Love and Cranio in My Life and How Both Can Help (Part 1)

27. 03. 2020
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

Sings from Whatsapp from a friend: “Dear Edit? How are you? I think about my professional and partner side of life. I have both resolved, as far as I know. It is clear to me that there is probably still something to work on. But you know what you want to do and you do it. You have your dream man and you are doing well with Petr, you are still deepening your relationship. It is so? I know we each have our own personal story and need to find our own way to get where I want to go. I'm just looking for inspiration from you, how did you go about it and what helped you? Please, could it be shared? ” So I share…


I'm in quarantine, like almost everyone. I can't work, touch therapy is now practically forbidden. And yet I'll be honest, I've been happiest in recent months. I fulfilled several wishes at once:

  • I wanted to be stuck with Peter, my beloved man, on a deserted island
  • I wanted to teach my children at home
  • I wanted to get up when I wake up myself and not have to travel
  • I wanted to take care of the garden more, get seedlings and also clean up at home
  • and I wanted to get out of the matrix

Edit and Petr

How many of us had similar wishes? How many times have we sent this to the Universe? Whoever listened to us, even the American, Chinese or Russian armies, is a coronavirus and we have the opportunity to restart. It is at this point that we can reduce our spending to a minimum and set ourselves to income - love, light and inspiration. Surprisingly, even those who are starting to tackle the effects of isolation in business, for example, can learn to draw more from themselves and connect with their hearts. I sit down, close my eyes, and look into myself. What I see is just my private affair, no one has to confess, no one controls me. It teaches me great truths to herself. I'm with what's inside right now. At least for a while. Over time it becomes meditation, but only observation.

And when I do it honestly, I realize how happy I am, how I feel and live. This is mainly because I enjoy what I do and what I do. I like writing, so I'll write again for a while. I'm opening a series about love and fun. I know a lot about both because my life consists of these two items some year back. They're connected. This includes self-love, the highest degree of devotion to the Divine within itself without the involvement of Ego. Here I am still a beginner repeating my mistakes and praying for other opportunities. And they are coming.

Back to the roots

Now I pause for a few days and study the scripts of osteopathy and craniosacral biodynamics, the Breath of Life and Silence and Peace. I have time for that. Finally. I go back to the beginnings and invite you to walk through the landscape of changes, perceived sensations and touches in places of withdrawal inside our bodies. I love all this, I know it all well. I attach photos of an abandoned study that does not need anything. She just looks forward to opening her door again and entering, sitting, exhaling. Deeply. He smiles and our work can begin. I look forward to the moment with her.


Maybe you also have questions, and I can create them next time. Ask questions on the web, FB, etc.

Edit Silent

Who am I?

Craniosacral therapist, masseuse, woman, mistress, mother, housekeeper, shard of Godhead here on Earth.
[email protected]
(723) 298 382

Love and cranio in my life and how both can help

More parts from the series