Jaroslav Dušek: Life philosophy

3 01. 12. 2022
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

Do you perceive that you have recently changed physically? And it's not just that you lose weight and wear a beard. You look like ... lullably.
I was in plastic surgery, liposuction, and I had a copper beard shot in my face. But seriously. Everything changes. The universe comes to life. There are traces of life everywhere. The human mind opens. Many people perceive the changes. For example, we are playing the Four Agreements, based on Toltec learning. I originally thought I was going to play it for fifty spectators, and in a year it would go to flowers. But we've been playing it for three years and it's still sold out. In the first evenings people were sometimes physically ill, it may happen that those who are identified with their ego simply begins to raise the suitcase "out of such a bullshit". Or one lady told us that we had ruined her in the evening, that she hadn't heard anything so outrageous for a long time. But it seems that the audience is gradually opening up and refining.

It's not been long before people knew you as a comedian offering quality sex. What did you actually bring to shamanism, to the toleth teaching? Any personal experience? Chance?
That's how nice it would be for newspapers. But in fact, a million pulses are still going on and I can't fix one now. My perception is that I became interested in it at the moment of my birth. And when I look at my life, I see that I have always preferred that energy be in balance. Even when I had the impression in college that the school was taking my energy and not giving anything back, I left it. Despite the parents who were sad about it because I was an excellent student, I had the good grades, the head for those studies. But suddenly there is a moment in life that can no longer be deceived. Today it looks ridiculous what it was, so I left school ... But at that time I was threatened with two years of war. Finally, fate sent me a blue book. I still remember the dialogue I had with the Doctor: "So what are we going to do with you?" I: "I can't go to the war." But they of you too ... ”So, in the interests of the army, I wasn't nominated in the end.

There are so many theories in the world, so many religions, and each one claims to be right. How can one find out who's a lie, when people are, as you know, willing to believe the biggest crap?
Ask your heart. When choosing without any profit, when there is no advantage to you in what attracts you, when it is a good thing, then it is it. For me, my personal journey has always been decisive. And it is the Toltés who are the masters of the personal journey. According to them, you encounter space, nature, life without some providers, there is no priest, a dealer who would give you God.

But Toltecs, as far as I know, were warriors, no peaceful doves. And it's not so long as archeologists near Tula dug up dozens of children's remains that were simultaneously cut as victims of God's Rain Tlalok. Why should I just follow Toltek?
But dear Aleno, we could also say that most people killed Christians! Or, the worst human invention was a knife. What you say is a classic ego trap that will keep you in fear. This is the same as when the sun is being harmed today. Here the Sun is the life-giving force that we are here. We are made of his light. And we have an incredible campaign against the Sun! I did not use sunscreen for the first time last summer. I was in Sicily and I tasted best in my life. The whole campaign is stupid.

Well, I do not know if you're pleased with the skin care ...
Maybe they will not like me, but I repeat it again. I tried it, it's a marketing move and a nonsense. Of course, the Sun is a tremendous force that you have to respect. But she is life-giving. And the same nonsense is to say that Toltéts have been running human sacrifices and that it means their teachings are wrong. It's easier to read it and explore it with your heart. And if somebody found some skeleton somewhere and out of there it was human sacrifice, I do not care. The original Toltecs were masters and broadcasters of harmony. It is necessary to concentrate on the original pure grain, because the power can always be misused.

Today's world resembles a lunapark, sociologists prophesy that we will die to death. And paradoxically, we suffer by not letting our lives flow like smooth flour, so in the end we have to buy adrenaline experiences. Are not the accompanying signs of bankruptcy? Are we close to extinction?
Definitely yes. I read about a pretty good study that we already meet all the twelve criteria of civilization. It includes the body's forfeit, all those plastic operations, spare parts you fit into the body. Fun, which no longer has any meaning, throwing money into areas that do nothing at all, such as sportsbusiness or showbiz. Using the industry to manipulate, the absurd rise of the pharmaceutical industry, when a human being becomes an experimental animal. All of this is obvious, and the Mayans and Toltéts predict, like the Zulu, the Indians of Pueblo, the Maori, the Incas, the Cherokee, the Hoppi, the Dogoni, the Aboriginal, the Hindu, the Buddhist. At about this time, everyone predicts the extinction of the present, and the birth of something new. The prophecy examines the forthcoming film The Sixth Sun. All these traditions claim that the universe takes place in a sort of great rhythm of inspiration and exhalement, as our bodies show. And it is just for Maya who have an incredibly dynamic perception of time, that is clear, 21.12. 2012 ends Mayan calendar, they say the end of time will come. No, please, the end of the world. The influx of light will be so violent at that time that the brain system will be awakened.

What should I imagine?
No one knows. The Mayans think that this is to overcome the duality that the two brain hemispheres will fully cooperate. We will achieve a certain degree of freedom. Because we have lived under the domination of the left, rational brain hemisphere for thousands of years. This is the world of men. Warfare, killing, subduing. And all with "rational" reasoning. The world of men is over, there is cooperation and interplay of archyteps. Certain signals suggest that. Maybe the awakening of the female archetype in 70. Some researchers have been associated with the landing of man on the Moon in the last century.

The rocket is a phallic symbol, and the moon is a female womb. Those things must be in synchronicity, that is, they must have fled to the Moon, as if to revive the female principle, which then brought a wave of feminism. But we have to realize that when we say the word of a man, we are talking about a disfigured man. The man who is disconnected from his real male function. Because the real male function is mercy. The real man is a real knight. And real female power is intelligence. And that's different, it's a testimony that we are out of the millennium. That is why the inner transformation is often referred to as the inversion. Can not it be strange to anyone that the right hemisphere of the brain controls the left half of the body and vice versa? And because we are throwing, we are developing the fallen, shadowy parts of our forces. Instead of mercy, we develop regret, sentiment, and the place of the positive female intelligence of speculative thinking. We, in fact, develop the female side in a fallen manhood and a male fallen woman. And by manipulating the flyer, moving our attention, we have placed ourselves into a virtual world that we have created in which we suffer a lot. How can God exist when he committed this, we ask? But we are leaked that people have committed it. God is the people. The Mayans have a beautiful sentence: We are the ones we have been waiting for. This is the most important finding at the end of the time-consuming way.

Are they talking about so-called indigo children at times? Who are they?
That term originated in 90. years when the incidence of childishly ill children began to proliferate. As indigos, they were marked by people who see auras and saw an indigo aura around them. It was estimated that there are five percent in the population, then it was fifteen. And today it is claimed that after the 2000 birth year, every indigo is possible. These children are grown up in adults, difficult to talk to as children. He only sleeps two hours a day. They often reach out to their parents by their first names, they have wider consciousness and greater knowledge. And their task is to shift our attention. Some directly say they have come to change this world.

Does not every new generation say that? It was even a communist password.
Well, they say it in three years! A three-year-old child informs you that there are a lot of them and that they have come from the sun. For example, one of the children claimed that it was very difficult for them to initiate a meal at first, because it is a cruel way of getting energy.

Do you know an indigo baby personally?
I know some kids who are atypical. And as my parents tell it, I was probably an Indigo child.

When you mentioned food - according to statistics, there are now more obese people than undernourished people. We eat more than we need, and then we are looking for miracles and weight loss pills. How do you relate to eating?
I am convinced that originally the food was intended rather for entertainment and for the knowledge of the world.

And what then would we take energy from?
Energy is still there. At this moment, huge solar energy flows through us. What do you have in the meal, other than the sun's energy that is retained? When the plant grows, it grows out of the Sun and from the water, it is a stopped, condensed solar energy. If the creature was able to pick up energy directly from the light and air, it would not have to eat. Apparently there are such people on Earth. For example, Pavel Mácha, the Shepherd and the Pilot, www.pust.cz, who holds the 65thday fasting. During fasting, he only drinks distilled water and does not drink from a certain day, enjoying only direct energy from the air and describing it in his diaries. My friends were now in Russia, where they met a sixty-year-old lady in a village who had not eaten or drunk for six years, yet she was chirping, which is interesting. Very strong guy.

How long can you survive not eating?
The word you hold out is not accurate. I did not eat for twelve days, I just drank.

What will happen to a man?
You will learn how you are getting more energy. It's just how funny it is when I'm scared. Because suddenly you feel like you do not start eating at all. It's probably a similar situation to when divers do not want to come back from deep. Something is happening. Around everyone is eating and it will make you entertained because you find that you are not hungry or taste. You do not have to eat, and yet you have more energy. And every day I play the theater, so I know what it's like to have or not have the energy. You realize that when you eat, your energy will generally fall. I think that food was originally a system of acquaintance with the world, the possibility to taste it through taste. The goal was certainly not to eat three times a day. I've eaten for a while. But from childhood, someone will focus your attention on eating at least three times a day. Best five times. And you get used to it, and then you really need to eat that rhythm. But if we were to learn from childhood, to eat once a day like some, and to eat a handful of rice all day long, we will find that we will work on it. The paradox is that when you raise the fear that you will not have food, you will create a civilization that is overwhelmed by fear and destroys food, it clogs the bodies. When you eat, you are actually in a state of meditation. That's why people eat, for a good state of mind that can be achieved by meditation.

If it were true what you say, anorexia would not be so dangerous. But this disease has thirty percent mortality.
If you want to divert from food, you have to prove it consciously with a relatively large spiritual charge. If you just disconnect food, you can just die. You must always be accompanied by spiritual exercise because you have to take the energy from elsewhere. I'm even convinced that you can agree with the cells of your body beforehand and warn them that you will try this sort of thing.

And is that what you do?
You normally talk to them. That's your thing to get your way. Because they are your cells, they change, they work, they make up your body, they always know about you. And if you do not communicate with them enough, you may have some illness to notice them at last.

Our body is a really special phenomenon, it is not just a pack of energy: it can repair itself, it will tell you what it needs ...
This is how I came to fast, I listened to my body, and it told me that it was too much. I was knee pain for a while, it was a clear signal that I must be lighter. There is, dear Aleno, the book Zelator by Mark Hedsel and David Ovason, where there is a very nice passage about the fact that the body is actually the biggest mystery at all. It is made up of hundreds of billions of cells, and it works perfectly. So if you do not destroy him. It is also strange that you can train him for anything. When you train him for smoking, he then wants to smoke. He does not want to start at the beginning, he tells you at the beginning that it's nasty. But he will listen to you; it is available to you in a certain sense. You can make him addicted to booze, to drugs, to whatever you impose on him as an essential ingredient you need on your way to your illusory happiness. But then your body will require it, it keeps you trapped. And there's a strange moment when you want to stop overeating, and it's not like you're still eating. This body suddenly returns to you, and I would say it this way: Your body gives you a drink. And the inertia is enormous. The peak of inertia is cancer. Cancer is a typical picture of an ego. What does ego do? He wants to cut a piece out of the whole, he wants to get hold of him, say, this is just mine, and he wants to enlarge it. Whether it is land, scope, influence, power. Ego behaves like a cancerous tumor, cancer is not in vain one of the diseases of the modern age, because it shows our egos his blindness. This cell, like our ego, does not understand that, as it grows bigger and bigger, at a certain point it grows limitless, destroying the whole.

Is not it a picture of our entire civilization?
In a sense, yes. The image of total madness and the inability of rational thinking. There are many tons of dangerous colossus running along the roads, which nonsensically carries the same goods back and forth. We're still doing things that we do not need because we already have them. Advertising must force us to buy more and more of the same. Or go to the supermarket and watch the women working at the ticket offices. They can not even go to the toilet as I read, they have a pot of pots or a diaper. That's 21. century? Did we, the rational creatures full of humanism? Or the pharma industry, that is to say, that people have to take some chemicals to heal themselves. I have not been taking any medication for sixteen years, I have not been to a doctor for sixteen years. Since 91, when I first went to the hot coals, and I figured that if my body can go through such a heat it will certainly do something like sickness.

Do you still run some other yogic practices?
I try to live to be energetically balanced.

How do you trust when using a mobile phone, driving by car?
Now you hit. I'm just going to make a point about putting my cellphone away. I'm actually just sending esemes, I do not want to put it to my head. I drive very little by car, much more by train.

Does your family share your lifestyle with you? Or are your kids taking you like a little cracked daddy?
Well, maybe a vegetarian started to be a son. And the train goes all the way. But you know, I see the way here in harmony, not in any orthodoxy. I am interested in the search for harmony in everyday practice, which means to use those things to the extent necessary. Just like food. My ideal is not to eat at all, but little.

One skeptic told me that there is no need for meditation to go through hot coal, that when one goes fast enough, no one is burning.
For me the transition of fire is nothing theoretical but personal. You are going to do something that some of your being doubts it is possible. Part of your being says that it will go, but the second part does not think so. You overcome fear. And that's what the event is, not if it's scientifically explained. And if that guy really thinks he's not burning, let him do it. But I saw these events as well as the people who were burned. In 91. the year of a guy took the ambulance, because he had a huge blister across his feet.

So what do you think is that someone is burning and not another?
When you go over that fire, you should be respectful of the fire. At the moment you would say you already know it, it may happen that the fire will tell you again that it is not quite natural. I went three times in my life. Third time three times in a row. Now I will go for the fourth time. I have not burned yet.

Mystery is a lot in our world. Did you record what the astrophysicists say, that about ninety-nine percent of the universe is a dark matter of which there is only indirect evidence?
Sure. And it is interesting that a similar number is repeated in other areas, such as genetic code. Only two to three percent of those letters are considered relevant code, 97-98 percent is the so-called ballast. Biologists say there are about a kilo and a half microorganisms in the human intestine, of which only about two percent are described, but with 98 the percentage of those micro-organisms, and about a kilogram, they do not know why they are actually in us. In the thymus, the so-called university of the body, the cells pass a demanding test, which passes through only two to three percent of the cells.

Do they have any explanation for Toltecs?
They have. They say the world is composed of a tonal and a nautical side. Tonal part is the one you know the senses and you grasp the intellect. Nagal is the unrecognizable, senseless, unrecognizable side of the world that we recognize only from its action, as well as the dark matter. You can not see electromagnetic waves or air, but it's here. Nagual is what drives our body.

Are you a supporter of the theory of intelligent project or evolution?
For Toltecs, the whole universe is intelligent, the whole universe is a living entity, inert non-living matter is the fabric of the human brain. And according to the prophecy, we will now increasingly perceive signals from the universe that he is alive. According to this, we perceive it as we think. I repeat it: We perceive the way we think. We ordinarily believe that we first perceive and then we get some thoughts out of it. But it's just the opposite: We just do not see what we want, and we see what we are willing to see. You certainly know that attempts have been made when you bet people that you are giving them a glowing coin, but you give them a cold, and yet they get a blister. If you want to see a hostile world full of problems, you will see it. But if you want to see the world where we are constantly learning where we are constantly provided with various lessons that may look tragically temporarily, you can also see the meaning of such a lesson with time.

You are often talking about different male and female energies. What are the other powers?
There is a theory that men had to close their emotional component at some point in their development to rule the world and, above all, to kill them. And women happened because they could not talk about it, they closed the center of their speech, and hence strengthened the manipulation capacity. We live at a time when these deficits are being resolved. Men open their emotions, and women open their speech center. This is how the world is changing. Much of it, according to my judgment, also changes when men go to labor. Those tendencies that have lain somewhere, the natural person in us who is pushing civilization as something inappropriate, like that hairy savage, is growing stronger. By the way, do you observe how today's civilization gets rid of all the hairs? Everybody is getting away where it goes, because it's just like that ... uh, it smells like it and it's so weird. But we wanted to get away with the savage, and he returns to us for example in tattoos and piercing.

When we are in the countryside, is it true that you have a dry toilet?
I made a composting separating toilet. Because when you start communicating with the elements, when you start asking about water, as she likes it being driven under the pressure of straight pipes, you will find that water is not like. Water loves spiral motion, rapids, twists, water is natural to move in an arc, in a spiral. And we made the creek out of the water, the drainage channel, we put our shit into ours and washed it with potable water, which I consider to be another unreal thing. Nothing escapes what little kids are learning at school: it's really a circle. We take our garbage into the circle, feeling that it will somehow clean up. We do not have to do that; for thirty years there have been developed composting toilets in Sweden. Well, I bought one and composting my feces.

You have always been an excellent mystic. What if the reader thinks that this is just another of your pieces?
Look, Aleno, it does not matter to me. Everyone sees the world as well as their own. This is the basic Toltec principle. But even though one of the components of our civilization destroys the whole planet, yet people still live here like a stone age. And they just keep us conscious of the harmony that arises from the communication of the tonal and nautical sides. Where the tone remains without a nagual, madness will occur. But if you take your silent power into account, if you ask your nucal parts before each and every one of your larger decisions, you will not do some things at once because you will feel that they are not in harmony. Vladimir Vogeltanz, about the moment when he suddenly found out from the day after day in the surgery room, that he could not handle his patients without a headache. But I do not want to persuade anyone. I can only touch a point, something that discovers what reason does not stop. It is also called conscience. According to one of the interpretations of the Mayan calendar, the final sprint will begin in February 2011. So here we can meet and talk again. You will know if what I'm saying is mystification and utter madness.

So for four? years 8. June at 2 pm here. For the time being, I greet you in the training with the Toltec greetings: You are my second self.
You are my second I or Totally In lack of ech!


Source: On 21.6. 2007 came out in Lidové noviny interview with editor Alena Plavcová and actor Jaroslav Dušek. This conversation, however, was changed and cut in comparison with the version Mr. Dušek approved ... Here is the original version, which runs through the Internet.

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