The Iraqi minister spoke about the ancient Sumerians who were flying into the cosmos

12. 11. 2016
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

Iraqi Transport Minister Kazem Finjan made a strange statement during a visit to Dhikah province in the south of the country. NEWSru Israel said at a news conference he embarrassed journalists by saying that the leaders of the ancient Sumerian people were flying into space.

According to him, the very first airport in human history was not built in the 20th century, but was built much earlier by the ancient Sumerians, about seven thousand years ago. Findjan is convinced that it was located in the cities of Ur and Erid and was used for space flights, such as to Pluto.

The words of the Minister have stopped and amazed specialists dealing with the history of the Middle East. However, no press conference was given to the minister because the journalists had no courage to oppose such a high-ranking official.

There are also politicians in Russia who appear in public with alternative perspectives in science and history. For example, in 2010, a former representative of the Republic of Kalmykia spoke of the existence of UFOs and aliens. On April 26, 2010, he was even a guest of the "Pozner" program, which is broadcast by the First Channel. Ilyumzinov declared on the air that he had managed to fly in a UFO. Understandably, he did not pilot the ship himself, but was abducted by aliens. So, more precisely, they could not bear it, but offered him a trip around the galaxy. The president accepted the offer and communicated with foreigners during the flight. The incident took place on September 18, 1997, and his trip began in Moscow.

After his television performance, the representatives LDPR (Liberal Democratic Party of Russia, note. transl.) jokingly tried to draw the attention of the then President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev to the possible leakage of secret materials, because it was assumed that Ilyumzhinov could pass some important information to the humanoids.

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