Humanoid Atacama is still under the watch

09. 07. 2022
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

It is striking that many are already clear. I still read on different websites that it is already decided and that there is not really what to do. We have a mummified body that is genetically identical to human being (93%), so why more? It is silly when people run for cheap solutions in an effort to make it clear.

Let's realize that whatever it is at first sight does not look like a person. So to judge so steeply is very bold. 93% is not yet the desired 100%. Even our genetically related apes have more 90% of the stack of genetic code, and we certainly do not talk about them as humans.

Be very alert when it comes to quick and easy solutions. It is purely common sense that it is a strange form of life. It does not necessarily have to be extraterrestrial - albeit terrestrial, but intelligent enough not to come close to people.

Project manager Steven Greer has repeatedly stressed that further research is needed. I'm not surprised. If we have something that we can not compare with anything else, we must exclude all known possibilities - human forms, including known genetic mutations, and also compare the database of other living forms on this planet and seek consensus. Once this is done, it is possible to say with certainty whether it is a different species of animal. From where? That's another question.

Already, thanks to the Steven Greer team, we know that humanoid Atacama obviously has his brothers and sisters. Steven Greer claims that his team plans to investigate another mummy in the coming months, which should come from the Caucasus (Russia) this time. They also want to return to the desert of Atacama, where 2002 was found in the first body and explore the local environment to understand the possible links between genetic construction and the environment.

If you control English, you can check my comment right at the source. The video is from the Public Hearing that took place at the end of April and May 2013.


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