ET: Aquarius project. Documents confirm the presence of aliens

05. 04. 2018
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

Steven Greer: 21. On May 2014, we received a file of top-secret documents related to the "Aquarius Project" - the supposed hidden project Majestic 12 (MJ-12) dealing with extraterrestrial civilizations.

Various summaries of these documents have previously appeared on the Internet. However, we have now received photographs of the documents themselves. From what we know, this is the first time that these secret documents, not just their transcripts, have actually been released. You can view them, along with their transcription, below.

It is not known whether these are really legitimate documents of the US government. We have recorded several misspellings and other mistakes. However, these do not neglect documents, as they often appear in government records.

It should be noted that the information in these documents corresponds to other known evidence and events and is quite accurate.

The person who sent us these documents is a trusted and reliable source and has countless legitimate contacts in undercover air and military projects that are associated with UFOs.

We publish these documents quickly, for security reasons, because we feel it is not wise to let too much time between receiving and publishing. If they are legitimate, they are potentially historical.


We have received information regarding the font, printer type, etc. from which these documents originate. These data are identical to the year 1970, when the Briefing took place.

We also received other documents regarding FBI and DSI investigations regarding those who published the first transcripts (William Moore, Le Graham, etc.). This confirms that there is serious official interest in these documents, which would be unlikely to be a hoax created by a joker.

We also received information from the Air Force Friends Association that the Aquarius Project actually existed, as well as Grudge and other projects.

While the core of the documents is considered essentially correct, the summary may omit, or even replace, key data and information. We do not know who the target of the Briefing was, so it is possible that some of the information was intentional misinformation or tailored to a specific individual. We know that at least one date is incorrect.

Of course, until we receive first-hand confirmation from the people involved, this case will remain open and unclear. Many people have expressed their views, but we are only interested in the direct ones.

Projects dealing with extraterrestrial civilization have not been managed under the constitutional supervision and control of at least 50. flight 20. century. Therefore, those who have some information about these projects now do not have to worry about fines for an open performance. It is a basic rule that no project that operates secretly and illegally can claim national security law and provisions. In short, it does not go together.

Since 1993, I have met countless former U.S. government officials, senators from the Senate Intelligence Committee, and other key senators, former Pentagon officials from the Department of Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) and the Department of Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA). J-2) for the Joint Staff, from the CIA Directorate and many others. All of them were denied information and access to projects related to extraterrestrial civilizations.

If these projects were carried out within the limits of the law, these former managers would certainly know something about their existence. But they did not know. Although they specifically asked, they were denied access. From this it can be concluded that MJ-12, Majic, Majestic, "government" projects and aviation and technical projects operate illegally. Those who can provide some information about these operations should speak out. They are exempt from all national security obligations and duties.

In the 90s, we wrote a letter to the heads of all relevant government agencies, in which we expressed our constitutional and legal views. We further stated that anyone who signed the national security oath was released from it and could withdraw without any legal sanction. This view has never been contradicted by any US government official. In 2014, nothing changes yet.

I should also mention that J-2 - Director of Intelligence for the Joint Staff - stated in April 1997 that he had been denied any access or information to these projects and that, as far as he was concerned, we should speak publicly with all military, governmental and the intelligence witnesses we have and also with all the information. This admiral was right then and today when he said that all these projects were completely secret and illegal.


Aquarius project documents

Top secret - Private correspondence - Private information meeting - Subject of the meeting: Aquarius project

This document was written by MJ12. MJ12 is solely responsible for this matter.

Classification and publication
All information in this document is classified as top secret. Only the originator can publish this information. Only MJ12 has access to the Aquarius Project. No other government agency, including the military, has access to the information contained in this document. There are only two copies of the Aquarius Project and their location is known only to MJ12. This document will be destroyed after the briefing. All notes, photos and audio recordings are prohibited.

Project Aquarius
It contains 16 volumes of documented information since the United States investigates unidentifiable flying objects (UFOs) and identifiable alien ships (IACs). This project was originally established in 1953 by order of President Eisenhower and was under the control of the National Security Council (NSC) and MJ12. In 1966, his name was changed from Project Gleem to Project Aquarius.

The project was funded by secret CIA sources. The project was originally classified as secret, but after the Blue Book Project was closed in December 1969, it was promoted to top secret status. The goal of the Aquarius Project was to gather all scientific, technological, medical and intellectual information from UFO / IAC sightings and from contacts with extraterrestrial life forms. This component of the information gathered was used to contribute to the progress of the United States Space Project.

This briefing has a historical role in government investigations of aerial phenomena, in the discovery of alien ships, and in contacts with beings of an alien species.

Private sessions
In June 1947, a civilian pilot recorded nine flying disks (later known as UFOs) over the Cascade Mountains in Washington. The commanders of the Air Technical Intelligence Center and the Air Force were concerned and launched an investigation. This marked the beginning of the era of UFO investigations in the United States. In 1947, an alien plane crashed in the desert of New Mexico. It was discovered here by the army. Four bodies of aliens (not homo-sapiens) were discovered in ruins. These beings have been found not to resemble humans.

Towards the end of 1949, another alien plane crashed in the United States and was partially intact and discovered by the military. One unknown creature of extraterrestrial origin survived the crash. The surviving alien was male and called himself "EBE." The alien was carefully interrogated by military and intelligence personnel at a base in New Mexico. His language was translated through pictorial graphs. The alien was found to be from the planet Zeta Riticuli, about 40 light-years from Earth. EBE lived until June 1952, when he died of an unexplained illness. During the time EBE lived, provided valuable information about technology, the emergence of space and exobiological issues.

The discovery of the alien ship led the United States to a large-scale investigative program to determine whether the aliens pose a threat to our national security. In 1947, the newly formed Air Force launched a program to investigate incidents involving unidentifiable flying objects. The program appeared under three different pseudonyms: Grudge, Sign and finally Blue Book. The original goal of this program was to collect and analyze any documented sightings or incidents involving UFOs and to determine if they may have any impact on the security of the United States.

Some information has been considered in terms of using the data obtained to improve our own space technology and future space projects. 90% of the 12.000 reports analyzed were considered fabrications, explained aerial phenomena or natural astronomical objects. The other 10% were considered legitimate sightings of UFOs and / or mini-related incidents. However, not all sightings and all incidents involving UFOs were reported under the Air Force banner.

In 1953, the Gleem Project was initiated by order of the President Eisenhowerwho believed that UFOs posed a threat to the national security of the United States. Project Gleem, which became Project Aquarius in 1966, was a parallel for observing UFOs and their accidents. The reports collected under the Aquarius banner were considered real observations of alien ships and contacts with alien life forms. Most of the reports were made by reliable military personnel and civilian personnel of the Ministry of Defense.

In 1958, the United States discovered another alien plane in the Utah desert. The plane was in perfect air condition. It was apparently abandoned for unexplained reasons, because no forms of extraterrestrial life were found outside or around it. This aircraft was described by scientists from the United States as a technological marvel. However, the aircraft's operating instruments were so complex that our scientists could not operate them. The alien aircraft was stored in a top-secret area and analyzed by our best aeronautical scientists. The United States obtained a large amount of technological data from the discovered alien ship.

At the request of the Air Force and the CIA, several independent scientific investigations were launched during the Blue Book era. MJ12 decided that the Air Force should officially end the UFO investigation. This decision was reached at a meeting in 1966. The reason would be twofold. First, The United States began communicating with the aliens and was relatively certain that the aliens did not pose a threat or hostility to Earth. It was also stated that the presence of aliens does not endanger the security of the United States. Second, the public was beginning to believe that the aliens were real. The National Security Council (NSC) felt that this public opinion was beginning to lead to a nationwide panic.

The United States was involved in several confidential projects at the time. It was argued that human subconsciousness about these projects would jeopardize the future space program of the United States. Therefore, MJ12 decided that an independent study of the UFO phenomenon would be needed to satisfy the public's curiosity. The latest official study of the UFO phenomenon was completed by the University of Colorado under contract with the Air Force. The study concluded that there were insufficient data to confirm that UFOs endangered the security of the United States. This last conclusion satisfied the government and allowed the Air Force to officially withdraw from the UFO investigation.

When the Air Force officially closed the Blue Book Project in December 1969, the Aquarius Project continued its investigation under the control of the National Security Council / MJ12. The National Security Council considered that investigations into UFO sightings and incidents must continue in secret, without any public subconscious. The rationale for this decision was as follows: if the Air Force continued to investigate the UFO, the Ministry of Defense would eventually uncover the facts behind the Aquarius Project. This obviously could not be allowed (due to operational security reasons.

In order for the investigated UFO to remain secret, CIA and MJ12 investigators were assigned to military and other government agencies with orders to investigate all legitimate UFO sightings and accidents. These agents currently operate in various locations across the United States and Canada. All records are filtered either directly or indirectly by MJ12. These agents collect records of UFO sightings occurring near confidential government facilities. (note: aliens are very interested in our nuclear weapons and nuclear research). Many military observations and accidents occur above the base of nuclear weapons.

The interest of aliens our nuclear weapons can be attributed only possible future threat nuclear war on Earth. The Air Force has taken steps to ensure the safety of nuclear weapons from theft or destruction by aliens. MJ12 is convinced that aliens are exploring our solar system for peaceful reasons. However, we must continue to monitor the aliens until we can say with certainty that their future plans are not a threat to our national security and to the security of all the inhabitants of the Earth.

The EBE said that 2 years ago, its ancestors planted a human being on Earth to help its inhabitants develop civilization. This information was only vague and the exact identity or hidden information on this homo-sapiens was not obtained. If such information were released to the public, it would undoubtedly cause worldwide religious panic. MJ000 has developed a plan that would allow the publication of the Aquarius Project, Volumes I through III. The program requires the gradual release of information over a period of time to prepare the public for future disclosures.

In 1976, MJ3 stated that it estimated that extraterrestrial technology was many thousands of years ahead of United States technology. Our scientists speculate that until our technology evolves to the same level as the alien, we will not be able to understand the vast amount of scientific information the United States has received from the aliens so far. This progress can take hundreds of years.

Projects under the Aquarius Project:

  1. Project Bando: Originally founded in 1949. Its task was to collect and assess medical information from surviving aliens and discovered extraterrestrial bodies. This project medically searched EBE and provided the United States with medical research with some answers to the theory of evolution. Completed in 1974.
  2. Project Sigma: Originally founded as part of the Gleem Project in 1954. It became a separate project in 1976. Its mission was to establish communication with aliens. This project met with success when in 1959 the United States established primitive communications with aliens. On April 25, 1964, an American intelligence official met two aliens at a pre-arranged location in the New Mexico desert. The contact lasted about three hours. Based on the language of the aliens provided to us by the EBE, the official exchanged basic information with the aliens. This project continues at the Air Force base in New Mexico.
  3. Snowbird Project: Originally founded in 1972. His mission was to test the discovered alien airships. This project continues in Nevada.
  4. Project Pounce: Originally founded in 1968. His mission was to assess all extraterrestrial information related to space technology. The Pounce project continues.

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