India: Éllóra Cave

3 24. 03. 2023
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

[last update]

Éllóra is an archaeological site in the Indian state of Maharashtra. It consists of a number of Buddhist, Hindu and Jainist buildings - mostly monasteries, stupas and rock caves. The whole complex allegedly originated around the 6th and 9th centuries during the reigns of the Kalachri, Chalukya and Rashtrakuta dynasties.

All the buildings are carved into a basalt rock monolith with absolutely incredible details. The only way we could do that today would be to use heavy machinery. But nothing like this or any other advanced technique was found.

Whatever they used to do, like in ancient Egypt, they had to use the technology that made it possible to accurately cut the stone. According to some of the higher temples, the gods built one night.

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