Lunar Day 23: Crocodile

26. 12. 2021
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

Today begins the twenty-third lunar day, whose symbol is the Crocodile.

The day of aggression will test our ability of self-control

This is quite a difficult time when it is dangerous to underestimate or overestimate. On this day, all our suppressed rage comes to the surface and asks for attention. A crocodile is a symbol of a dark foundation, an animal existing in man. We will need all the will not to give in to the instincts of destruction. The crocodile teaches us that it is possible to balance the internal and external contradictions. As a guide it can be very useful for understanding duality.

Every life is sometimes a struggle for survival. Crocodile teaches to be tough even in difficult times. It is crocodile energy that helps us survive in the dark. Let's not look for a big company today, let's beware of the crowd. Let us take the temptation to insult someone or take revenge. On this day, we must remain true to our chosen path, our decision, and remain calm until provocation comes.

Self-control, inner peace, firm will, cool head, vigilance, accuracy. Let us understand that we cannot control emotions, the only way is to experience them. There is a dark side in each of us, listening to ancient animal instincts, sleeping in the deepest depths of the subconscious, and only a strong will can equal the monster that is trying to get out and enslave us on this day. The crocodile is absorbing, has the ability to live on land and in water, symbolizes the dual nature of man. Each of us has its own predator. Some have an almost cute green crocodile and some an experienced alligator.

It is a symbol of our animal passions, aggressive moods, destructive instincts. It can destroy and tear to pieces what has begun to germinate in previous days. We need to learn to control our crocodile. Let's look him straight into the cold yellow eyes. May our will be stronger than his. Quiet and sensible arguments against established reflexes, wise calm against raging anger, smile against irritation, intellect against instinct, stopping in the hustle and bustle.

The crocodile is a part of us and today it deserves full attention, otherwise the consequences will be destructive.

Tips for today

Move today, don't let your body stiffen. We recommend any physical activity according to your possibilities! At the same time, be vigilant today and carefully verify all the information that comes to you, it does not always have to be based on the truth, and today is a day more prone to succumb to any lies. Dreams should be pleasant today, but don't look for a deeper meaning in them.

Tips from the Sueneé Universe e-shop

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