Michaela Sklářová: What is qigong

03. 11. 2020
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

Chi kung is a comprehensive system of ancient Chinese medicine for health and longevity, or the art of cultivating life, sometimes referred to as Chinese yoga. It reveals to modern man the perspective of achieving real health, stability and harmony of personality, knowledge of cosmic laws. Chi kung is one of the most popular forms of exercise in China because, like yoga, it has the ability to develop strength, flexibility and endurance in body and breath, it calms the mind.


With regular exercise, the body gradually changes, its mobility increases. Due to the slow movements in accordance with deep breathing, the blocked qi (life force) in the main energy centers is stirred up and the accumulated stress and tension are visibly released all over the body.

Chi kung, this ancient Chinese art for health and longevity, is considered a healing method with a long history of more than 6 years. In China, qigong and taichi are very popular. Both disciplines are part of everyday life for people of all ages until old age. People practice them there every day in the parks, regardless of the weather and condition.

The purpose of qigong practice is to activate the blocked qi energy (Qi) in the body in the so-called meridians, energy pathways that are all over the body. Chi-kung corrects posture and the entire spine so as not to damage individual vertebrae, relieves emotions and calms the mind.

Chi Kung positively changes lives

Chi kung is the key to health and longevity. In a short time, your life will start to change positively, improve your health, and bring stability, clarity and insight into your life. You will start to feel better in a natural way, so:

  • you will improve your overall health
  • you give strength and vitality to the body
  • eliminate stress and fatigue
  • you calm your emotions and mind
  • improve concentration and memory
  • increase your performance
  • you develop intuition
  • slow down the aging process
  • you will prolong your life
  • rejuvenate your appearance and body
  • you will develop self-healing skills
  • you get an incredible surge of sexual energy
  • and all without side effects.

Health effects of qigong

Chi-kung exercises balance physical and mental functions, improve health, strengthen the body and calm the mind. They open the way to personal development and lead to an understanding of the laws of the universe. Regular exercise has a positive effect on the nervous system, increases joint mobility and body flexibility, improves the function of all organs, immunity, etc.

The exercises are performed at a slow pace in accordance with the breath, and like yoga, these exercises harmoniously develop the personality in terms of physical, mental and spiritual. Regular qigong exercise relieves stress from the muscles, calms the psyche and increases the body's resistance to disease and the negative effects of other people!

Regular practice of qigong exercises:

  • contributes to the relaxation of the body and psyche
  • increases sexual energy and overall fitness
  • improves the ability to concentrate, coordinate movements and control motor skills
  • shapes the body and regulates the metabolic system
  • regulates and activates the activities of all internal organs
  • improves the flexibility of all joints and spine, overall posture
  • harmonizes the body's energy and strengthens the immune system
  • acts against stress and anxiety, eliminates fatigue, improves sleep disorders
  • offers a path to positive thinking and personal development

Enjoy the conversation of Sueneé and Michaela Sklářová

Tip from Sueneé Universe

Michaela Sklářová: Taichi Chi Kung (DVD)

DVD Taichi qigong - length 1 hour 6 min., Czech

Michaela Sklářová: Taichi Chi Kung (DVD)

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