5th lunar day: Unicorn

08. 12. 2021
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

Today begins the fifth lunar day, whose the symbol is Unicorn. The day is suitable for changes in life, both external and internal.


The unicorn is a symbol of purity and is totally resistant to the effects of darkness. This property is due to the ability of unicorns to naturally instinct into other levels of reality. This is the day of focusing on the main goal. It should be clear and realistic. The goal is not a dream, it is not related to inspiration, but to aspiration. On this day, the right knowledge and the right people are coming. Be careful!

Let us separate the necessary from the useless. Let us stick to our principles and beliefs. Let the emotions and feelings flow freely, but let us not throw them around. Let us focus all our attention on the realization of our plans and intentions. It's time to do!

We are ready to combine the wisdom of the past, the power of the present, the belief in the future, and turn this knowledge into action.

What are the recommendations for this day?

Today, false temptations may come your way, which is also related to today's chakra energy, the so-called third eye. Don't succumb to them! We recommend working with herbs, tinctures and extracts.

A tip from the Sueneé Universe e-shop for today

Goat's tincture 25ml

Capricorn calms the body in case of irritation, stress and nervous strainhelps more easily overcoming the consequences of an exhausting lifestyle. Facilitates falling asleep and normalizes natural sleep. It has a beneficial effect on the mental state.

Goat's tincture 25ml