Quantum experiment: reality and time only exist when we begin to observe them

19. 11. 2017
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

New experiments prove the "bizarreness" of quantum theory1). Experiments have shown that the reality we perceive does not exist if we do not observe and measure it. Physicists from the Australian National University (ANU) conducted an experiment based on a thought experiment conducted by John Wheeler2). An attempt was to prove that the moving object must decide whether it would behave as a particle or wave. Wheeler wanted to know how the subject would decide.

Quantum physics claims that the observer has a fundamental influence on the decision-making of an object, and this is always reflected in the measurement results. This fact was also confirmed by physicists from ANU. "This proves the effect of the measurement. At the quantum level, reality does not exist until we begin to observe it. Atoms that could be observed did not initially move from point A to point B. Only when we measured them at the end of their journey did they begin to behave like particles or waves, our observations evoked their existence. ", said Professor Andrew Truscott of the ANU Physics Research Facility3). Only when an observer introduces an atom to a certain path can he measure it. This influences the conscious decision of the experimentator on the past of the atom in question. This discovery will have a major impact on our perception of the world. The survey results were published here4).

So if observing reality affects the past, it means that time never exists the way we imagine it! In 2012, one of the leading quantum physicists published new evidence5), which show that the present we perceive depends on the past and the future. Jakir Aharonov claims that events in the present are caused by events in the past and in the future. It sounds very unusual and means that the past and the future together form the present. Quantum physicist Richard Feynman6) wrote in his book Entangled Minds: Extrasensory Experiences In A Quantum Reality back in 2006: “We wanted to explore a phenomenon that seems unthinkable. What is happening at the heart of quantum mechanics can really be declared impossible from the point of view of classical physics. Reality as such carries a real mystery. "

Time and reality only exist if we observe it

Time and reality only exist if we observe it

In accordance with the laws of quantum mechanics, according to which subatomic particles should behave, the electron is in a state of nebulous probability. It can be everywhere, somewhere or nowhere. It enters the realm of reality only when it begins to be measured or observed in the laboratory7). That's why physicist Andrew Truscott says, "Reality does not exist until we begin to observe it“. This then leads the scientist to conclude that we live in some kind of holographic universe8). New experiments demonstrate the influence of observation and action in the present on the past. Which means that time is not only going forward but also backwards. Cause and effect can change places and so the future can "cause" the past.

Another research that confirms this is Libet's experiment9), where it was proven that there is a time difference between the beginning of brain activity and the beginning of human movement. Nervous activity is in a state of readiness before our consciousness issues a statement of action.  The physiologist Benjamin Libet performed a series of experiments in 1979, and their results sparked heated debate in academia. And to this day, it is often mentioned in debates on the human will. New discoveries in the field of quantum physics can finally explain this strange phenomenon.

Likewise, questions arise about the processes taking place in space. Imagine that billions of years ago an electron beam ejected at one of the stars and headed for Earth. In order for this light to reach our planet, it must bend around the galaxy and have a choice: either go left or right. After a long journey, he eventually reaches Earth and then becomes visible to us. The moment the photons are captured by the instrument and observed, the results are "left - right" identical. Experiments show that the photon comes from the left and from the right until it is subjected to observation. This means that before the observation begins, it is a disturbed pattern, and only after the start of its observation does the photon decide from which direction it is coming. But how do we actually explain it? This means that our observations and measurements influence the path of the photon, which began its journey through space billions of years ago! Our decision in the present - NOW, will cause events that have already taken place in the past - but that doesn't make any sense. However, that's just the way it is! These experiments prove that quantum coupling10) exists independently of time. So we can say that time, as we measure it and understand it, does not exist in its essence!

Quantum tunnel

Quantum tunnel

Even experiments and studies recently conducted in CERN's laboratories lead us to the conclusion that, rather than particles of matter, everything is composed of energy, and this includes us humans. Particle-level particle behavior has been observed in experiments performed on particle accelerators such as the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). Matter is probably made up of pure energy. These particles were found to form physical elements when they began to observe. As soon as these particles remain unattended for some time, they begin to react like waves. Therefore many scientists today are convinced that our material world is held together by consciousness and everything in the universe is interconnected and interconnected! Quantum interconnection, where neither time nor distance matter! The study of these phenomena is still in its infancy and our view of the world will soon be fundamentally changed.

Einstein once said: "For us, believing physicists, this division of past, present, and future is nothing but an illusion". New information11) In this context, they further lead us to believe that even death is an illusion. Scientist and physician Robert Lanza holds the theory of biocentrism, according to which death is merely an illusion created by consciousness. Professor Lanza also claims that Life created the Universe, not the other way around. In his opinion, space and time are not linear, and therefore death as such cannot exist. He claims that we are convinced of the existence of death only because it is instilled in us. We believe that we are just a body and the body must die. Biocentrism, the new theory of "everything" says that nothing ends in death (contrary to what it teaches us). If we fit the latest discoveries of quantum physics, Life and Consciousness into this equation, we could get an explanation for some really great scientific mysteries.

It is now becoming clear why space, time, and even matter depend on the observer. In the same way, the physical laws of the universe are beginning to appear in a different light. The universe is a very precisely coordinated mechanism, set for the existence of Life. Reality is therefore a process that is contained (takes place) in our consciousness. How can pairs of particles coalesce in an instant, even though they are on completely opposite sides of the galaxy? It would mean that time and space do not really exist. The answer is that particles are not only there "outside", outside of space and time, but they are also instruments of our consciousness! Thus death in a world without time and space can not logically exist. Immortality, therefore, does not take place in time, but outside of it, where everything exists at the same time.

Given these current discoveries and findings, we assume that we are in a multiverse. It is a theory of many existing worlds12), which says that every possible observation leads to a different universe and therefore there are an infinite number of them. And everything that can happen will take place in one of them. All these universes exist simultaneously and regardless of what is happening in them. Life is an adventure that transcends our linear thinking. Real life is "non-linear dimensionality".

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