Physical Mysteries: Theory of Everything

1 31. 01. 2017
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

It would be nice to have them all physical laws one common theory and formula. Many famous, including Albert Einstein, found this idea not only tempting but also possible. However, the search for this formula remains unattainable. Yet many physicists believe that such a formula, theory, must exist. A big step towards this goal could be Grand Unified Theory (GUT). The derived elementary forces should be derived from us:

  • Electromagnetic
  • weak, causing radioactive particle disintegration
  • strong that holds the atomic nuclei together

These three forces are characterized by a similar mathematical structure, so physicists believe that GUT could exist.

In current world formula or theories of everything (TOE), the fourth could be built later strong, which is gravitation. Expectations from TOE are high: it should explain the nature of dark matter and dark energy, and a lot other phenomena of our Universe. The promising candidate for the world formula is  M-theory (general and modern string theory) and loop quantum gravity. Both theories, however, are still facing big problems and are not far from them able to be as universal a description of everything.

It is very difficult search something we do not know about it actually exists. Great benefit is the work of Nassim Haramein and his team of scientists who come up with the solution of GUT from fractals and Planck's constants as the initial basic (though relative) building particles of the Universe.

[last update]

Standa: The partial unification of interactions was achieved already in the 20th century. In the 60s, several physicists proposed the theory that weak and electromagnetic interactions are different manifestations of the same force. According to their prediction, at high energies, the two forces were to combine into one and manifest themselves in new particles. When CERN later managed to build a fairly powerful accelerator (now part of the LHC), their prediction was confirmed by the discovery of new, hitherto unknown particles, the properties of which the theory predicted. They were awarded for the theory of unification and for its experimental proof Nobel Prizes.

Theories that unite the above-mentioned electro-weak interaction with a strong interaction also exist. However, there are many of them, their different predictions have not yet been experimentally verified, and therefore physicists could not reject the wrong variants.

Physical mysteries

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