Meditation can greatly slow the aging process

29. 01. 2021
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

Meditation rejuvenates our cells and prolongs life! This is not an esoteric wisdom, but an unambiguous result of long-term studies by the renowned Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

That is yoga and meditation for our body and soul a valuable helper, should not surprise anyone. Today, I want to inform you that yoga and meditation can even prolong our lives. This prolongation of life obviously has not only a quantitative value but also a higher quality of life can be achieved.

The magic word is called "telomerase". Basically, telomeres are ends on chromosomes that protect DNS from damage. They are shortened by each cell division, and this shortening is exacerbated by oxidative stress. For this reason, with increasing age, our telomeres shorten.

American professor revealed the phenomenon

As the long-term studies of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) show, long life and perhaps rejuvenation are possible through meditation. Professor Tonya Jocobs and her colleagues have meddled their probands for 3 months.

During this time, they meditated 6 hours daily or practiced other meditation practices. The researchers evaluated the activity of telomerase and compared the groups. Probandi, who meditated for three months, had markedly increased telomerase activity. In addition, all measured psychological well-being factors have been improved. The attention and sense of meaningful life have improved. Probandi said they have better control over their own lives.

The level of neuroticism has decreased, a measure of emotional lability. In the article "Long telomere, long life - cellular optimization using meditation," Sascha Fast details the unusually significant study of Professor Tony Jacobs.

Similar results have existed for longer

Of course, there are also scientific results on prolonging life with a higher quality of life, which are related to meditation and the increase of antioxidants in the body. Many studies have shown that meditation enhances the effectiveness of Glutathione (GSH), the "mother of all antioxidants."

Gustavo Bounous MD, a former professor at McGill University, is of the opinion: "It is the most important antioxidant in the body because it is found in the cell, which has a major role in neutralizing free radicals."

While antioxidants can be obtained from many sources, including food, it is perhaps the largest radical neutralizing weapon in our personal offering that reduces stress. According to the study, meditation enhances the production of Glutathione in the body, which can reverse damage through free radicals, oxidative stress and the like.

A commonly quoted study, published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine (Sinha et al, 2007), shows us clearly that through yoga and meditation Glutathion rises by 41%!

Mind is power

Again, these researches reveal what all our minds can do! That eventually "mind over matter" is the basic principle of everything. Of course, this is due to the fact that "matter" does not exist at all, because everything that appears as matter is a more or less concentrated conglomerate of oscillations, which at the moment when we pay attention to them, they just do as if they stopped for a while and behave so as if they were made of particles so that our minds could understand them.

It is difficult for normal human reason to understand that the material world around us is in fact something quite different from our idea of ​​it.

The MIT study once again showed that our mind is a force that controls everything, and that we can even use it to prolong life if we use it properly.

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