Lacerta - a crawling creature living in an underground world - 10. part

1 29. 08. 2016
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

Once I have said it and reaffirmed that the following text is absolute truth and not a fiction. It was composed of three original tape recordings made by 24. April 2000, during my second interview with the creature known as "Lacerta". At the request of Lacerty, the original text from 31 pages was reworked and shortened to address only some questions and answers. Some of the answers to the questions asked were partly truncated or given later modifications. There has even been a "refinement" of the report and its significance. These parts of the interview are either not listed or only partly transcribed when dealing primarily with personal issues, paranormal phenomena, the social system of plague species and extraterrestrial technology and physics.

Record Oleho K. of 03.05.2000

Questions and answers from the second part of the interview.


Question: In the letters I received, there was often the question of whether you could describe advanced physics in more detail, as you commented on last time. Many people say that your words didn't make sense. For example, how do UFOs work, how do they fly and perform the maneuvers they do?

Answer: Should I explain this to people? It's not all that simple. Let me think about it for a moment. I must always use very simple words to make clear to you the basic principles of higher science.

Let's try it: you have to be clear about some basic things. The very first thing is that you have to divide the concepts of the physical world, because each reality consists of different levels; let's say for simplicity that it consists of matter that is an illusion and it is only the action of fields in space. (Swedish translator's note: There is no legitimate translation of the word "Feldraum"; "Feld" means "field", "Raum" means space, peace, expanse. That's why I translated it as "sphere of influence." “Energy field”, that's why I'm going to translate it.)

   Some physical conditions are associated only with matter (such as "concrete"), while other and more complex conditions are associated only with the effect of fields on matter. Your conception of the physical world is based on the simple illusion of matter. This illusion is further divided into three basic states of matter (solid, liquid, gaseous). The fourth and very important state, which also exists and which you simply have to take into account, borders on the sphere of influence and is the state of plasma. For you, I state that the theory for the controlled transformation or increase of the frequency of vibrations of matter and the stable existence of this fourth state of matter is not very common, or is at your very primitive level.

Border Note: There are a total of five masses of matter, but we should really have to go too far to post-plasma status, and that would only make you sick. Besides, it is not necessary, apart from understanding the basic theory, associated with various phenomena that you would characterize as supernatural.

Now, back to the essence: Plasma… now I do not just mean "hot gas" by plasma - as your concept, which is generally explained to humans in a simplified way, but rather I mean the higher aggregate state of matter. Plasma is not a state of matter, it is a special kind of matter, on the borderline between its material existence and the energy field, when solid matter ceases to exist and grows into pure energy of various kinds, whether it is condensed or diluted.

   I note that there is no precise explanation of the terms as used in this concept. Your interpretation is as good as mine. The fourth state of matter is very important for certain physical conditions that can be used, for example, to generate antigravity. Essentially, in the real world of physics, there are no bipolar forces, but rather just an "observer dependent on random behavior", simply, there is only a great unified force at different levels.

Antigravity is a possible shift of gravity to the opposite level, for example, causing levitation of solid matter. This method is used by us and aliens, partly as a means of propelling our UFOs. You humans try similar principles at a very primitive level in your secret military projects, but because you have more or less stolen this technology that you later deliberately passed on to aliens in a distorted form, you are missing a real theoretical understanding and as a consequence you will have to fight at your UFOs with instability and radiation problems. According to my information, a large number of people have died because of intense radiation and power field failure. Am I not right?

This is also an example of a matter of "good" and "evil". You people are playing with unknown forces, and you will cause death to colleagues of your kind, because they are dying for the great thing, which is the progress of your technology, and which will eventually be used anyway for war, that is, for unfair purposes. Now it seems unquestionable that only a minimum of people have any knowledge of these projects, which I have explained to you, and which are top secret. As I said, the next state of matter in the order of the ground states is simply the highest state, but this is only partially correct. If you can't control these forces, then it's better not to try. But your kind has always been so naive that he has been playing with forces you haven't understood since time immemorial. Why should that ever change?

Do you remember the matter of copper fusion? Through the fluctuation of the induced radiation field at an accurate angle, copper reacts with other elements. (Cold Fusion of Matter) Matter is just an illusion, its particles and the induced field overlap in the area of ​​influence, the main effect of this process is expected to manifest itself as a bipolar sign. The resulting combination of matter and field should therefore not be as stable as the normal state of matter and is unsuitable for other purposes. Due to the fact that the whole field is shifted to a higher state of the plasma state, the whole spectrum of matter is shifted to the opposite pole by this violent transition. This is not really a force field, but it resembles a relatively close gravitational shift. This shift causes the bipolar force to "tilt", which no longer flows inside the force field, but flows partially to its edge. The result is a stratified force field, which is very difficult to modulate in a certain technical way, in relation to its own characteristics.

It can also lead to more functions, such as those performed by large flying objects that can hover and maneuver. The field can also perform a masking function in the field of electromagnetic radiation, as well as manipulating the time sequence of events, but indeed only to a very limited extent and other similar things. Are you familiar with your "quantum tunnel effect"? With the help of certain characteristics of these fields, where the frequency and the distance from the source are high enough, it is possible to achieve the abolition of oscillations in real matter. Unfortunately, this whole thing that I explained to you, using your words, seems a bit imperfect, as I'm afraid. It sounds rather strange and incomprehensible, but maybe this simple explanation will be useful to you if you understand it. Maybe not either.

Question: Do you have a scientific justification for supernatural powers, such as your ability to control thought?

Answer: Yes. In order to explain, you must first acknowledge the physical reality of the sphere of influence. I'll try to explain. You will have to mentally get rid of the illusion that what you see is the true essence of the universe. This is at best, just a superficial view. Imagine that all the objects here: like you, this table, this pencil, this technical device, this paper, do not really exist, but that they are rather just the result of oscillations of force fields and energy concentrations. Everything, no matter how you see it, every creature, every planet and star in this universe has an "information-energy equivalent" in the sphere of influence, which is located in the basic cosmic field, at the general level of things. (Sheldrake's Morphogenic Field) But there is not only one level, but many.

Last time, I mentioned that highly developed species that are capable of changing levels, something quite different from simple changes in space bubbles, because the bubbles are part of all levels. Do you understand? Dimensions, as you call them, are part of the bubble itself or the space "foam", so they are part of a single level that is a layer in the sphere of influence, while the sphere of influence regarding the physical dimension is essentially infinite. It consists of countless layers of energy information fields and general levels. There are no zero levels in the sphere of influence, all are the same, but they are separated by their energy states. Now I noticed that I confused you. I think I should stop with this explanation.

 Question: No, please go on. How specifically are supernatural powers created?

Answer: Okay, so let's try something simpler. Again, this is not entirely accurate, but let's start as follows: From this point of view, the tangible world is reflected in the sphere of influence as a field with different layers. These layers contain information, such as the basic structure of the mass or the frequency of the strings, and the information resulting from the formation of the mass is also stored here. Are you familiar with the human concept of morphogenetic fields? One part of the layer could be described as such. However, there is another intermediate layer for which, unfortunately, humanity has no expression, because this theory is not included in human knowledge. Let's call it the "para-layer", which is mainly responsible for everything you call PSI and the supernatural, and which lies outside the boundaries of your primitive science. This para-layer lies between the layer of matter and the morphogenetic layer of the field, in the sphere of its influence. He can actively associate with both. Your body, for example, is a reflection of a field in the plane of space. This does not mean, however, that there are no muscles, blood, bones, in the form of material chains or atoms, but not only that.

The existence of anything is always dual. Some layers of the field contain basic information about the solids of your body and their frequency, while other layers contain information about your spirit, your consciousness, or religiously, your soul. Consciousness in this case is a simple energy matrix, divided into different layers, according to their spheres of influence, nothing more and nothing less. True consciousness can also exist on the side of matter, but only in the postplasmic form (the fifth form of matter). With the necessary knowledge of physics and the corresponding technology, consciousness, or its matrix, or soul, can be separated from the realm of its action in matter. This can then, despite this separation, continue to exist in a self-sufficient way for some time. It has a strange occult name "stolen soul". But above all, we are talking here about science, not magical or dark forces.

(Ole K's note: "The Stolen Soul" was featured in one of the radical, religiously motivated views in relation to reptilian race.)

    But back to your question: Beings with stronger mental capabilities can have a direct effect on the para-layer, with the help of their field of consciousness. This layer is not only accessible to individuals, but rather part of the general information layer; you could call it a prosaic sense of a social soul that is associated with all the living and inanimate matter and all the consciousness that exists at that level. The biological cause of these abilities is on the mass side, by the way, it is a pituitary that always generates frequencies for active control of the sphere of influence. Even people could theoretically have this ability, however, you are strongly blocked on this matter. As I have already said, the para-layer can communicate with the mind as well as with the matter.

For example, if I decide to use my mental powers again to move this pencil, then, in simple terms, I imagine in my mind how my consciousness expands to this pencil in a post-plasma form. In the sphere of my influence, it also causes the automatic command of the para-layer to interact with the mass of the pencil. Since the para-layer is not limited to the body, there is no problem when the pencil is there that I can inflict it unmistakably, no matter how I move my body. The post-plasmatic field is here, the para-layer on the other side. I have control over the pencil and the interaction is transferred to the pencil's mass to the extent that I can change the way it moves.

   (Note Ole K.: I confirm that the above pencil suddenly jumped into the air up to the height of 20 cm and then fell back to the table surface, the sound is clearly heard on the tape, no one visibly touched the pencil.)

 Question: That's fascinating. What types of paranormal activity can be controlled?

    Answer: All kinds. Everything you call paranormal. As I said, this special layer lies in the sphere of influence between mass and morphogenetic information layers and can react on both sides. This means that it can be in contact with solid matter, as well as with mental information that can be achieved by what is generally termed telekinesis and telepathy.

Absorption connection with other consciousness is generally separate from control, from simple influence on matter, because different fields of consciousness operate at different frequencies. The consciousness that it emit or the consciousness that it is listening must first be precisely tailored to each other's frequency than any approach is possible. Most types of beings also have the ability to block a foreign approach, but people do not. I add that, in general, the stronger the paranormal ability of the species, the easier it is to adapt and approach.

Our own abilities are not as strongly developed as we must first learn to act on a strange mind to use our mimicry, for example, it is quite easy to use camouflage with your on / off switch. Some of these abilities are also partially inherited; mother and child of my species are, for example, precisely aligned during the first months of life, partly in the egg and during pregnancy, when they communicate telepathically.

In order to influence people, we need a certain amount of time to exercise, despite your simple structure. Therefore, for example, it is forbidden for adults of my species to go to the surface of the Earth before the "age of enlightenment." If our abilities are not fully developed, the risk of being discovered by you would be too great. By the way, of course, there is a whole secret science about the real possibilities that can give an individual these abilities, but I really don't know exactly that.

Whenever an alien mind is to be affected, there are some generally applicable steps that are established for movement among other extraterrestrial species. First and foremost, it is the perception of a foreign vibration, generally what happens automatically in the brain, for one field of vibration and for other quasi-electric brain waves in the ordinary space occupied by matter. This is not particularly difficult. Then one simply probes the consciousness of the other in the post-plasma state to see if the sphere of influence is responding and there is a connection. It is now possible to read the information from the first consciousness and record the required information in the second consciousness in the correct manner. Last time you asked if people have the opportunity to protect themselves against this influence, and I told you that only with a vigilant and focused mind do you have any chance of enduring it. In this state, the vibrations of the mind change very suddenly and the approach becomes more complicated; more specifically, it can cause a painful kickback. Whenever you close your eyes, then the field of perception becomes "flat" and an alien approach to the mind is immediately possible without restriction. As for your chances against more developed species, you have none at all. They are able to adjust your vibrations faster than you can change them. I could even demonstrate this to you, but last time you were really horrified and confused, so we'll just stick to the theory.

This explanation will probably sound to you, as you would say, as something esoteric or occult, or magic. The only reason for this is that you lack a basic understanding, you do not know the causes and consequences. All paranormal phenomena have a purely natural origin. None of this has anything to do with supernatural abilities. We grow up with this kind of knowledge, we know how the individual uses these abilities and where they come from. We are acquainted with theory and practice. Not you! Therefore, you do not understand what is happening in your world when you see only one side of the coin, not the other.

Everything that is paranormal is dual and exists in the space occupied by matter, no matter what the influence area is. To explain this, it can only be clarified by accepting the latest knowledge that the sphere of influence is the foundation of everything. I would be delighted to end these scientific questions because you are unable to understand the answers. More or less, we lose precious time by doing it.

Lacerta: a crafty creature living in the underground world

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