Who were the ancient builders of the Great Pyramids?

30 10. 01. 2024
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

To answer this question, we have to move to the oldest times, for which some writings have been preserved for the first time. We will visit the southern Mesopotamia, which will tell us a little bit. The nation of Sumer has lived here, their history dates back to 3500 years BC In their religion there is faith in many gods, namely in 12 the most important ones that were changing. The Pantheon and the events of the Sumerian gods intertwine across our history all over the world. Only in Christianity is it written about one god, but also in the Bible - Genesis are references to the gods, of course these inaccuracies must have occurred, because the biblical stories did not avoid the description of Sumerian events. In Egypt, Greece, India, Central and South America, there were no deities other than the Sumerian who lived in communion with the people of those times who left, but promised to return.

Mexico, Teotihuacán

Of the three Teotihuacan pyramids there is the smallest pyramid of Quetzalcoatla, alternating with the shapes of Tlaloka. This pyramid falls into the Toltecs and resembles many other Mexican pyramids. On the other hand, the two larger pyramids are not decorated at all, the staircase was added to the pyramids only later. They have different dimensions and shapes, and they are distinguished primarily by their immense age, these aspects resemble the Pyramids of Giza. It is remarkable that although Chefren's pyramid in Giza is lower than the Cheops pyramid, its peaks are at the same altitude, because the Chefren pyramid is built on the site exactly as much higher as the construction is lower and the same is repeated in Teotihuacan, the pyramid of the Moon is built in place ten meters above the Sun Pyramid, and the peaks of both buildings are at the same height. Another similarity at the Pyramids of Giza and Teotihuacan is that they have almost identical bases. In Giza, one side of 247 meters and a pyramid at Teotihuacan measuring 244 meters.

Sun pyramid Monthly pyramid

Egypt, Giza

Cheops pyramid and Chefren's pyramid are the only two largest pyramids built under the steep angle of 52 degrees. These pyramids, as the only ones, were not built by Cheops or any other pharaoh, but by the gods of the ancient Middle East that used to serve as navigational points to their cosmodrome on the Sinai Peninsula. All other Egyptian pyramids are actually the work of the Pharaohs, they were created thousands of years later and imitated God's steps to the heavens. But none of them ever reached the 52 angle, and whenever the builders tried, the work eventually collapsed; as an example, the second Snofrew Pyramid in Dahshur. When the first pyramid, built in the Medium at the angle of the 52 degrees, collapsed, the builders quickly changed the angle of the second pyramid into a safe 43,5 stage. No buried pharaoh ever found in the great pyramids. Although the Egyptians suffered from rich décor, both large pyramids contain no paintings or hieroglyphics.

Pyramids in Giza    Pyramid in Dahshur

Lebanon, Baalbek

The Triliton, made up of solid stone blocks, is the base of an ancient cosmodrome, the Anunnakes landing platform, which was preserved and on which Roman monuments were later built. The legend tells of the platform that it comes from the time before the flood. Very worrying remains the fact that there is currently no crane, vehicle or any mechanism to lift a body weighing 1000 or 1200 tons. And we do not even talk about his transportation down the valley, uphill slope and exact placement in the construction at a height of many meters above the ground. No trails were found on roads, ramps, or other earthworks that would only indicate that huge blocks were thrown from the quarries to their destination in the building.

Baalbek, a trillion in the massive western retaining wall  A giant cobblestone in the Baalbek Quarry, the ancient stonecutters left it here. It is fully machined and shaped. Its length reaches twenty-three meters and its base measures five and four and a half meters. A cautious estimate indicates that the weight of the block could reach 1200 tons. Most scientists assume that they should be picked up and placed in the building next to their three sisters

Peru, Cuzco

The Old Town of Incas is located in the Peruvian Andes. He built his ruins at 16. century Spanish palaces and churches in the Baroque style. All these enormous blocks of the hardest stone were brought to Cuzco by stoneworkers with lightness, like a wax. The front of each stone was smooth and adjusted to a slightly concave shape. However, as it has been achieved, it is not known, for there are no grooves, notches, or marks on the chisels and hammers on the stones. The mystery still remains how these huge pieces of stone have managed to lift each other and take them down due to strange angles of stone with such precision. And to make the mystery a little, these huge blocks are adjacent to each other without the use of mortar. In one case weigh a stone block, measuring nine meters in height, over 300 tons. These huge pieces of rock had to be transported from afar, they had to be brought to this place over the mountains, the valleys, the streams and the steep rivers.

Travelers and contemporary scientists agree on one - these walls are not part of the Incas, but some of their mysterious predecessors who had to have supernatural powers can not believe that someone would get them out of a quarry because the Indians did not have iron or steel would carve and process them. It's also unclear and remains a mystery about how the builders would get them in place, for the Indians did not have wagons, oxs to attract them. At that time there were no straight paths; on the other hand, the mountains and steep slopes were waiting for them. Many stones were transported from fifteen to thirty to fifty miles away. The Incas were not the original builders of the fortress - they are known to have failed to transfer even one of those megalithic stones. According to the chronicle records, one Indian Stone Master decided to increase his fame by picking up the stone from where he was originally left behind by the builders. More than the 20.000 Indians, the boulder was lifted by thick ropes. They went very slowly. On one of the slopes of the carriers that failed to keep the balance of stone well, their burden, which proved to be too heavy for them, slid down and rolled back down the slope, killing about four thousand Indians. The stones are assembled with such precision that it is impossible to insert the thinnest knife blade or the smallest needle between them.

The stones are assembled with such precision that it is impossible to insert between them the thinnest knife blade or the smallest needle  Has 12 sides of angles

The stones are assembled with such precision that it is impossible to insert between them the thinnest knife blade or the smallest needle  The stones are assembled with such precision that it is impossible to insert between them the thinnest knife blade or the smallest needle

So the question arises, who were the builders? Were the ancient astronauts AN.UNNAK.KI (in Sumerian meaning "Those who came from Heaven on Earth") who regularly visited us and taught us the progress that appeared in periods? How can we not do so masterfully working and moving stone today? Then we must admit that our history will not be as straightforward as it seems, but the tooth of time hides something serious from us.


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