The charm of the ancient Gunung Padang

20. 01. 2018
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

Gunung Padang is perfect evidence of a highly sophisticated, as yet unknown civilization inhabiting the area, and much of this ancient and "controversial" history is being challenged in all possible ways by mainstream researchers.

There are countless ancient megalithic sites all over the world that have caused confusion and astonishment among researchers around the world. All these ancient sites are an indication that the Earth has been inhabited in the past by highly developed ancient civilizations, and it seems that the major researchers do not count the successes of the ancient man as much as they should.

The archaeological site was first seen in 1914 in a study for the Dutch Colonial Office. Thirty-three years later, a team from the Center for Archaeological Research at the Australian National University determined the approximate age of the site and raised many questions in the archaeological community. But according to locals, the place has been known for thousands of years.

While mainstream students claim that Göbekli Tepe is the place that attacks conventional methods proposed by major archaeologists, there are many who believe Gunung Padang does it and more. When archaeologists performed tests at Göbekli Tepe, they found that this ancient site dates back to history until 10.000 BC, so 4000 is older than any other artificial building on the planet. Today, one refers to Göbekli Tepe as the oldest known megalithic place on the planet… But everything changes with Gunung Padang.

According to studies, Gunung Padang is the furthest pyramid in Southeast Asia. It is actually one of the few ancient monuments found in this area and could prove to be one of the most important ones ever discovered on the planet. Scientists speculate that the site has a number of chambers and shafts hidden beneath overgrown terraces, walls and adjacent areas are buried under the deep vegetation that has grown in place for centuries.

Gunung Padang core specimen analysis revealed unbelievable data, the deeper the scientists observed, the deeper the secrets got. It was believed that the place is dated to at least 5 000 flight, then 8 000 to 10 000 and possibly to the reported 23 000 age years. This means that Gunung Padang is not only the oldest megalithic place on the planet, it is also the oldest pyramid structure known to mankind.

"The results of a radiometric analysis of the carbon element content of some cement samples in a drilled core from a depth of 5-15 meters, carried out in 2012 in a prestigious laboratory, BETALAB, Miami, USA in mid-2012, show its age in the range between 13 and 000 23 years. "(source)

Artistic impression of Gunung Padang, as it would look like in antiquity (© Pon S Purajatnika)

But as with all other spectacular sites that show even more amazing data related to mainstream history, the age of Gunung Padang is heavily criticized and questioned by many researchers. When the researchers found the first conclusions, they protested that the results of the dating technique must be wrong. A place can't be more than 20 years old, is it just… impossible… right? But to the surprise of both skeptics and scientists, no one has yet been able to find any problems with the procedures that took place on site or the radiometric dating techniques that present such "unprecedented" results. That's why key researchers remain in the "neutral" zone of Gunung Padang's age, and when someone asks how old this megalithic site is, their answer is "over 000 years old" - which doesn't say much.

But if the age of the place was not enough, the researchers found that Gunung Padang has other extremely interesting details. For example, in site preparation procedures, the researchers found that much of the "buried" structure was actually reinforced by some type of cement. According to experts, a binder such as mortar and glue was used in certain areas of the Gunung Padang site. It consists of 45% iron ore, 41% silica and 14% clay, which researchers say is further evidence to suggest a high level of sophisticated construction techniques used in construction.

One of the most interesting theories about ancient sites comes from the famous author, Graham Hancock, who suggests that this ancient megalithic site may in fact contain evidence of the lost city of Atlantis.

In an article he publishes in "Sings of the Times," Hancock talks about the experience he had during his visit to Phung Gunung Padang. Danny Natawidjaya, chief geologist at the Research Center for Geotechnology at the Indonesian Institute of Sciences.

Natawidjaja firmly believes that Gunung Padang is no doubt the least 22 000 years old: "The geophysical evidence is clear," says Natawidjaja. "Gunung Padang is not a natural hill, but an artificial pyramid and the origin of the building returns long before the end of the last ice age. Given that the work is thorough, even at the deepest levels, and testifies to the kinds of sophisticated construction skills that have been developed to build the pyramids in Egypt or the largest megalithic sites in Europe, I can only conclude that we are looking at the work of a lost civilization. and relatively advanced. "(source)

Hancock's research suggests that the mysterious lost civilization may in fact be the one that Plato mentions in the dialogue of Greek philosophers Timias and Critias.

Not only would the two share a very similar timeframe, but there are many other details that attract many unanswered questions from the shadows. If the dating techniques used in Gunung Padang are accurate, it would mean that this ancient site was built during the peak of the last ice age. From a geological point of view, during this time it looked very different from what it looks like today. Most of Indonesia and Southeast Asia were in fact different. The ocean levels were drastically lower at the time, suggesting that what the islands are today could actually be part of a continental mainland.

Dr. Natawidjaja suggests that Gunung Padang is the most important evidence that points to a highly sophisticated, unknown civilization inhabiting this area, and much of this ancient and "controversial" history is challenged in every possible way by leading researchers who do not fit their place, civilization, and sophisticated knowledge into their historical records.

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