Jaroslav Dušek: How to be free !?

5 18. 06. 2014
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

How to be free ?! Her Got! When the world is so disgusting, idiots around, one idiot next to another, mobsters, Illuminati, reptiles over it, and everything is controlled from the moon. How to be free? How to be free in such a difficult situation, where the eye lurks mortgage, credit, office, fine, a policeman who should protect but fines! How to be free in this special computer game we came up with. It's a game for victims and tyrants.

The Toltec path to liberation leads to one learning everything. He learns everything he has learned so far. It will divert attention from this world, which has been claimed to be a reality. We believed in the reality of this world so much that we didn't even notice that it was actually virtual. In fact, it does not exist. It is just a virtual project (product) of the human mind. But how is that possible when it's all true. We see it! They wrote about it in the newspapers, they talked about it on television: they killed someone, ran over someone, they were rude to someone… we witnessed it!

But that's the game. One of those ways is to be alone sometimes. Staying alone, walking in the woods to the water. Being there alone and learning everything. Learn to think there and see the hypnosis…

Richard Bach's latest book is titled: How to hypnotize Mary. It's about the topic of today's meeting: Svoboda in a non-free world. Freedom - the divinity we are in essence, which finds itself in it non-free the world, the human game they created.

How do you maintain a relationship with your Deity? When we are born, we are born as a pure deity. When we arise, we arise as a pure divinity. Sperm and egg know what to do. No one has to advise, recommend, teach them. Just make love - preferably a man and a woman. (It tends to be more efficient…)… and the sperm and egg know what to do.

Men would like the idea that sperm pierce that vagina, penetrate the egg, and the heroes - the strongest sperm beat the egg and th the winning sperm will break in! Today it is already known that it is different. The vagina takes over the sperm, evaluates it, moves the chosen ones to the egg. And then the egg opens much like Mother Earth opens, which weakens its magnetic flux and sperm can enter. And so we quite know what is going to happen. Deity works quietly in the darkness of the body - in life.

It's very dramatic in the beginning. They are different geometric shapes. Cube, octahedron, pyramid - all of us were each. Absolutely wonderful divine geometry - wonderful divinity. Then comes nine months of well-being. God knows what to do. We go through the shrimp stage, the alien stage,… and gradually the Deity works his way up to that newborn when he is born. Suddenly, the Deity is in a world - a non-free world, where it is bound by regulations, ideas, opinions and feelings. The Toltecs call it the deity who puts on the human form. All the good people help him in this dress - parents, mom, dad, grandmother, grandfather, older friends, siblings, teachers,… last but not least magazines, television, radio, movies,… they all help the man to understand what he looks like. man and how to behave. How to dress - a man. How to greet - man. How to wash your hands - man. How to sit on the toilet - man. All this must be learned by the deity. And suddenly, under that layer of human form, the divinity is lost. Our attention is so busy that the human form…

We have to study for many years at school. We listen there and look shamelessly what we have to do. Physics, chemistry - he does not understand it, not even the teacher - not, but when he passes formulas, patterns, lessons. Memorize the water pressure at the nozzle orifice from which water is leaking. We mechanically count ...

It's not just like being human. Haha :). During the process of acquiring that human form, one essential process takes place so that as humans we can be easily manipulated. The heart is closing. The human heart closes. We learn that life is free and dangerous. That man is a wolf. This is a passage through the tear valley. We are being warned of many dangers. There are a lot of danger, such as a wasp. Three or four washers and you go! Komár - can be infected. A foreign dog - a strange dog can be unpredictable. A foreign cat can scratch his tongue and infect ugly. Cat has no other fun than to ride some shit for days. But they are not all our enemies! It could be a horse kicking us or a cow kicking us. Some ugly beetle sits on us - yeah! He even runs a mouse over someone's leg and is traumatized. Very annoying - spider. The spider moves around the apartment alone! He climbs there himself. And let's not forget the whole series of snakes… Life is full of danger. And then there is one such special race - the human race on the planet - a dangerous race called Strangers. Aliens - the planet is full of them. They have their interests and intentions. They want to enslave or outsmart us in some way. They want to get us on their side! They are strangers with their foreign teachings and hostile propaganda. With their weapons and religious systems. Strangers! It is a very unpleasant stay on this planet. One not to be at rest or at night. If one happens to be fine, then comes a nightmare. A strange, pungent bachelor is coming, and it is very difficult for us, even in a dream, to embrace him. To understand that it is we ourselves. That the weird, spotty, unpleasant bachelor is ourselves. Indians, on the other hand, train in a dream to connect with what is considered dangerous to the ordinary world. In a dream, they unite with a whole series of seemingly dangerous forces. Those forces are dangerous, but only because they are powerful. They are not really dangerous, but really powerful. If one won them on one's side, one would awaken one's whole divinity.

It's like a fairy tale. You know what it's like in that fairy tale. The two older brothers are going to free the princess. They unite, because the third youngest is such an elm. The two are smart and strong. They always won over him, won over him in everything and defeated him. They beat him in horseback riding, in shooting, in running - in short, in everything. They don't want to be delayed and that's why they let them jelimana somewhere aside and pushing for the princess because they have their mission and their mission. They do not have time to deal with an old-man who is hungry or ants, or small ravens. It's not time for that, it's a task here. There is a human form here - human intent. Thinking works and crunches. There is no time to deal with any reality - presence. And then the jeliman follows them. He stops with his grandfather, gives him something to eat. He talks to the ants, he talks to the box (speaker on stage), feeds the rabbit, ... and thus acquires them as an ally. This actually gets into its space of divinity.

The two older brothers represent the world of human form. The third one, the impractical one, he only has that good heart… Poor man, he won't make it far. He is a naive man! It will set the princess free as much as possible… You probably know that in symbolism she princess is our soul. The two older brothers are actually intellect a ego. The youngest one then represents ours spiritual heart and the princess is ours soul. And so during each of our lives each of us frees our soul cursed by a dragon, a sorcerer, a magician, a wizard who creates the game of an unfree world.

It is on this challenging journey that our heart can help us - our divinity, because our divinity is constantly present. She constantly ticks quietly in all the cells of our body. Our divinity knows exactly what to do. Our cells know exactly what to do. Our proteins know exactly what to do. Tikou, tikou, tiknou - a thousand times per second! This is how every cell of our body goes.

Deity knows exactly what to do. He is always present with us. He is with us all the time. And the way to free oneself from this so-called unfree world is to not give it attention. On the contrary, pay attention to your manifestation of divinity. To all manifestations of divinity. To see all beings and all people as part of oneself. It is a common planet. We're here together. That circle of life is common here. We can't be alive without each other. All life forms help each other and co-create the space.

When we return to the stream of divinity, to pure inhale and exhale. Then I ask: where is the unfree world? Where is? Where did he go? The moment of immersion in my divinity, the moment of contact with oneself, with Mother Earth and with the Heart of the Galaxy, whom I don't know why, is called a black hole… It's not a very nice name. On one side Heart of the Galaxy on the second Black hole.

It is interesting to observe how the terms themselves are differently emotionally colored. Dark matter. Black hole. Axis of Evil. It's in the Universe Axis of Evil, you would not believe it. Her name is Axis of Evil because it refuted all the existing theories about the Universe. That's what the scientists called Axis of Evil, because that's it bad message. This is despite the fact that the Universe is an intelligent being that is formed symmetrically. At its center is something that vibrates and affects everything around it. Annoying finding. It was supposed to be a dead space that was cold and completely inhuman. When one was afraid he would go there. But it's us!

So I think it's the way. :)


Source: Youtube

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