Aliens are more intelligent than we are, but without feelings

09. 05. 2019
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

Immediate contact with extraterrestrial intelligence is a serious problem for mankind. This is the opinion of prominent Ukrainian scientists and original Bible interpreters Vasily Kusherts and Yuri Kanygin. In their conclusions, they are based not only on the philosophically legitimate recognition of the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations, but also on the belief that the extraterrestrial intelligent world will soon manifest itself publicly.

The problem of extraterrestrial civilizations has become one of the most pressing problems of our time. It may be the central problem of recent times. It is even hard to imagine what awaits us (including our science) in the case of open contact with cosmic intelligence. Unfortunately, understanding the seriousness of the problem bypasses official science. Unfortunately, we Earthlings absolutely cannot imagine the consequences of the above contacts. How the aliens care about us - that is the question! Protect God if in a gastronomic sense!

It's nonsense, says the optimistic reader, after all, they are our brothers and even better - they know our culture. But excuse me, weren't the fascists our "brothers" too? And didn't they consider themselves highly cultured people? How many innocent people were they getting into concentration camps! Up to 2 million people were killed in Treblinka alone. So it is not a matter of brotherhood, but of spirituality. Unfortunately, it was reason that made it possible to create deadly technologies that were not before, such as gas chambers, cremation furnaces, etc.

Aliens are more intelligent

According to the teachings of the Orthodox Church, extraterrestrials are more intelligent than we are, but without feelings. They are fallen angels - subjects who have left God and followed Lucifer. That's scary. In this context, the position of the Catholic Church is surprising. Nor is it the fact that the Vatican has officially recognized extraterrestrials and the inevitability of meeting them soon.

Here is a statement by the State Secretary of the Vatican:

“The Holy See does not deny that extraterrestrial beings are more intellectually and spiritually developed than people who are attracted more to evil than to good. Extraterrestrials are mediators between humans and angels. They pray for us. ”

The Vatican theologian Corrado Balduchi read the official document on television: "The Special Commission of the Holy See has concluded that contacts with extraterrestrials are not purely demonic, unrelated to the mental health of people in contact, that is, they are not hallucinations. They are real phenomena and deserve our attention. ”

In our opinion, the Vatican made serious mistakes in relation to "newcomers", which can lead to fatal consequences. The main mistake is to ignore the bipolarity of the cosmos, ie the presence of the light (divine) forces and the dark (diabolical) forces in it. The Vatican, judging by the above statements, is based on the contact of Earthlings with light forces. But what to do if representatives of the Dark Forces come to us? It is likely that the Vatican, which is in close contact with the ruling circles of the United States (which already have contacts with extraterrestrials), has begun to prepare mankind for the facts of the encounter with the aliens.

Judging by the data of ufologists and numerous contactees, it is possible to state a predominantly good or indifferent attitude of extraterrestrials to us. But many other facts, such as ominous cases of kidnapping and human experiments (similar to SS experiments in concentration camps), rape of women, murders, implantation of embryos, material damage (dissection of farm animals) and much more. The fact is that humanity is on the verge of a new choice of unprecedented complexity and fateful drama (read the Apocalypse). In this respect, we are expected to radically change science and humanity.

We are entering the historical cosmic phase (direct contact of people with extraterrestrials) that will open the sacred foundations of human history, namely its foundations based on the Bible:

1) Man comes from cosmos (created by extraterrestrial forces - God)

2) His history is the struggle of the light and dark cosmic forces - God and the Devil with active human participation

3) The history of mankind is in harmony with God's plan, which, although disturbed by dark forces and man, on the basis of his sinfulness, will still be fulfilled.

The current situation is very similar to the situation before the flood of the world, described in the Bible, when "the heavens" - the aliens were on Earth and saw the daughters of men as beautiful and "took them as the women of their choice." Violence has thus become commonplace (it is also becoming the case today - there is evidence that many people were born out of connection with aliens, even though they were unaware of it), and “God sees that corruption among people on Earth is great … And the Lord repents for creating man on earth, and his heart is grieved.

And the LORD said, "I will destroy the people of the earth that I have created." Nowadays, scientists are increasingly convinced of the perversion of humanity, the participation of unexplored aliens, and the possibility of a new world disaster (such as the flood). It is strange that the ruling circles of the United States and several other countries and their secret services are developing "scenarios of the future" based on Bible data and other primary sources, taking into account contacts with intelligent aliens.

And what is the essence of this cosmic challenge?

In our understanding of ourselves and our role in the universe. We are the children of God and this is evidenced by our spirituality (the Holy Spirit who is in our soul). But the children of heaven rushing to us are mindless. They are the children of Lucifer, who turn away from God. And worst of all, though mindless, they are much smarter and stronger than us, because their civilization is a thousand years ahead of us, from a scientific and technological point of view. Therefore, we cannot overcome this "challenge".

We will not analyze here specific extraterrestrials and their home planets. This is the task of future human science and cosmogony. The circle of these planets (and tasks for their study) is outlined in the Bible: "Can you bind the shimmering glitter of the Pleiades or untie the bonds of Orion? You bring the zodiac stars at the right time and lead the constellation of Lion with his young. Do you know what the orders of heaven are? You have appointed them to oversee the Earth. ”(Job 38,31-33: translation according to the Ecumenical Bible.)

1 Future science will approach these problems with the help of higher forces. This is not astrology but something more ambitious. We have only one way - an alliance with God and his messengers of light, who are fighting for us, or rather helping us in space combat. Apparently the Vatican relies solely on them, noticing the threats of space and the barking of dogs.

2 The essence of the space challenge for Earthlings is revealed in answer to the question: what do aliens need from us? What are they looking for? Do they have a small living space in the universe, a hundred thousand light-years in diameter?

The struggle to control the Earth

The struggle to control the Earth (such as "dust grains" lost at the edge of the universe), or rather to control us, is a battle for the entire universe. It is not a threat of meteor fall on Earth, but the use of our expansion into space. It is no coincidence that extraterrestrials pay major attention to the reproductive apparatus of humans, by hybridizing to transform human DNA to transform Divinity in their own way, as the original nature of humanity. This in turn turns the soul into a dark one. After all, man is a microcosm (miniature universe), analogous to a macrocosm (the great universe). The microcosm is the same as the macrocosm, (as above, so below and vice versa).

Aliens use all their knowledge, all their science to "break the defense" to achieve a chain reaction to the reproduction of their followers on Earth. Their experiments on women depend on it. This is a challenge for Earthlings. And there is no doubt that in the future our science (with the help of God) will be involved in the fight against extraterrestrial science, in order to strengthen the role of our blood, from the interspecies connection between humans and supermen. This will be one of the main tasks of genetics. Not only genetics, but also social sciences (including psychology) will gain new challenges in the fight against the dark cosmos.

It is known that both the bright and the dark forces in the universe operate through humans. Whole nations and races are involved in the cosmic struggle of Light and Darkness. 20 peculiarity. The century is that the center of this struggle, its front line, has been transferred from space to Earth. Satanic forces have come directly to our home and reign here! This is the meaning of the apocalypse (the last book of the Holy Scripture about the end of the world): “Rejoice in the inhabitants of heaven! Woe to those who live on earth and at sea! The devil came to you in anger because he knows he has little time. "

© Vladimir Streletskij

Pozn. Translator: The author of the article neglects the fact that every living entity must have a soul as an energy-information component, distinguishing a being from matter. Its quality is broad-spectrum, from negative to positive in nature (usually defined from darkness to light). So aliens are not dark, under the influence of Satan, but they occur just like humans in the whole spectrum of souls. Unfortunately, the "dark" ones first found their way to a treaty with the US government after 1947. On the contrary, many people associate with the "light" ones.

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