Major Nonald Air Force Donald Keyhoe: aliens are real

2 27. 01. 2019
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

A complete 1958 interview between Mike Wallace and Donald Keyhoe, the naval air force major, which took place at the camera. Keyhoe confirmed the presence of aliens on Earth by personal testimony.

WALLACE: Good evening, tonight we will be dealing with an unbelievable story, the story that flying machines from other worlds are visiting our planet just as we explore outer space with our own rocket satellites. Our guest is former Air Corps Naval Air Force Major Major Donald Keyhoe, who has campaigned in support of many prominent merchants, soldiers and some scientists to prove that flying machines exist. If you are wondering why Major Keyhoe accuses the United States Air Force of deliberately deceiving us when these stories point out to be pointless if you want to hear his own evidence that these space machines are real and his reaction to the claims of two Americans who they say they were talking to the people of Venus, so you will hear these stories in a while.

And now to our story. Major Donald Keyhoe is the head of the National Investigation Commission for Air Phenomena. As the head of this group interested in flying machines has repeatedly attacked the United States Air Force, and others, claiming that flying saucers are the product of fantasy, not Martian and / or Moon flights. Independent surveys show that millions of Americans share his beliefs about these celestial accounts. Major Keyhoe, let me first ask you this: Most people in the United States, despite the fact that I have said that millions of them believe it, I think you will agree that most people in the United States do not believe in these flying objects from space. They probably share the view of the editor, Bob Considin, who wrote that flying objects are mostly fabricated, I quote "jokers, fools, fools, people desiring publicity, fanatics, and general bastards" end of quote. What do you think of Mr. Considin's opinion?

KEYHOE: Well, I know where he got this fiction, from Colonel Watson, at Dayton Airborne Technical News Center. The colonel actually went a step further and said he was every observation of space machines was an idiot, a fool, and a religious fanatic. By the way, this includes many high-powered air force pilots and a bunch of air captains, people who are qualified to see these things. But he simply follows the principles of aviation.

WALLACE: You probably do not suggest that Bob Considine is bribed by the Air Force, he is an independent reporter with a remarkable reputation.

KEYHOE: I mean the Colonel, I mean Colonel. No, for Bob Considin I have only respect.

WALLACE: Despite claiming that jokers, fools and fools are worth stories about flying machines.

KEYHOE: Well, I wish I could show him a list of 800 witnesses at any time, some of them big names in aviation, including people up to the rank of Air Force Colonel. Still flying and still carrying passengers, they have never been deprived of their functions. He still manages airline, night and night, in bad weather. If they are sick and incompetent, why do they still work in these positions?

WALLACE: Major Keyhoe, where do you think the flying plates come from?

KEYHOE: I do not know. There is a hint that they could use Mars as a base. I do not think they come directly from this area, but every time Mars has approached us over the last ten years, there has been an increase in spacecraft observation. And this was officially mentioned. Actually, Canadian official project based on this, established an official observation station.

WALLACE: You say Canadian official project, what do you mean the official one?

KEYHOE: There was an official project called Project Magnet and they set up an Observatory at Shirley Bay to watch these things. AND..

WALLACE: What happened to the official project? You say there was a project.

KEYHOE: Yes, it has been around for a year, and there was one thing on the gravimeter that showed something ... that there was a very large object, but I suppose they eventually decided they were spending too much money on it.

WALLACE: Certainly they would not think they spend too much on the project if they believed there were such phenomena.

KEYHOE: Lots of people are still working on their own free time in this project, and some government officials in Canada still keep their announcements under the hat as well as here.

WALLACE: What are your theories? In other words, you indicate that they come from Mars or from other planets, from other solar systems, perhaps across the universe. Is it right?

KEYHOE: Yes, and there are a lot of scientists who say the same.

WALLACE: What are your theories about people who fly with these ... or the creatures that fly in these space machines?

KEYHOE: Well, that's speculation. Willy Ley recently said that it could be someone like a man from side to side. Visitors to the universe and their reasons can be good. But most top scientists have said that it is assumed that beings from other worlds will not be like us, but some will. Dr. For example, Howard Shafly said there are probably at least a hundred million planets in the universe. And a man who does not even believe in cosmic beings says he would go even higher. And there must be a law of diameters between them. There are a certain number of planets that could be like Earth, and if evolution began there at the same time, you can have the same kind of being.

WALLACE: What do you think about the intentions of these people - we do not have a better name - I mean people flying in those space machines?

KEYHOE: Well, there has been no evidence of hostility over the last ten years, what we call modern phases, because these phenomena have been observed before mankind. There were some accidents, air force pilots pursued these machines until one man was killed, one in 1948 and two pilots disappeared while pursuing another machine in 1953 over Lake Superior. But I think these are just accidents.

WALLACE: Accidents Only. Why do not they try to communicate with us? What's your theory about?

KEYHOE: I will follow some of the aviation theory: In 1952 and 1953, when we worked together, I had a lot of very good friends in the air, and the regulation was then to provide the information. They wanted to tell people what they had. And the theory at that time was that these 3 creatures are probably so different from us that communication with them would be very difficult, for example, they might not have the same speech sounds as we have. That's one answer. And one more thing, they may not be able to exist in our atmosphere. When we land on the Moon, we will have to have suits or we will have to build air-conditioned buildings in the air. It can be a lot of such factors.

WALLACE: So you think they're down here, where can we watch them look at us?

KEYHOE: I think this is a long-term study.

WALLACE: Long-term studies?

KEYHOE: Exactly.

WALLACE: And yet, if we know, there was no attempt to communicate with us.

KEYHOE: There are claims to communicate with them, but those, most of them coming from individuals. The Air Force staff did not admit any communication and I do not know ... Our committee has not found any cases that we would accept as absolutely authenticated.

WALLACE: Okay. Now let's look at it from another perspective, if I can, from the point of view of the Air Force. He undoubtedly agrees that objects were seen in the sky, but they have repeatedly claimed - this is a quote from Richard Horner, Air Force Secretary for Research and Development: "All but a small percentage of these reports - about unidentified flying objects - have been definitively attributed to natural phenomena that are neither mysterious nor threatening." end of quote. Flying balloons that watch the weather, optical illusions, common events in the sky like meteors or aircraft itself. What about this?

KEYHOE: I will answer this, but I would like to say a few points. In 1947 Dayton Airborne Technical Intelligence Center, top teams and contract-bound scientists, they sent secret documents to the Air Force General, stating that no matter what these things are, they're real. In 1948, ATIC, the same group, sent a top secret estimate to commanding General Roy Vandenburg that they were interplanetary spacecrafts. In 1952, an analysis of these things was done by radar, triangulation and radar photos. And in 1953, a special group of Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) scientists and Air Force members were meeting at the Pentagon to tell them what to do. And after they had finished, this group said: You have no proof that these things exist, not scientific evidence, but you have a very strong and detailed case. We suggest that you quadruple the investigation, set up special observation posts, and release all the information you have to the American people. Now you have the four documents you've been hiding all along. Now this ... and they spent a lot of money on investigating flying objects. If they do not exist, why so much money ... why would the intelligence team run out every time something is seen?

WALLACE: So, you mentioned the four papers you claim to exist. In the past, we have heard that you have claimed that these documents exist. We have seen your writings in which you talk about the existence of these documents. So, this week, we were talking to the Pentagon Technical Aeronautical Intelligence Center and this is what we were officially told. Three of the four papers cited by Major Keyhoe simply do not exist. The fourth document exists, you can have a copy of it, Mr. Wallace, and you will see that there is not what Mr. Keyhoe claims to be there. We have a copy of it and I quote you from this copy. Air Force Document says the following: The senators recommend that the National Security Agencies take immediate steps to dispose of the UFO's special position given to him and the secret aura that he unfortunately has achieved. We are proposing a comprehensive program designed to reassure the public about the lack of evidence from the enemy armed forces behind these phenomena. And again, as I emphasize, Secretary Horner says it's just not. So why? It seems, Mr. Keyhoe, that the real question is this: Why do you believe the Air Force members say anything is wrong? Why do you think ...? This is quite a serious charge, what you are saying here.

KEYHOE: Yes, I know it is.

WALLACE: You are accusing the United States government of holding some very important information to people. Why? What would be their motivation to deny us such information?

KEYHOE: I will reply to this, but I would also like to show you some evidence that this information is being held back. That reason was given to me when I worked with them in 1952 and 1953. First of all, they were afraid of hysteria. You remember the performance Orsona Wells... many years back when he scared people in the hills ...

WALLACE: Yes I remember.

KEYHOE: ... the idea of ​​the invasion of the Martians. Then they were also afraid that it would disrupt organized religion, that was the smaller factor, but they were also afraid of it. Later they were afraid that the accidents where fighters were pursuing and disappearing or crashing could be regarded as evidence of hostility. I would never sign up for my name if it was just personal opinion. I spoke and read messages from hundreds of pilots and radar attendants who saw these things. And some of them are very important names. Members of the Air Force say it's up to 19,5%, but you've noticed the usual words there, thinking it's usually explained to us. I have a copy of my special report in their possession of fourteen cases, which is their Bible. On the back side is a table that shows the 3301 cases that have been investigated is 19,5% unresolved. And they admit they are still unresolved. Add what they've been doing all the time: it's more than 12% of messages, and they're mostly from the best possible sources.

WALLACE: Well, wait a minute, I'll use your numbers. The Department of Defense issued 5. November 1957 official announcement stating that from June of 1955 until June of 1957, a two-year period, only a fraction over 2% of all investigated unidentifiable objects had to be listed as unknown. 2% so this is your 19%?

KEYHOE: Once again, in what period?

WALLACE: 1955 to 1957. The rest was designed as balloons, planes, scams, and categories around 12%, called inadequate information, which means that the message was so superficial it was not easy to check. I have to admit that ... they certainly did not show me any classified material, but they very willingly opened our files to prepare this program tonight and gave us very convincing evidence, Major Keyhoe, that it is to a large extent .. I should not say to a large extent, I will say almost 100% scam. You mentioned ...


WALLACE: Well .. when I say scam ..

KEYHOE: A lot of good pilots and you call them a scam?

WALLACE: No, no, no, no scam, just. Thank you for correcting me, not for fraud, but let's say wrong information or seeing objects that may seem like one thing, but they are actually different. I'm glad you fixed me with that scam because it's not a scam anyway. But you mentioned it Dr. Donald Mensel, who was professor of astrophysics at Harvard. I think you'll agree to be one of the most important astrophysicists in the world, is not it?

KEYHOE: I think there are others who are equally capable and who disagree with it.

WALLACE: He is one of the most important astrophysicists in the world, I think we can agree on this. In any case, he emphasizes that pilots are not experts - that they, like others, can see flying objects, even if it's just, quote: "One's lunch packet flying in the air", end of quote. But again, let's go back to the point ... on the most important point, Majore Keyhoe, and why is the air force why would the United States government detain information for United States citizens? For what reason?

KEYHOE: Because they treat us like children, just as they did before H-bomb and how they do it with other things. I will not attack the United States Air Force. I'm attacking a small group that constantly conceals the public, just as they have concealed other things. For a long time, you could not even mention that we could be hit very easily by missiles from submarines from the Gulf or both shores. I knew it for many years, but at that time I was discouraged. Now that you mentioned it ... about denying those documents. I would like to tell you now what happened in the theater Armstrong Circle. I asked for these points to appear in the script and I was discouraged, first by their author. But later on, some of our board of directors insisted that we include those points. So I said: "Either there will be or I will not continue." They said so well. So the script was completely overwritten and the points there were when it was first tested. But when the second test was held and the Air Force saw a military file with Air Force officials, it was immediately denied by Armstrong writer, even though it meant the conviction of their own main project. The source of this is the captain Edward Rupelt, who has been the project leader for two years Blue Book. And at that time he was considered to be good enough to inform President Truman himself about these matters. He was a top man, the rank did not mean anything, it was an experience that was counted. Good, he says these things existed. He put it in a book that was cleared by the Air Force Security Department. It was cleaned 5. December 1955. It is in this book: he has never been drawn into a military court. I have here, and if you let the camera take it: this is a sheet from the Armstrong theater scenario that was deleted. It was crossed out and I was told I should not say it in the ether. Now it was censorship by intimidation. This sheet can be compared with other Armstrong Circle sheets, and any writing expert will confirm it. They ordered it to be removed.

WALLACE: I'm sure people believe you. The only thing I can do is remember how I read the following morning, Major Keyhoe, telling you that no pressure was put on you, no censorship.

KEYHOE: I'm sorry, Mr. Wallace, but I know the message almost memorized. I said CBS and the people around Armstrong did not blame me when I was trying to mention the fact that they are working at a secret angle in the Senate Committee. That night I did not mention anyone because I promised Armstrong people I would not talk about it in the ether. It was removed and I will do this: I will ask the United States Air Force to put me in the service of Marines for a military court if it is not.

WALLACE: Major Keyhoe, I understand you have three new reports that you think you ... are currently available, they are new news. In your opinion, you would convince everyone in this country of flying objects being real. It is so?

KEYHOE: It should convince a lot of people about the names they include.

WALLACE: Tell us about it.

KEYHOE: I told your reporter in Washington that I can not mention these names because their position was too high: one of them is a top scientist in this country whose name everyone would know.

WALLACE: But why would not he want it?

KEYHOE: Because they're afraid of official ridicule.

WALLACE: Are they afraid of official ridicule?

KEYHOE: Exactly.

WALLACE: Is he afraid of more mockery than perhaps warning the country of serious national dangers?

KEYHOE: You would be surprised how many people are telling us and say, "Please keep my name secret". I will give you one message that came to us, the name must be omitted. 1951 UFO surrounded the fleet in Korean waters. They circled around them at high speed, and they sent several planes to try to get closer. They focused the machine on the radar, the radar that led the aircraft to that object. It was measured by radars of fourteen naval vessels. The object circled about ... half an hour or more, and then took off at a speed of more than a thousand miles an hour. This report was confirmed and nine members of our board of directors saw it, signed it, agreed that they saw it and also agreed to the content of the report. There is another report that came from the top designers or engineers of one of the major races in the country. They saw an ellipsoidal object and two small circular disc-shaped objects flying over the 11 of California. November 1957 at least five thousand miles per hour. These men are well-qualified, knowing what they saw in bright daylight without clouds in the sky. There were even cases when the Air Force shot these things. If nothing is there and these objects do not exist, why would they shoot them? You mentioned Mr. Horner. The day after Mr. Horner said the Air Force was not covering up, Captain Gregory Oldenburg, the Officer for Public Communication at Langley Field, refused to put an advertisement on the Langley Base ... their newspapers, and asked that everyone interested in UFOs would form a small group and communicate within it. He said, "I have to reject it because the dissemination of UFO information is inconsistent with the Air Force and 200 Aircraft Policy and I have a copy here in case you want to see it.

WALLACE: Well, Major Keyhoe, I have to say that the Air Force tells us ... they do not doubt your motives, but they question the accuracy of all your information and for that reason they say you were, and if they were - in a sense - open to the invitation of all people, who saw UFOs to come back into contact with them, would get all kinds of jokes, cheaters, and so on. And you see that each of these observations has been reduced and it has been a tremendous amount of money, and it has not been of any benefit over the past few years.

KEYHOE: That's what they told you.

WALLACE: They told me. Now, sir, I would like to ask you this: In the last couple of years, millions of enthusiasts have been disturbed by the story of two men in their flying saucers, George Adamski a Howard Menger, both claim to have seen flying saucers. Menger claims that in one of them he was driven by some of Venus's creatures. Adamski claims to have talked to a man from Venus in the desert of California. I'm curious about your reaction to these stories. And we get to, Mr. Keyhoe, for 60 seconds (ad). So, Major, in terms of George Adamski and Howard Menger, both men say they were talking to the people of Venus. Menger claims he even took him to the flying saucer. Do you believe them?


WALLACE: Do you think they are scammers?

KEYHOE: We do not accept messages from these so-called contacts without evidence. We asked them to put forward their claims and passed a lie detector test. We will not throw them away, but we will only tell them: "We'll give you a fair chance." I think this is the least important part of the whole picture. The most important is the weight of evidence from hundreds of competent people. I would like to name them a few: Captain Richard Case from American Airlines, captain CS Charles from Eastern Airlines, Captain T. Kravitz from TWA, Robert Dickens from TWA, Colonel Don J. Blakesly, commander of the US Air Force wing. I could put together a list of people who know what they are doing and who still do the service they still fly.

WALLACE: Major Keyhoe, what would you like us to do about flying machines? What steps do you intend to take?

KEYHOE: I think American citizens should write to their congressmen and insist that an open hearing be held by the Senate Committee ... ... in the Standing Committee on Governmental Operations, which has been examining for six months.

WALLACE: An Air Force spokesman told us this week, saying: "The members of the Senate Subcommittee have already spoken to us and have shown no interest in organizing hearings on this matter."

KEYHOE: Over the last few weeks I've been talking to the chief investigator. I gave him a lot of information and gave him information about one case when one airliner was sent to pursue this thing and the passengers did not know about it all the time. This includes two government agencies, except for air forces that refused to issue a report. And I'll say this: if you get ... if he gets the committee then Ruppelta, Major Fornay, several colonels, and Major General Garland, who worked on the project, there would be a great deal of discovery because air forces simply treat people like children. They do not believe them.

WALLACE: You know, here is an interesting, very interesting question, Major. The United States and Russia have started broadcasting satellites in the sky, and we may soon be able to send a rocket to Mars. You believe that creatures from space have bases on Mars. What happens when we start rockets on the Moon or on Mars?

KEYHOE: This question has already been raised once. We expect to have a base on the Moon over the next five years. It is possible that there is a base there. I'm not saying there is any evidence, but ...

WALLACE: Is it possible that we start an interplanetary war when we start sending our missiles to the Moon and Mars?

KEYHOE: General Douglas McArthur declared in 1955 that the next war would be an interplanetary war and we will have to join forces against people from other planets.

WALLACE: One last question, Major Keyhoe: Have you ever seen a flying saucer?

KEYHOE: I watched radar, but I keep in mind the word about 800 best witnesses in this country and abroad.

WALLACE: But you yourself have never seen a flying saucer?

KEYHOE: I was just a reporter, and very attentive.

WALLACE: Thank you, Major Donald Keyhoe. As you have just heard, the theory of controversial flying objects is stuck in contradictory statements and interpretations of facts. As for Major Donald Keyhoe, he, like most of us, never saw flying objects, which only makes him a mystic who has never seen the spirit. But one must admit that he has a lot of faith in himself.

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