Graham Hancock: Get back your self-consciousness on all levels

1 18. 11. 2022
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

My name is Graham Hancock and the last 20 years I write books about the gardens of our history and I deal with the mystery of human consciousness.

Now and before

In my opinion, a number of huge mistakes are being made in our 21st century society, in Western industrial society. One of the biggest is the assumption that we are at the peak of human knowledge. It is true that we have achieved this in the realm of our materialistic science, but in the spiritual realm we are only dwarves compared to Egypt, for example.

If we want to learn how to create a good company, then it is obvious that it will be necessary to start with the inner values ​​that are stored in each of us.

We need to look much more broadly than our limited achievements are. We must look to ancient civilizations. Consider when the ancient Egyptians were visited by the Greek philosopher Herodotus, he found that they were the happiest, most satisfied, and most fulfilled people he had ever met. And this mystery of happiness came through contact with the spiritual realm, and ancient Egypt maintained this contact without interruption for more than three thousand years. For three thousand years, their best minds have been working to understand what that means be alive. The mystery of human existence on this planet. The mystery of what will happen to us after death. Our company does not give us any answers to these questions. He presents us as nothing greater than material creation, the products of random chemical and biological evolution. There is nothing deeper in that. No wonder we are in such dark times. We cut ourselves off from the inner reality and refused to learn from the past.

Change of Consciousness

We need a change. We desperately need her. We consider ourselves a dynamic, rapidly changing company. However, if we look more closely, we will find very few changes that are happening. It reminds me of the knowledge of the distant past, when about 6 million years ago our ancient ancestors arose from the ancestors we have in common with chimpanzees, and if you follow the entire history of evolution that followed, you will find millions and millions of years of periods when nothing at all did not happen. When our ancestors got completely stuck in some kind of worn-out tracks, making no changes to the systems they developed. They did not create anything revolutionary and creative. And then all of a sudden, some 40 or 50 years ago, as if light were shining in the human brain all over the world. We can suddenly observe amazing creativity, no matter where we look. Now I mainly think of cave art and rock paintings from prehistoric times.

I have researched these objects in detail and worked with leading academics in this field of science, and it is more than clear that this radical change that our ancestors encountered and picked them up from a well-established cycle of limited action has taken them to the next level. It happened - and perhaps only by chance - because our ancestors began to explore alternative states of consciousness. And I have a feeling that if we want to make the kind of change we need today, something must shake our society to pull it out of the misery in which it is stuck. The misery of technological conservation - the conservation of money, endless production and endless consumption. It is a circle in which we are either producers or consumers, or both. And that's all there is to happen!

If we are to get out of this, we must change our consciousness as radically as our ancestors did 40 or 50 years ago. We must reconnect with our realm of consciousness. We have to realize again that we are not just ordinary material beings. Yes, we are material beings, yes we have material needs, but what illuminates the human being is the SPIRIT, the soul. And our society does not care about the soul. In addition to the very rigid and limited way in which the world's major religions serve us. We need a much more radical push forward.

I would say that the answers to our problems that we face should be sought in part in ancient civilizations. It is also very important to notice shamans and shamanism in surviving tribes around the world.

Over the last 5 to 6 years, I have had the honor of drinking the Amazonian visionary drink Ayahuasca many times. I've noticed that Ayahuasca is coming out of the Amazon rainforest and spreading its tentacles around the world. And every human being who is affected by it has changed and transformed in contact with it. So if we really want change in the future, we should require at least 10 sessions with Ayahuasca as a mandatory condition for someone to get a job in high positions. If that were the case, our politicians would be less greedy. Less leadership by their egos, less manipulable, less control, more openness and more desiring to create a better world. He desires it in his heart rather than in words.

Changed states of consciousness

I think one of the many huge mistakes our society makes is that it considers only one level of consciousness to be real. And that's what makes us just producers and consumers. Thus, only a small part of the economic set of Western industrial society. We fail to recognize that there are many other levels of state of consciousness that people are able to reach.

A sign that today's society does not allow us, as adults, to be sovereign masters of our own consciousness. I am referring to the persecution of psychydelic plants, which freed our ancestors from a million years of stagnation. In modern civilization, though you just consume these plants, it is considered a criminal act. You may be sent to jail for many years for such an activity. And nobody notices what that state means. It means that we have created a society that has begun to control the most intimate and rarest part of ourselves - our own consciousness. Because if I am not the ruler of my consciousness, I am not ruler of anything. And I can not talk about freedom, democracy and their ideas until this problem is resolved. The question of our consciousness and our rights regarding the sovereignty of our consciousness will be a decisive factor in the future. We can not change our company until first we will not change our consciousness.

I think what we need to understand is that we are the authors of our own story. No one else is writing this story. We write it ourselves. We have enormous and unlimited potential, which is unfortunately currently limited because we do not control our story. We shift our responsibility to others, who are often unfriendly - they are limited. We need to take control of our story again. We will write our history.

The world can be bright or dark. It's up to us. The choice is ours. Responsibility is only ours. We have to make this choice and yours responsibility to accept.


Author of the original: Graham Hancock, transcript by videa.

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