may appear in the biological form of life in the state of waking, in dreams, in meditation states, etc. Depending on culture, the degree of evolution and the rate of admission of immaterial beings can be known, for example, as:

  • Souls or spirits
  • Spiritual Guides or Angels
  • Archangels
  • Ascended enlightened beings (avatars, prophets - Christ, Krsna, etc.)
  • Planetary natural spirits (known as Devas in Vedic and other traditions)
  • Soul of animals
  • And many others

Types of experience and abilities of nonbiological forms of life

Non-biological life forms are basically covered by everything mentioned in the section on biological life forms and others, such as materialization and poltergeistic activities. Unfortunately, they are less often connected to the world of matter because they exist in immaterial realms. When analyzing the amount of possible experience that humans can have, it is important to have a broad enough cosmological understanding to understand the diversity of the universe. Without it, we will not be able to distinguish between the anomalous manifestation of extraterrestrial technology and the unusual astral or causal manifestation of the universe.

ET and new cosmology

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