Iranian Prince - Mage Rodamir

26. 05. 2017
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

Some time ago I wrote about the so-called Tisul Princess. A similar and equally secret finding, this time of a male genus, spoken of as the Iranian prince or mogul Rodamir, was also mentioned in the article. Information about it is - as in the previous case - on the Internet as a saffron, and those that can be traced are mostly referring to the testimony and research of academician VA Čudinov, one of those scientists who fundamentally change the official view of the world.

(Valery Alexeyevich Chudinov is a professor at the Department of Cultural History at the State Academy of Slavic Cultures, a Doctor of Philosophical Sciences and a Candidate of Physico-Mathematical Sciences. data on the presence of Slavic culture in the area from Portugal to Zaural Arkai, in the period from the Neolithic to the mid-2 - that is, some 000 17 years. one of the key columns of all languages, he calls Professor Čudinov a Wikipedia.

More about Čudin and his linguistic discoveries eg:

So, how was it with Magam Rodamir?

Čudinov says that in the spring of 2008, he was asked to unravel unknown inscriptions in a sarcophagus. He received only a few photos and later amateur video, without any further identification, where and when the discovery was made. It was only during his next work that he was gradually acquainted with pieces of information: that somewhere - probably in Iran - a spacious room was discovered during the construction work, perhaps a tomb that, as it turned out, was part of a large city complex buried not only by earth but also by time.

There were three sarcophagi in the tomb, and in one of them the well-preserved body of a white-skinned man (neither Indian nor Arab) who seemed to be asleep. As it was discovered, the man was in an anabiotic state, and apparently protected by a frequency barrier, because the first two people who had gotten into the tomb with unclean intentions died in the place, the third was then in a coma.

Chudinov did not specify in his narrative what and how he did with the body, he probably had no further information. It just shows, and on the attached video it's seen that there were several more in the sarcophagus probably gold objects. In the second sarcophagus there were five golden books and an ancient map of the Russian state. These parts were not allowed to study.

the only task was to decipher the inscriptions on both the golden head of the sleeping man and the inscriptions on all three sarcophagi. Based on the inscriptions he also determined the age of the sleeping man - 850 years. As for the golden headdress, he found the old characters that he translated as a name and position asleep: JAPAN TEMPLE MAG, which we can translate as a "magician / wizard of the god of Jara", otherwise called JARA MIM = jarc Jara (which was mistakenly translated as Jaromir) and further notice: MASKA PORAD = Roda's tree in the anabiotic state.

(You may have heard of Chambo Lama Itigel, who "died" in meditation at the end of the 1920s, but then told his disciples that he would return, and after removing it from the cedarwood box after 30, his body was completely preserved. They re-set it up and opened the 75 years after his "death," as Itigelov wished, and now sits (still in the lotus seat) in a glass temple showcase where he goes to visit and telepathically communicate with the monks of the monastery. warm and some say they saw how he opened his eyes.

You may also have heard of the mysterious Tibetan caves, where countless thousands of years have been sitting motionless in the meditation position by representatives of the various races that have ever lived on Earth. They stay there in a state that local people call samadhi as a genofond of mankind for the need to re-plan the planet. Their ancient, immensely mature souls, at the same time, maintain the Earth at a higher energy level, at a higher frequency, and thus greatly influence our destiny.)

In the photos from a year later (2009) it is clear that Rodami's hair and hair grew considerably, the skin became supple, and hair growth began to grow. Obviously, at that time, the anabiotic state slowly began to shift into awakening. According to Cudinov's statement, Rodamir also had a telepathic contact in which he confirmed his name. He said he was waiting to be awakened to help humanity solve the big problems that are waiting for them. Rodamir gradually revived and Chudinov said he was aware that he is now moving and talking and is in one of the Islamic countries. However, any other information, proofs, photographs are always missing ...

Professor Čudinov was initially bound by silence, although he himself did not receive any communication other than photographic material. But two years later, when the video was running on the Internet, the ban became obsolete and passed away, and he informed Rodamir about his blog. Interestingly, immediately after this publication, another one appeared on the Internet video with a similar name, but where a completely different body is captured, whose age was estimated even at 12 000 years. Čudinov can not determine who he is or why he is listed under the same name, he has also suggested that it is either the content of a third sarcophagus or an artificial object that eventual thieves have been deterred from robbery. In a subsequent Internet discussion, however, it has been suggested that this is a scam and the mummy (?) Is from a less well-known museum.

However, why this video on the Internet was suspended in the close connection with the publication of information by Professor Čudin, we can only argue with a smile ...

And another conspiracy:

Similar artifacts have always been taken by the higher rabbis or representatives of the Catholic Church for unimaginably large amounts of money, and true information about these findings has never come to light world. Here, the photos and videos reported here were accidentally seen by one of Israel's rabbis. The next day, 50 brought millions of dollars in cash (!), Saying that it was enough to show him only the place of the sarcophagus ... When he did not, a representative of the Israeli army threatened a missile attack on the site of a burial ground if the find was not sold to Israel.

Why so much interest in obtaining and subsequently concluding this finding? What did some structures so irritated on the document of the famous past of the Slavs in the form of a sleeping Old Moroccan jug?

Well, fortunately they did not find out where to send the bomb.

Tisul Princess and Iranian Prince

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