Gates: Hard censorship against the opponents of the vaccination

1 25. 06. 2022
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

Any legitimate discussion of the risks in the online area will be ruled out as a threat to public health.

Billionaire Bill Gates, traditionally referred to as one of the world's greatest philanthropists, has a new agenda. He currently wants the world's population to administer vaccines and his wife Melinda contraceptives.

This population control activity will not surprise those who know that he has been a multi-year donor of the world's largest network of abortion clinics and the world's largest NGO - Planned Parenthood (his father was the director of one of them).

Through the UN international agency, unofficial "human rights" have been created from abortion and contraception, and criticism may soon be banned soon. Vaccine critics are to be handled by the latest monitoring system funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Internet freedom of speech on social networks, which would spread misinformation and deception, will be reported to state authorities through this system. This is confirmed by Heidi Larson from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, who was awarded a grant for this project. The only politically correct attitude towards vaccines is that they are very reliable and public health-protecting methods of healthcare. Any legitimate discussion of risks in the online space will be ruled out as a threat to public health.


People are starting to avoid vaccines, as new information is spreading to the public

More and more people are avoiding vaccines that today appear to be toxic and ineffective. Today's vaccines contain dangerous chemicals, genetically modified products, and tissue from human and animal fetuses. Even you without preservatives in addition to the protein of the virus or disease, they also contain toxins. Each of them has its own toxic effect on the body.

A new study published in a professional journal Human and experimental toxicology analyzed 38000 medical reports on the hospitalization and death of children after vaccination. Researchers found that significantly worse were children who were in the hospital and had more vaccinations. Recent observations in Germany have confirmed that those children who have been vaccinated tend to be more sick than children who have no vaccinations. Observation was carried out on a sample of tens of thousands of children. Critics of this study argued that unvaccinated babies are likely to eat more healthy. Even if this is the case, there is a clear alternative to vaccines that have undeniable possible side effects.

One of the risks of vaccination is to obtain a deadly RSV - syncytial respiratory virus. The study confirmed that children with severe lower respiratory tract infections have a dysfunctional immune response to the disease. RSV is the main cause of lower respiratory tract infections. Where is the origin of this suppression of the immune response?

The vaccine will burden up to 70% of the immune system, while in the case of a normal disease, it is only 3% to 4% of the immune load. Because the body has no antibodies ready, the system's extra work starts in response to the vaccine, using up to a critical amount of vitamins from bones and organs throughout the body to produce antibodies. The result can be a fracture, scars, scratching, sometimes leading to incorrect diagnosis of the child's shaking syndrome resulting in death.

Not only does the immune system have to cope with the vaccine, but it is also loaded with additives that are supposed to intentionally overload the immune system, which can lead to allergies and autoimmune diseases.

Even the internal organs are overloaded and leave the body incapable of reacting itself. It is associated with heart disease, diabetes, asthma, bronchitis, decreased blood circulation in the body and vascular damage. The biggest burden on the immune system are the so-called combination vaccines (eg hexavaccine). Under no circumstances would a child receive six diseases at a time.

Diseases also infect the body mostly through the mouth and nose, never through the skin and muscles. Usually, the body is flooded with antibodies only after the tonsils are alerted. When the infection settles, an army of white blood cells waits to neutralize hostile organisms. With vaccines, the infection goes directly into the blood without the body being prepared to fight extra immune cells. The best immunization is natural vaccination. The body has an amazing ability to remember the diseases it has encountered and become permanently immune to most of them.

In fact, some vaccines, when introduced, led to an increase in disease-related deaths. For example, whooping cough or diphtheria. Similar stories can be found in connection with the recent introduction of the influenza vaccine. Children from the US vaccinated against the flu have a higher risk of hospitalization for the flu compared to unvaccinated children - according to research by the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota. Professional magazine Lancet reported on a study that confirmed that influenza vaccines have no effect on 98,5% of adults, but instead cause neurological disorders in 7,5% of vaccinated people. Among them are people with Alzheimer's.

Although the American Academy of Pediatrics and other institutions have warned against vaccines that contain thimerosol, a mercury derivative that is dangerous to the immune, nervous and metabolic systems of pregnant women and children, the substance is still present in all vaccines for children in the United States. In total, about 30 vaccines are officially recommended during childhood.

It is a great myth that vaccination has succeeded in reducing infectious diseases in the first half of the 20th century. Statistics show that before vaccines were discovered, rates of polio, typhoid, cholera, whooping cough, TB or smallpox were rapidly declining as a result of improved hygiene and diet. This is confirmed by a study of American statistics by Cnythia A. Janak and the National Federation of Health.

Gates' propaganda, which he is currently spreading to the developing world with the aim of reducing the population, is also based on this myth. The vaccines are said to prevent child mortality in developing countries and persuade mothers to have fewer children.

For example, women in some developing countries, such as the Philippines, Nicaragua, or Mexico, have been vaccinated against tetanus containing the hCG homon, which has led to the production of antibodies to native hCG, to prevent resp. termination of pregnancy.

These programs have also been criticized by the BBC and other activists for lack of informed consent from vaccinated women. The World Health Organization, the Rockefeller and Ford Foundation, the United Nations Population and Development Agency, the Population Committee, and the American National Institute for Child Health have been involved in the development of these vaccines.

There is also a public wave of resistance to vaccination. The public points to identified risks. Subsequently, demonstrations and public protests take place in the world.



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