The sphere of light generating the formation of crop circles

22. 06. 2018
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

Winston Keech, an engineer and inventor, describes his first encounter with crop circles created at the now well-known "East Field" in the county Wiltshire in the UK. Mr. Keech describes how he saw an "illuminated object" of the size of a dinner plate, which created a lone circle in the same crop - the so-called Eastern field, where the famous circle formation modeled in the 7.7 grain there is now. 2007 (see photo on the right). Keech explains how he stayed in the field long into the night and hoped to see the UFO create a circle of grain, but instead he was aware of the present, as he described himself as "almost a ridiculous, slightly childish consciousness" by the cornfield permeated.

Keech described he had it seemed like someone was watching him, and that feeling was great "intensive". He said that in the corner of his eye he could actually see a small lighted disk hovering at a slow pace over the grain, but when he wanted to look at it directly, it disappeared from his sight. He reportedly watched peripherally as the small light disk suddenly expanded sharply, increasing its diameter to about six meters. At that moment, it was said that the grain began to tremble, and then everything lay down at once - the crop circle was formed, as he says, very quickly - in about three seconds.

Grain and light balls

Scientific studies "confirm that crop circles are created by spheres of light"
Eltjo Haselhoff - 31. July, 2007 - Taken from Swirled News

Dr. Eltjo Haselhoff is one of the few people on the planet to have an article published in a scientific journal about crop circles ("Physiologa Plantarum"). This magazine works on principle peer-reviewing (ie on the principle that individual experts evaluate their scientific work to each other). In his article he states that the long-observed association of crop circles and light spheres may be closer than many might think. In the post below dr. Haselhoff for lay people, presents the main findings and conclusions of their expert study.

Over the years there have been people who have claimed to see crop circles forming one or more "Ball of light". Recent scientific studies have confirmed these statements: Essential evidence suggests that crop circles can actually be formed "Light balls"! This article explains the basic elements of these studies.

Extension of the cradles

Grain stems are characterized by small grains "Joints" placed on several stalks (see Fig. Bottom Left). This clamp serves as a kind of ligament. They allow plants to shoot and bend in the light even after they reach their maximum height.

In the begining 90. flight 20. century the American biophysicist arrived William Levengood on the fact that the plants inside the cereal rings have much longer cranks than the plants in the untouched surroundings.

This effect is illustrated in the figure at the bottom right.Extension of the cradles

Although there are natural ways to extend stalks on stalks, these can easily be eliminated. It was clear that in these cases there was something else.

The same effects could be simulated if the cereal stalk was inserted into the microwave oven. Heat generated by microwaves has caused fluid to expand inside the cradles, much as the higher temperature causes expansion and climb of the mercury column in the thermometer. This caused the knee to elongate, with the elongation corresponding to the amount of generated microwave energy.

This finding led to the conclusion that the effect of elongation of the cradles could be due to the presence of heat induced by microwave radiation. The fact is that heat traces have been found many times in different crop circles around the world - dehydrated plants, traces of burns and melting snow.

The ball of light

The number of eyewitnesses who have seen light balls in the crop circles has been increasing steadily in recent years.

They are somewhere in between the egg and the soccer ball, and these bright and fluorescent flying objects seem to have a close connection with the crop circle phenomenon. They often appear above the field when there is just one circle of grain. In these fields and above them they have many times seen (and also filmed!).

Several people have also reported that they have witnessed how these light balls directly create crop circles.

Reaction of scientists

In 1999 released William Levengood a Nancy Talbot a scientific article [1], which included a study of the effect of extension of plant cradles within crop circles originating from three different locations - two in England and one in the United States.

Authors introduced "Quantitative analysis;" they tried to explain the RANGE of elongation of the cranks within the cerebral circle using physical models. They came to the conclusion that the heat (which caused the knee to flow), of electromagnetic origin.

A year later, I myself contributed one article I studied Levengooda a Talbot responded. This article was published in early 2001. [2] The article reconsidered the published data Levengood a Talbot and showed that the extension of the pegs, which was measured at all three crop circle locations, could be perfectly explained by the assumption that the effect of the swollen pegs was induced "Light bulb".

An identical analysis done at a known location in Dreischor v Netherlands year 1997, where it was demonstrably human-formed, did not show any similar characteristics.

Theses - Imagine ...

My theses can be interpreted as follows: Imagine a dark room with a single bulb hanging from the ceiling. When you light up, you will find that the greatest light intensity will be on the floor directly under the bulb. Towards the corners of the room, the floor of the room will be darker and darker. The light intensity distribution on the floor is perfectly comprehensible and can be described very precisely.

The exact distribution of light on the floor depends on the HEIGHT of the bulb above the ground. If the bulb hangs very low, almost touching the floor, the space directly below it will be illuminated very brightly, but the light intensity will decrease rapidly at a greater distance from this point (see Picture on the right).Bulb  However, if the bulb is suspended at the ceiling high, the light intensity is just below it, and will spread more evenly over the floor of the room. Because this mechanism is so well known, it is actually possible to derive the bulb height above the floor from the intensity and distribution of light on the floor.

This is what I have put forward.

Clip as an indicator of elevated temperature?

As I explained above, the swollen stem of the stalk inside the cereal rings can be considered as many small thermometers, which expand with increasing temperature to length.

If we assume that the heat was emitted by small spherical bodies from which electromagnetic radiation originated, we can theoretically accurately determine the distribution of temperature on the ground (as in the case of the light bulb and the light intensity I have mentioned above). I have proven that the measured lengths of the cradles in all three locations they write about Levengoobecause Talbot, perfectly correspond to the temperature distribution that would cause a small light globe floating in the air above the center of the circle and emitting intense heat.

An identical analysis was made in the case of cereal formation in Netherlands [3]. An eye witness claimed that this crop circle was created in a matter of seconds, floating right above its center "Balls of light"[4]. (see Fig down in the middle). Clip length graph

Perfect symmetry

The yellow columns indicate the average length of the pegs measured at seven different locations within the grain formation - from the edge (the b1 region), over the device (a4) to the opposite edge (b7). Notice the perfect symmetry, it is certainly remarkable!

Similar charts were obtained from two other diagonal directions in which the grain formation was measured, which revealed its perfect symmetry: closer to the center of the circle of the longer knee, the edge of the circle was constantly shortened.

The thick blue line shows the theoretical value of the length of the cradles within the circle if their prolongation caused a ball of light floating at a height 4 meters a 10 centimeters. (This height is estimated to correspond to the height reported by the eyewitness). Just like the three crop circles they analyzed Levengood a Talbot, are the theoretical values ​​of the length of the pegs (blue line) perfectly matched to the measured results (yellow columns).

It follows that the accompanying evidence left in the fields perfectly matched those of the eyewitness: the crop circle was actually created with the participation "Light balls".


My article shows that the phenomenon of stalk extension in stalks in several cerebral circles perfectly corresponds to the effect that would cause a lightball to heat the grain during the formation of the cereal formation. However, in the case of human-formed formations, this phenomenon has not been confirmed and has not been established.

The extent of the elongation of the cradles, and in particular the symmetry with which it occurs, can not normally be explained. My article also confirms the words of eyewitnesses who have reported that the circles have been created "Balls of light".

However, the article does not attempt to explain where these light balls came from, nor how the crops are sown. But it strongly promotes the real existence of the phenomenon "Light balls" and confirms the veracity of the words of eyewitnesses, and the author hopes to stimulate further interest in this issue and its research.

Finally, I would like to mention that all these findings and conclusions have been published in a scientific journal which uses methods "Peer-editing". To get these magazines ensure a high level of reliability, employ so-called "judges" (objective, anonymous experts) who each article is subjected to a thorough check regarding the errors and inconsistencies before going to press. Consequently, the conclusions that appear in such published articles simply can not be considered as wild creatures of imagination or pseudo-science, but of facts.

This makes it possible to say that the recent scientific findings have brought considerable progress in understanding the crop circle phenomenon, although there are still many questions that remain unanswered.

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