Contacters Ivan and Ilona and humanoid EBE-Olie

16. 06. 2017
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

You published a book in the USA. It is not usual for him to go out abroad first and then at home. What is it that came out in the USA?
It started by putting me on Facebook as one of the leading astronaut Ken Johnston from New Mexico, and the next day he was put by friends by his great friend Bret Colin Sheppard, who is also from the same city of Belen, New Mexico. I am self-taught in English for about a year and I started writing the information we received using the spiritist method from Humanoid EBE - Olie into the English language and thought that some scientist might be interested. And it also intrigued Bret Sheppard. Bret offered us that he would very much like to help us create a book in America. And so we sent him texts, until recently a book was written in English and now in Czech. One researcher Stuart Spencer from Brazil wrote to me that he is willing to translate our book into Portuguese. So it should be a book in three languages…

The book is a description of your contact with extraterrestrial civilization - humanoid Ebe Olie. When did you meet him for the first time?
We first met Humanoid Ebe in 1992 when we were returning home from an evening walk. We opened the door from the street and came across something strange. The door closed very quickly. Of course we were scared. We thought there was a thief outside the door. Then I tried to open the door again. My sister Ivana was standing right behind me. I half-opened the door and a small beige figure with a narrow body rose and fell behind our low wall into our backyard. A strange murmur was heard. It was shocking for us and we were afraid if something would happen to our parents at home, but we did not have the courage to walk through the place. We stood in front of our house for a while and suddenly it was as if my name had come out from above 3 times: “Ilona! Ilono! Ilona! ”It was a very deep, masculine voice. We were really worried about our parents if anything happened to them. We rang the doorbell and quickly ran to the police. Then we drove them in front of our house and our mother was at the window and said, "What's going on here?" The police searched our backyard. There were only a few broken pots behind the low wall… Then they left and laughed. They thought we were probably kidding. As soon as they left, our mother remembered that about an hour and a half before that she had heard strange noises coming from our backyard in the kitchen. Mom ironed the laundry and at first thought it was us and that we wanted to scare our mom. It was strange to her that we still weren't going home. She got scared and went to the living room. And then she heard our ringing… She walked slowly to the window and after a while she saw a police car in front of our house.

Can you describe your ability to communicate with him?
Sometime in 1993, I tried so-called spiritualism with one lady. A circle with the alphabet and a small glass are marked on the hard paper. You hold your finger lightly on the glass upside down and the glass travels to the individual letters. You can connect to different entities…. I was very interested in it, so I told my sister Ivana if she would like to try it too. So we tried it… We put both fingers on the glass. The glass sped off very quickly and began to say, "I am not a ghost, I am an alien from the planet Elielji. My name is Olie. In America we are called "EBE". It stands for "Energical Biological Entity". We are glad that you believe in our existence. Ivana is endowed with a special power and is a kind of mediator between the planet Elijah and the Earth… She is a kind of navigator via a computer transmitter at a distance to humans…. I have to write it down in a notebook. We have been in contact since then. At the beginning he wrote with mistakes and used words in the infinitive. Sometimes he uses some kind of code and other words that we don't understand. It also communicates quite professional information about physics, chemistry, biology…. It also uses Latin words, as well as words similar to Hebrew and ancient Indian…

The alien is to be the mediator between the planet Earth and Elielia. What constellation should be in?
Ebe Olie told us that he is from another galaxy from the planet Elielij, which is distant from 39 light years ... and is from the 12 dimension. It's so incomprehensible to us. There are more dimensions that intertwine each other. There are many people who begin to perceive these dimensions and are also connected with the different beings of the universe. We are not alone in the universe!

Everybody would want to see Ebe Olie. Possible?
As far as I know, a few people have already met "them". In 1994 we were invited to Oblekovice near Znojmo to demonstrate communication in front of about 30 people. The pastor was also present. During the communication, Ebe told us that they would show us a manifestation flight in the evening, so that people would not think that we were communicating with a ghost who was only pretending to be an alien. They really showed themselves to us in full parade around 23 pm! With a light-shaped plate-shaped object, they flew jerkily to the right and left, returning back and forth several times. They maneuvered wonderfully, and even at times red and green lights flashed from the object, and the object seemed to spin. Some people even started crying with joy and said, “They really exist! "We are very sorry that we did not have a camera or a camera on hand. Since then, we have seen many times unidentifiable objects in the sky and in daylight, again with more people. There is so much we have seen and experienced. And I hope we still experience….

Have you ever tried to pass on the knowledge you capture - scientists, politicians, etc? With what result?
At first, we only knew it a few people, ufologists in the Czech and Slovak Republics. We have been on TV several times, but we have not said exactly what Ebe - Olie tells us exactly. Up to now, thanks to facebook, we passed it among scholars and scientists from different parts of the world. It is only now that we have started to care about us and what Ebe tells us. They even ask questions and Olie answers them. Again, there are researchers who believe and do not believe us. And those who believe in us know that we do not think and even confirm that it is true and that we can not invent it in any way. They are also very expert information about physics, chemistry, biology, universe, etc. From the Czech government a few people know about us. Even one politician has come to visit us personally several times. For obvious reasons, I would prefer not to mention his name.

People, your abilities and the existence of EBE Olie definitely perceive inconsistently. Some people may appear to be people who want to be visible, others in you may see fools. Is that the case?
It is. But we do not do anything. This is not our problem. We just do not want the information for so many years to be hidden somewhere in the closet. I can not speak English yet, I'm just writing ... but we even got to KGRA radio this year, radio in Pennsylvania. I wrote it and the announcer from Michael Austin Melton radiated it here for us. It was even a success, and people still called them to the radio and wanted to continue. They also wanted the latest Olie news. So this year, 4x has already begun on KGRA radio in Pennsylvania, which can be launched over the Internet. I think it's not over.

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