Photo of an alien ship on Mars

18. 09. 2019
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

Conspiracy theorists believe they have finally found evidence of an alien ship shot down on Mars. The ship should be approximately 1,3 miles long.

The pictures were taken from the video NASA Mars Global Surveyor. The Mars Global Surveyor investigated Mars until 2006, when the agency-machine contact failed. Some commentators insist that it is only a ridge or rock formation. However, UFO hunters believe that it is a UFO.

Do you think it's an alien ship? Write us your feedback in the comments.

The description below the video explains:

“In my opinion it is an object maybe thousands of years old. By length, it looks like a mother ship of an alien civilization. But why did she crash? We don't know that anymore ... ”

We invite you to a live broadcast of artifacts on Mars on Sunday 22.9.2019 at 20 hours on the Sueneé Universe YouTube channel

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