Alexander the Macedonian Charter of the Slavs

3 21. 03. 2017
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

This very interesting document, which was named "Alexander the Macedonian Charter of the Slavs", Is mentioned for the first time by the Czech historian Václav Hájek in the" Czech Chronicle ". It is located in the Brno archive, in the description of events of the year 1348. In 1516, Czech historian Josef Pervolf from Warsaw University finds a copy of this document in Latin. In 1551, this document is printed in Polish, in 1596 in German and in 1601 in Italian. He became widely known in Europe and soon also in Russia.

We, Alexandr ....

"We, Alexander, the son of Philippe, the king of Macedonia, the founder of the Greek principality, and the great Jupiter, the son of Nektanab, the winner of the world from east to sunset, and from midday to midnight, humiliator of the Medes and Persian kingdoms, Greek, Syrian, Babylonian and others.

The enlightened people of Slavic and the language of his grace, peace, respect and greetings from us and our successors in the rule of the world over us.

Just as you have always been with us, faithful, reliable and rabid and always tireless in the fight, we give and freely give you free time to all countries from midnight to noon walled lands so that no one can settle or arrange but your only gender . And if any of the strangers were discovered here, he will become your servant and his offspring forever.

Given in the city of Alexandria, founded by us on the great Nile River at 12. the year of our reign, with the permission of the great gods of Mars, Jupiter and Pluto, and the great goddess Minerva. 

Witnesses of this are - a brave knight of our Lokotek and other 11 princes who, in the event of our death without sons, set our heirs to ourselves and to the whole world. "

(In addition to the translated Russian text, I add a copy of the original from 1541, which is stored in the Austrian National Library at this address, 673)

Original text

We, Alexander, Fillipa Krale of the Macedonian worthy of the excellent, Rzecky Cysařstwý beginner, Welike Jupiter Syn, through Nectanabu announced, Brajmanskych (maybe Bragmansky) and Tree, Sun and Miesyce, suppressor of the Persian and Medieval Kralowstwy, Mr. Swieta, from the sun from the midday to the last night. 

Oswyschenem tribal Slowanskem, and his language, grace, peace, and also greetings, from ours and future nassych namiestkuow, after us w zprawowaný swieta. 

Because you have always been present, in Wyra prawdomluwny, w oddený Brave, nassy pomocnycy, Bojowny and the dead have been found, dawame, and on we were transferred, wam swobodnie, and wiečnost, wssecka Swieta Country, from the whole night to the Lands The Welsh noon, so that no one will be left alone, nor sit, nor settle, only the wassy. And if anyone was found here, he is living there, be a servant of his servants, be wassychovy potomkuow:

Dan w Miestie Nowem, our newly founded Alexandr: Based on the Welic Stream, the Nylus rhythm: Years of the Dwanacty Kralowstwy Nassych, with Powers of Woluky Bohuow, Jupiter, Mars, And Pluton And Weliké Goddess Minerwy:

Swiedkowe of this wiecy are: Brave Ryzirz zs Lokotek: And other Prince Jedenact, which if we would without sessli fruit, we will find them Diedice wsse Swieta.

It was counted that the original is stored in the Czech Kingdom archive or at least in one of the Czech chronicles. Already 500 has been going through stormy debates and scholarly disputes over the authenticity of this document. It is quite natural that German-speaking scholars actively deny the authenticity of the Charter, providing for the primacy of the Slavs and the Slavic language in Europe. And at a time when ancient Rome, the cradle of Western civilization, was just beginning to gain its strength. If the Charter is true, then the whole history of Europe must be written again.

Is the document right?

If we turn to the times of Alexander of Macedon, we come to believe that the document is right. Its discovery fully meets the demands of the distant past. The Charter recalls 12. year of Alexandra's rule. This date falls on the 324 year before our year, the penultimate year of its life.

It is well known that after the Indian campaign, Alexander Macedonian actively prepared for the campaign to the west, to humiliate a "wild, barbarous" Europe. Today, Europe and North America are considered the center of world civilization. But in the long run, the centers of European civilization were Greece and Rome - other areas of Europe were counted among wild and barbarous.

Alexander the Great used the controversy in the camp of the presumed adversary in the sense of the "divide and rule" tactic. This motto is as old as the world. It was widely used by many rulers, leaders, princes and rulers before Alexander, and it is widely and skillfully used today by all who long for power. During the defeat of the Persian Empire, for example, Alexander deftly opposed the entire population to the Persians, and so they were greeted almost everywhere with flowers as liberators. The cities opened their gates wide before him without a fight.

Alexander - the representative of God

They claimed it by a representative of God on earth and even by God himself, as happened after the conquest of Egypt. The campaign to India skillfully reconciled with the civil war between the ruler of India Póra and the ruler of the Indian city Taxili. Only the fatigue and murmur of his soldiers forced Alexandra to come back.

When Alexander was preparing to humiliate the "barbaric West," he sought allies in the territory of Europe itself among its native inhabitants and found them in the Slavs. In those ancient times they lived at least in the territory of present Greece, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, Yugoslavia and Austria.

Descendants of Homer's renowned Trojan defenders took part in Alexander's triumphal march. Moreover, the land road from Greece to Europe was stretched across their countries, and all the great writers writing about the Slavs particularly emphasized their love for freedom, bravery and courage in the struggle. This is how the Byzantine writers Prokopios and Mavrius in 5 wrote about the Slavs. - 6. century of our era. Better allies could not be imagined.

Alexander the Macedonian Charter of the Slavs

"The Charter of Alexander the Great to the Slavs" is a knife poisoned by a deadly poison stuck in the back of Europe by the iron hand of a great military leader. With a single stroke of the pen for millennia, it split the unity of Europe and shed streams of blood as it pitted one European nation against another. Now we can hardly imagine where history would go. What would happen to Europe if this military leader did not die unexpectedly in the heyday and full of grandiose plans on the eve of the already prepared campaign for the conquest of Europe.

This makes it understandable why only medieval Germany was considered to be true princes by Russian, Slavic rulers. In the West they behave very seriously for documents issued to the king, as reflected, for example, in the "Sama Process". This is currently being discussed at a Norwegian court. The essence of the case lies in the fact that several Samian families found a list given to their ancestors by Ivan Hrozny, who named them the owners of a certain territory in Norway. The case is very promising.

It is possible that, by encouraging the support of the great warlord, the Southern Slavs from the sixth to the ninth centuries of our era, they succeeded in conquering Central and Eastern Europe. In the tenth century, the Slavic language was on the banks of the Rhine, the Thames, Scandinavia, all the Balkans, Spain, Asia Minor and Africa.

War against the Slavs

And it is quite possible that he feared the "legal owners" of Europe, the German Emperor Henry I. Ptáčník, who ruled in the 919-936 years, crossed the Elbe, rushed to the Slavic tribes Lutice and proclaimed "Drang nach Osten" against the Slavs. In this policy his son Otto I (936 - 973) continued with even greater effort. For over a thousand years this war has continued to destroy or at least expel the Slavs, the "legitimate owners" of Europe.

The echoes of this adventure, which has lasted for the second millennium, can be heard on European territory even today. Confirming this is the bombing of Yugoslavia; after announcing the total war on terrorism. The West has always supported Kosovar terrorists. Without any doubt, the war in Yugoslavia was a continuation of many centuries of war against the Slavs, continuing the rivalry of the Slavs and Anglo-Saxons in Europe. It started from the will of the ancient warlord even before our decade. Yes, the Second World War unleashed by Hitler in Europe was directed primarily against the Slavs. Only after the destruction of the "legitimate owners" he could feel the full ruler of Europe.

Plans for the destruction of the Slavic population up to the Ural and its replacement by the Germans confirm this assumption. Slave do not illustrate, they use for their enrichment. They are disposing of legal owners to take their property. Hitler undoubtedly knew of the existence of Alexander the Macedonian Charter of the Slavs. Even if all of Europe did not become part of the kingdom of Alexandria, its reputation and enormous authority throughout the enlightened world made its Charter a real document for the rule over Europe.

Unfortunately, the original is not retained

If we hesitate over the authenticity of this document, it must be borne in mind that not a single original of the documents written in the time of Aristotle and Alexander the Great has been preserved. All the writings of ancient scholars and philosophers exist only in copies written by Catholic monks of medieval Europe. Thus, all the work of ancient authors can be declared forgeries with the same success. All the originals of ancient times came to the monasteries after the victory of Christianity in the Roman Empire. A copy of the Charter of Alexander the Great to the Slavs, this devilish weapon of immense political power, the Roman Church could publish at any time convenient to it. For example, in the 4th - 5th century, when the active Christianization of "barbaric" Europe began.

After the French Emperor Chlodvik (481 - 511) decided to build his own state and occupied all the countries north of Italy, he became the deadly enemy of Catholic Rome. At that time, the Charter was needed to fight a dangerous Frankish ruler. Emperor Chlodvik was forced to accept the Christian faith in 495 together with his whole family. But in the course of thousands of years the confrontation of the Germanic emperors with Vatican papal power continued, and in any moment of this political war, the Catholic Church could use the Book of Alexander of Macedon and publish it.

After the death of Alexander the Great, the Slavs lost reliable military support in Europe. After falling into dependence on stronger tribes, they were given other names. We see this in a similar way today, when for the whole world all the inhabitants of the Soviet Union were Russians. In fact, dozens of different tribes and nations lived in it. He gives his name to others stronger than the tribes. In the middle and at the end of the first millennium BC, the strongest tribal group in Europe was the Celts, and the Slavs were forced to be one of the Celtic tribes. It is likely that they were also known as the Gauls. This is confirmed by "Galicia" in Ukraine, the original Slavic country, or the "Halle" region in East Germany, where the Slavs also lived before the Germans.

The tribes were given names by animal

It is well known that ancient tribes were named after an animal. For example, birds, fish - they considered their ancestor - the patron. The word "галичи" (galichi) in the old Russian language means the bird kavka, the word "славии" (slavii) nightingale. So it is quite possible that the Gauls-Galician are an Old Slavic tribe of "kavek" and the Slavs, a tribe of "nightingales", are a tribe counting the nightingale bird among their ancestors.

At the beginning of our era, the strongest of the European tribes, if we do not count Rome, became the Germans and the Slavs acted under their name. Since then, the word "Sklave" has been translated as "slave" in the German language, although slavery as such was not available to the Germans at that time. There was a slave dependence, thanks to which the subordinate tribes gave part of their product to a stronger tribe, and provided them with a militia for all war expeditions. In ancient times, such relations between tribes were widespread, and in many languages ​​the word "slave" is derived from the name of a once subdued neighboring tribe. In Old Russian, the word slave sounded like "чола" (čola) and "кощей" (koščej) after the name of neighboring dependent tribes. In addition, the German nations call themselves "man", but in the Chinese language the word translates as "day laborer".


In IV. century, the Hunes ended the hegemony of the Germanic tribes in Europe. At the beginning of the 5th century AD, almost all Germanic tribes lay at the feet of Attily, the King of England, and the Slavs played a significant role in his campaigns, just as they were once the loyal warriors of Alexander the Great and Emperor Trajan. Only in 5. - 6. century AD, after they had escaped from German dependence, the Slavs renewed their former glory and their name. As in today's world, the nations that gained independence after the collapse of the USSR have again gained their international names.

Based on this document, it can hardly be said that the Slavs have been known since antiquity as the native inhabitants of the Balkans and Central Europe. They were known as a courageous and enlightened nation, characterized by loyalty and devotion. They did not appear, as the Western historians put it, unknown from where in the sixth century AD. The written history of the Slavs begins at least a thousand years earlier, since the mid-4th century. century BC. Modern Slavs are the direct descendants of those who have passed with Alexander the Great through the famous trips of his brilliant victories.

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