Mexico: Find aliens' skulls?

1 15. 04. 2023
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

Archaeologists in Mexico have uncovered (December 2012) a large skull that has markedly elongated skull bones. The estimated age is more than 1000 years. The find is located near the Mexican village of Onavas.

According to archaeologists, this is the first find of its kind in the area. Archaeologist Cristina Garcia Moreno, director of the research project, said: "The deformation of skulls in Mesoamerican cultures served to separate social groups and also for ritual purposes."

A total of 25 people were found at the cemetery, of which 13 have elongated skull bones and five of them have deformed teeth (compared to ordinary human teeth). "This unique discovery shows a combination of traditions from different groups in northern Mexico," said Moreno.

"This is the first time in the Sonoran region that ornaments made from sea shells have been found in the Gulf of California. The discovery extends the sphere of influence of the Mesoamerican people further north than previously thought, "she said in a video sent through YT.

Some creatures wore ornaments in the form of bracelets, nose rings, earrings, shell pendants, and in one case a turtle's shell was found carefully placed over its belly.

Garcia Moreno carried out excavation work under the auspices of Arizona State University and with the approval of the National Institute of Archeology and History (INAH).

Moreno believes that dental deformities were part of rituals: “Dental deformities in cultures such as Nayarit were part of the rituals associated with adolescence. This is also confirmed by the finding in the Sonora cemetery, where dental deformities were found in people older than 12 years. "

"In this case, no social differences can be recognized, because they are all buried in the same way. We didn't even find out why some of them are wearing ornaments and others are not, and especially why there was only one woman out of 25 skeletons, "said Moreno.

The team said that a large number of children and pre-pubescents may indicate that targeted cranial deformity was very risky, which could lead to frequent deaths.

According to one of the skeletons, the find was dated to the period around 943 AD.

The key factors determining whether skeletal remains of terrestrials or aliens are: the number of cranial bones, the volume of the skull, and the weight of the skull. The alien skulls have fewer cranial slides, the skull volume is greater than 25% and the skull itself is up to 60% heavier than human.

In this sense, the best known cases are the skulls from Paracasu.

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