The alien threat is probably a big lie (1.

06. 12. 2016
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

Hey, Jeff, (apparently Jeff Rense)

I attach a surprising testimony from Carol Rosin Project Disclosure (Steven Greer). Note the date, which is well in advance of September 11, 2001 and subsequent events. He deals with the secret space weapons agenda, under the guise of four false threats - namely the Russian threat (culminating in Star Wars), the threat of terrorism (son of Star Wars), the subsequent threat of asteroid impact and finally enemy aliens.

I am sure you are familiar with it, but given the recent history, I feel that more people should know this program as a likely candidate for one of the hidden reasons for the war on terrorism, etc. I have published it years ago, but I have not mentioned about it at any conference I lectured on. I am always surprised how few so-called Ufologists have even heard of it, given that everyone should know all of these published testimonies, according to Greer's Disclosure Project.

Duncan Roads, editor of NEXUS Magazine


Dr. Carol Rosin was the first woman to be the corporate manager of Fairchild Industries and a spokesperson Wernhera von Brauna in the last years of his life. She founded the "Institute for Security and Space Cooperation" in Washington DC and has testified to Congress on many occasions about space weapons. Von Braun presented her with a plan to justify these weapons, deployed based on the falsification of an alien threat. She was also present at a meeting in the 70s, where a scenario for the Gulf War, planned for the 90s, was presented.

Interview with Carol and Steven Greer:

CR: Dr. Carol Rosin
SG: Dr. Steven Greer

CR: My name is Carol Rosin. I was originally a teacher, but I became the first woman to act as a corporate manager of Fairchild Industries. I am a Counselor of the Anti-Missile and Space Defense program, a consultant and consultant of a number of companies, organizations and ministries, even intelligence services. I was TRW consultant working on MX missiles, so I was part of this strategy, which was a model for introducing space weapons to the public. The missile MX was another weapon system we did not need. I have established the "Institute for Security and Space Cooperation" that Washington DC considers essential. As his author, I testified before Congress and the Presidential Commission on Space.

When I was Fairchild Industries' manager from 1974 to 1977, I met Dr. Wernherem von Braunem. We first met in early 1974. At that time, von Braun was dying of cancer, but he assured me that he would live for a few more years to tell me about the game being played. It was an effort to transfer armaments into space, to control the Earth from space, and also outer space itself.

Carol Rosin & Dr. Verner von Braun

Carol Rosin & Dr. Verner von Braun

Von Braun has worked on weapon systems in the past. After fleeing Germany to our country and becoming vice president of Fairchild Industries, I met him then. Von Braun's task during the last years of his life, at a time when he was slowly dying, was to inform the public and decision-makers about why space weapons are stupid, dangerous and destabilizing, too costly, unnecessary, unworkable and undesirable, and about alternatives, which we have available.

Already on the deathbed, he taught me about these matters and about the people who are in the game. Because he was dying, I had a great responsibility to continue this effort to prevent the militarization of the universe. When he died of cancer, he asked me to be his spokesperson to appear on occasions when he was too sick to speak for himself. I did it.

What was most interesting to me were the recurring opinions he told me over and over again, during about four years of having the opportunity to work with him. He told me that the strategy used to inform the public and decision-makers is intended to frighten them by identifying enemies. According to this strategy, von Braun told me that in the first place are the Russians, who are considered enemies. In fact, in 1974, enemies had already been identified. We were told that they had "killer satellites", they were approaching us and the Communists wanted to control us.

Then they were soon to be followed by identified terrorists. We have heard a lot about terrorism. We have further designated third world countries as nations of "fools." We now call them the dreaded nations. He said it would be the third enemy we would make space weapons against. The last enemy was the asteroids. At that moment, he laughed a little when he said it for the first time. Against asteroids, we will build space weapons…?

The most fun of all was what he called aliens - aliens. They could really scare us in the end. Repeatedly, during the four years I had known him with his speeches, he finally pulled out the last card: "Remember, Carol, that the last card is an alien, that we will have to build space weapons against the aliens, but that's all a lie."

I think I was too naive at that time to know the serious character of the confusing information that was put on the system. Now parts of them are starting to fit into their places. We will build space weapons even if the stimuli are false. Wernher von Braun has tried to suggest this from the beginning of 70. years until he died in 1977.

What he said to me was that work was speeding up. He did not mention time sequences, but he said acceleration would still accelerate, more than anybody imagines. An effort to place weapons into space is not only based on lies but will speed up the moment when people understand it unless it is too late.

When Von Braun was dying, he had an outlet on his side from the first day we met. He tapped the table and said, "You're going to Fairchild." I was just a teacher, but he said, "You're going to Fairchild and you'll be responsible for owning space weapons." He said with interest in his eyes, adding that he had said the first time. the day we first encountered that space weapons are dangerous, destabilizing, too expensive, unnecessary, and an uncontrollable and impracticable idea.

Alien threat

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