Lacerta - a crawling creature living in an underground world - 8. part

3 15. 08. 2016
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

   I confirm that the following text is absolute truth and it is no fiction. These are excerpts from the transcript of an interview that I made with a reptilian creature in December 1999.

   This creature has been in contact with my friend (whose name I give in the text only with the abbreviation EF), for several months. Let me say that I have been a skeptic all my life, about UFOs, aliens and other strange things, I thought EF was just telling me his dreams or fictional stories when he talked to me about his first contacts with a non-humanoid being. " Lacerta “.

   I was still a skeptic, even though I met her. It was December 16 last year. We met in a small, warm room, in the house of my old friend, near a town in the south of Sweden. Despite her prejudices, I saw her with my own eyes and knew she was not human. She said and showed me so many incredible things during this meeting that I can no longer deny the fact and truthfulness of her words. It's not another of the bad documents about UFOs and aliens that claim to be telling the truth, but in reality they are just fiction. I believe that this record contains a unique truth, so you should read it. If you're interested, send it to all your friends, via email, or copy the listing.

   I also confirm that various "supernatural" abilities of its kind, such as telepathy and telekinesis, were demonstrated within 3 hours and 6 minutes of action, and I am absolutely certain that these abilities were no tricks. Of course, the following text is difficult for someone to understand and believe when they have not experienced it in person, but I was really in touch with her mind and I am now absolutely sure that everything she said during our conversation is the absolute truth about our world. I cannot expect you to believe when you see that I am giving my simple words without evidence, but I cannot give you any evidence.

  Read the transcript of the interview and think about it; you may find the truth in these words.

Ole K.


Questions and Answers:

 Question: Back to our and your own history. You mentioned the "Illojim" race, which created our human race. Where did they come from and what did they look like? What exactly happened when they arrived? Are they our Gods?

(Illojim was left as the original, probably "Elohim")
Answer: "Illojim" came from this universe, from the solar system you call "Aldebaran" on your maps. They were very tall humanoid creatures, usually with blond hair and very fair skin. They avoided sunlight because it damaged their skin and eyes. It was absolutely incredible for a kind of sun-loving like us. They seemed intelligent and peaceful from the beginning, so we began to communicate with them more or less friendly, but later it turned out that they were hiding their true intentions and plans. They wanted to develop a new breed from monkeys and we were a disruptive factor for them, on their new "zoological" planet. Initially, they captured about 10.000 or even 20.000 of your monkey ancestors and then left the planet for about a hundred years. When they returned, they brought with them your ancestors, who looked like humans. Then they left Earth again for a few thousand years, and the primitive people lived with us without major problems, because they were simply afraid of our planes and other technologies. "Illojim" programmed their minds and improved their brains and body structure until they were able to use tools and fire. "Illojim" have returned seven times in 23.000 years to speed up the evolution of your species.

You must understand that you are not the first human civilization on this planet. The first advanced people to live at the same time with less developed primitive people, because "Illojim" experimented with different speeds and stages of development, with technology and speech they existed on this planet about 700.000 years ago. Your scientists don't understand this because you only found primate bones and some primitive cave drawings depicting advanced humans and their flying machines. This genetically perfect human breed lived with us, but they avoided contact with our species because the teachers of "Illojim" warned them in a misleading way that we were evil beings and that we were lying to them.

After several centuries, the aliens decided to end their initial program of creation and accelerate the development of the second, better test series, etc. The truth is that your modern human civilization is not the first advanced civilization on this planet, but the seventh. The buildings of the first breeds are irretrievably lost, but the fifth civilization was the one that built the Egyptian pyramids, from today, about 75.000 years ago, when these large buildings were built. The Egyptians discovered these great ancient pyramids in the sand and tried unsuccessfully to copy them. The sixth civilization was the one that built cities about 16.000 years ago, the ruins of which can be found today under the sea in the Bimini area. The last, seventh race is you, it was created just 8500 years ago, and it is the only creature you can remember and to which your religious writings refer. You find and rely on archaeological and paleontological artifacts that show you an incorrect and brief past, but how could you know anything about the six civilizations before you? And if you find any evidence of their existence, you deny it and misinterpret the facts. This is partly the programming of your mind and partly your pure stupidity. I'll tell you in the next time only about your creations, because the six previous civilizations are lost, and therefore it no longer concerns you.

    There was a long war between us and “Illojim”, and also between certain groups of “Illojim” among themselves, because many of them thought that the re-creation of human species on this planet made no real sense. The last battles in this war were fought about 5000 years ago in orbit and on the planet's surface. The aliens used powerful weapons to destroy our underground cities, but on the other hand, we were able to destroy many of their surface facilities and bases in space. The people of your family were very scared when they watched our battles and described it in the form of religious myths because their mind was unable to understand what was happening. The "Illojim", who appeared to be the "gods" of the sixth and seventh races, told them that it was a war between good and evil, and that they were good and we were an evil race.

This depends, of course, on the point of view. It was before our planet before they arrived and before they started their work on the origin of your kind. In my opinion, it was our right to fight for our planet. It was exactly 4943 years ago, according to your time scale, when Illojim, for unknown reasons, left the planet again. This is a very important date for us, so many of our historians call it a victory.

The fact is, we didn't know what really happened. The "Illojim" were gone day by day, disappearing without a trace along with their ships, destroying most of their surface facilities themselves. All that remained were their own creations - people, and your civilization continued to evolve. Many of us have been in contact with certain tribes of your kind for centuries to come, and we have been able to convince some of them that we are not devilish aliens, as Iloji wanted people to believe. In the last 4900 years to this day, many other alien species have arrived on your planet, some of them using the old programming of your mind and playing it again at you that they are Gods) but "Illojim" never returned themselves. They have previously left the planet for several thousand years, so we expect them to return one day to have finished their project, or perhaps have destroyed the seventh race againbut I really don't know what happened to them. I will not tell you the answer to this question in advance.

Your current civilization knows nothing about your true origin, about your real past, about your real world and the universe, and you know very little about us and our past. You do not know anything about the events that will come in the near future. Until you understand and believe my words, and I tell you the truth, because we are not your enemies, there exists for your kind of danger. Your enemies are here and you did not understand. Open your eyes or you will soon have big problems! If you have not yet believed anything from what I was telling you then you should start believing and remembering it.

Question: Why do you think I do not believe you?

Answer: I have a feeling you do not believe me, despite the fact that I'm sitting here in front of you. Everything I told you in the last two hours is the absolute truth about our world.

Question: How many alien species are active on Earth at the present time?

Answer: As far as I know, there are 14 species, 11 of which are from this universe, 2 from another cosmic bubble, and one is very advanced, from another plane of existence. Don't ask me for names, because almost all of them are unpronounceable for you, eight of them are unpronounceable for us as well. Most species, especially the more advanced ones, only study you like you study animals, and they are not very dangerous to you or us. We work with some of them, but the three species are hostile, including one that is in contact with some of your governments and has exchanged their technology for copper and other important things that have deceived you. There has been and continues to be a "Cold War" between two of these enemy species for the past 73 years, the third species seems to have benefited from this senseless struggle. In the near future we expect more hot clashes between them and you, I would say in the next 10 or 20 years and we are afraid of this development. Recently, there are rumors of a new, fifteenth species that came to Earth only 3 or 4 years ago, but we know nothing about its intentions and to this day we have not been in contact with them. Maybe the rumors aren't true.

 Question: What enemy extraterrestrial races want?

Answer: Different raw materials, especially copper for their technology, your water or rather hydrogen in the water, which is the source of energy in advanced fusion processes and some elements in your air. In addition, two species are also interested in your bodies, your human tissues and blood, because their own genetic structure is weakened due to poor development and radiation (as far as we know) and need intact DNA strands of your species as well as animals to continually have corrected their genetic defects, but they are not really able to correct these defects altogether because their DNA and DNA are not fully compatible. My own species is totally incompatible with them, so they are not interested in us, and try to create more compatible hybrids between you and them, using artificial fertilizers and artificial utero.

We believe that the coming war between the three hostile races, or between you and one of them, or all of them, will be a struggle for raw materials, hydrogen, air and DNA.

 Question: What are the reasons for “kidnapping”?

Answer: Partly because aliens take your eggs and sperm as samples. Sometimes the kidnappers belong to a different, more advanced race and simply want to study your body and your mind, which is much more interesting to some of them than your material body. Like you're studying a primitive animal. As I said, three alien species are hostile, which means that they do not care about your fate or life, and the people who have been "kidnapped" by them have very rarely returned alive. If someone is able to report a kidnapping, it means, in my opinion, that they have not been abducted by one of the aggressive species, or that they are very, very happy people if they survived. Mature and "friendly" races also occasionally take egg and sperm samples, but for different reasons.

Q: You said there are only 14 active species on Earth. But why did people who have seen extraterrestrial beings describe so many different and bizarre types of beings?

   Answer: I think I have already answered this question. As I said, most of the alien races have much more advanced mental abilities than you or even us. There is only one alien race, completely without these abilities. They are able to appear in your mind and memory as they wish, and the images evoked in this way have nothing to do with their true appearance. You remember them as normal people or gray dwarfs or even extremely strange animals, because they want you to remember them like that and sometimes they want you to completely forget about meeting them.

Another example: for example, you may remember that you were in a normal earthly hospital and that some doctors examined you, and you don't think about anything else that happened to you unless you find out that there is no hospital on the street where you were, in fact, you were examined by them in one of their laboratories. In this case, you cannot rely on memory. Aliens will appear to you in various forms to confuse you, and so that so-called abduction witnesses who are able to remember events or who believe they are able to remember them are ridiculed in public, as far as we know, they are successful in doing so. Believe me, there are only 14 alien species on this planet, and only eight of them are currently abducting humans. Besides, not every one of your "kidnappers" has been kidnapped by some of the aliens, and their messages are really just their imaginations or fabrications.



Lacerta - 7.díl

Lacerta: a crafty creature living in the underground world

More parts from the series